OPP Identifier Numbe EPA · 1998-05-14 · 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (2024)

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (1)

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OPP Identifier Numbe

& EPA Unlud States

Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~

Registration Amendment Other 266264

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Check ff this is 8 new addrsss

Amendment· Explain below.

3. Proposed Classification

g-None 0 Restric1

6. Expedited Reveiw. In accordance with FIFRA Section 3(c)(3 (b)(iJ, my product is similar or identical in composition and labelin to: EPA Reg. No. ___ -HN ... oI .... ILa::.FI"'C"'ATI~wO!llNL__ __ _

Product Name

Final printed labels in repsonse to Agency letter dated


Resubmission in response to Agency letltet dum::l ______ _

o o o

"Me Too" Application.

Notification - Explain below. Other - Explain below.

Explanation: Use additional page(s) if neces$ary. For sectirn I and Section II.) II

V4. II, S.e..L "? £"i,.""'.l,, l::>ll '<!)~c:1.1. NON' RCI'A 'K,Q6:...lG.,eJ, ~.

Child-Resistant Packaging

8' Ve.

: No

• Certification must be submitted

Unit Packaging



If ·Yes" '--IP8' Unit Packaging wgt.. =-miner

Water Soluble Packaging



tf ·Yes· Package wgt

No. per container

Information 4. SiIZllC.' RmIiI Container

o Other


2. Type of Container

Gla$s Paper ~~:~~c

Other (Specify)~ ____ _

of Label Directions

... YPlication.)

Telephor.e No. (Include Area CO(

,6. Date Application Received


OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (2)

ZENECA Ag Products

EPTAM®7·E Selective Herbicide-Emulsifiable Liquid

Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: ~thyl dipropylthiocarbamate . .. .......... . ... ,.. 87.8% WERTINGREDIENT8: ............................. ~

TOTAL .................................. 100.0% Contains 7 pounds of actiw ingredient per gafron.

EPA Reg. No. 10182-220 EPA Est. No. 10182-NB-l

Contents: 21' gal (S.46LI


MAY 1 4 199B




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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (3)



bJmaeu Tex!'" JNCJRC"" has lJJe folJowi~ P31eJ11s: UK Pllt App NtIs. jQl'/1!2 3 & ~;tlE32,3. UIIO Pat. App. 91915912.9 & 94200154 6, and USA Patent <lIllliredlor. • .... . . ..

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (4)

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ZENECA Ag Products ZENECA Inc. Wilmi~. ~ '9fl6O 6451


ZENECA AQ Products

EPTAM®7·E Selective Herbicide-Emulsifiable Liquid

Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control


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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (5)

EPT~ and RC}.NE~ are tTaOOffiarks of a ZENECA Group ~V. Compex1'1lll is a trademark of Kala, Inc. Dual- is a trademark af Ciba Crop Protection. lasso- is a trademark of Monsanto Company. Le~ and MatriX- are rrademarks of DuPont Micro-CeITlol is a trademark of Manville Sales Corporation. Prowt- is a trademark of American Cyanamid Company. Senco'- is a frademark of Bayer Corporation. $onalao- and Treflane are trademarks of DowElanco. Spontolloo is a trademark of Witco Corporation. Unite"" is a trademark of HACO, Inc.



NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale an.l Limitation of Wananty end Liability befonl: buying Of using this product. If the terms are not ecceptable, return the product at once, unopened. and the purchase price will be refunded.

The DIrectIOns for Use of thIS product should be followed carefully. It IS impossible toeliminale all risks inherently associated with the use of thIS product. Crop injury. ineffectiveness or other unintended conseQuences may result because of such factot'S as nlal'Vler of use or application. wearTlef or crop conditions. presence 01 other materials or other InfluenCing fac· tors in the use 0' the prodw:t, Which are beyond the control of ZENECA Of'

Seller. All such risles shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold ZENECA and Seller harmless lor any claims re~tlng 10 such factors.

ZENECA warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and is reaS()nably fit for the purposes stated in the Directions lor Use, subject to the inherenl riSks referred to abo~. when used In

accordance with directions under normal use conditi~. This ..... arr.anty does not elClend to the use 01 this prodUct contrary to label instructions. or under abnormal conditions or under conditions nOI reasonably fore· seeable to or beyond the control of Seller or ZENECA. and Buyer anc User assume the risk 01 any such use. ZENECA MAKES NO WAR· RANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PART+CULAF. PURPOSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EX::EF­AS STATED ABOVE In no event shall ZENECA or Seller be liable lor any incidental, conse· quential or speCIal damages resulting from the use or handlIng of !hI'> producl. THE EXClUSIVE REMEDY OF lliE USER OR BUY£R.. AND THE EXCLUSIVE LIABILITY Of ZENECA AND SELLER fOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, LOSSES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAIMS BASED ON BREACH OF WARRANTY. CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TORT, smlCT lIABfLITY OR OTHERWISEI RESULTING FROM' THE USE OR HANDliNG OF THIS PRODUCT, SHALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PUR­CHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR, AT THE ELECTION OF ZENECA OR SELLER, THE REPLACEMENT OF THE PRODUCT.

ZENECA and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it, Sl.Jb)Ec to the loregoing (X.XlCiitions 01 sale and limitatIons of warranty an:! of hablh!',. which may not be modified except bywrinen ag~ment Signed by a duly authorized representative of ZENECA.

~1998 ZENECA Inc.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (6)

CONTENTS STATEMENT Of PRACTICAL TREATMENT ................... " •.• " ... 3 PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS .............................................. 3 Hazart!s to Humans and Domestie Animals .•. , ........................ 3 PERS:INAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT .................................... 3 User Safety Recomrneodarions ................................................. 4 ENVlFClNMENTAL HAZARDS ................ " .................................. 4 GfN8AL USE PRECAUTIONS ....................................... " ........ 4 WEEi:.S CONTROLLED ............................................................... 5 DIREcnONS fOR USE .......................................................... " .•. 7 AGRtOJLruRAL USE ReQUIREMENTS ................................... 7 SlOf\.!.GE AND DiSPOSAL.... . ........... , .................................. 8 APPU:ATlON DIRECTIONS .....................................•................• 8 IM~3NAnoN ON DRY FERTILIZER ............ , ......................... 9 JNCO:::PORATlON DIRECTIONS... . ...................................... 9 SUBS..:RFACE APPLICATION ................................................. 10 PLA1\iNG DIRECTIONS .... . ....................................... 11 IRRIG..!.nON APPLICATION.. . ................................... 11 CULT' _ ;:;'AL PRACTICES FOLLOWING APPLICATION ............ 13 CAD.::; =;ECOMMENDATIONS.. . .................................... 14 TANW::::',IIX COMBINATIONS.. .. ..................................... 32 A..PPt:',DIX I ....... . .............................. 45 APP::',QIX II ... . ................................... 47 APPc',OIX III .. .. .................................. 50

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (7)

APPENDIX III 'low .. fcwEPT J-E UIJJ)g .,loUI- M ..... ilK:.. 4$1118)"·

Oun_ " Gillon. Pounch TM,,", P. P. Po< P. Orifico Winute Minutl Hour "-,

01:0 :J 215 B.37 D.t!)1 0.707 01< : 286 8.45 0.134 a.9la .Ol~ : :324 9,59 0,152 1.064 ,Ole : 375 ".10 0.116 1.232 OlE : 523 15.46 0.245 1.715 020 : 510 HI.04 0.286 2.00> 022 : 796 23.53 0.373 2.&" .024. : 896 2t).SO 0.420 2.940 02; : 996 25.46 0.467 3.269

0" '111 3<1.87 0.521 3.647 027 ·269 3754 0.595 4.165 029 ·2" 37.98 0.602 4.214 030 · 502 44.42 0.704 4.928 03:< • 641 48.52 0,769 5.383 03.! · E71 55.33 0.877 6.139 03= ~ :·91 61.83 0.900 6.860 037 ;: £23 6574 1.042 7.294 03~ ;: ,,39 7S 08 1.100 8.330 0,", :< 503 715 97 1.220 8.540 04 ~ ~ S07 83..03 1.316 9.212 0«3 ~ 882 8524 1.3!)1 9.457 045 ::. 334 sa.61 1563 10.941 04C ?44f WI.77 l.e13 11.291 047 : 678 10877 1.724 12.088 0 ... : ~SI 116.84 1.852 12.966 .05. .! 102 121.32 1,923 13.461 052 .!437 131.42 2.063 14.581 054 ~ e49 143.41 2.213 15.911 055 : ::179 150.22 2.361 16,667 057 " 333 157.73 2.500 17.500 .05$ :; S26 175.27 2,788 19.446 063 : 272 185.49 2"'" 20.580 .067 -; 110 210.28 3.333 23.331 .070 UOS 24265 3.846 26.922

*AeglS1efed trademalit of Spraymg Systems Co. ·"Figures were taken at 70"F. and are approximate. Be sure

occasionally to measure flow in the field to make certain you have the correct orifice and because rates vary with temper­ature. (Flow on an .037 orifice increases from 2.2 ounces at 70"F. to 2.4 O\Jnces at 92"F.). Use a 300 mesh screen on orifice sizes below .014 and a 200 mesh screen on all others.


ACTIVE INGREDIENT: 5-ethyl dipropylthiocarbamate ........................................ 87.8% INERT INGREDIENTS: ............................................... . 12.2%

Total. . ............................................. 100.00/0 Contains 7 pounds active ingredient per gallon.

EPA Reg. No. 10182·220



Immediately start the procedures given below. If further treat­ment is required, contact a Poison Control Center, a physician, Of the nearest hospital.

IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasses of water but DO NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Have a physician determine jf canditian of patient will permit induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person.

IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of run­ning water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get medical attention immediately.

IF ON SKIN: Flush all affected areas with plenty of water for several minutes. Seek medical attentiDn jf irritatiDn occurs,

IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if respiratory irritation occurs or if breathing becomes difficult.

FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, CALL 1·800-F·A·S-T·M·E·D (327-8633). FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCV: Spill. leak. fire, exposure, or accident (;811 CHEMTAEC 1·800-424-9300.


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. Do not contaminate toad or teed.

Personal Protective Equipment Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are listed below. If you want tTOre options. follow the instructions fOl'" category E on an EPA chemical resistance category selection chart. . ...

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (8)

Applicators and other handlers must wear: -long·sleeved shirt and long pants • Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile

rubber or neoprene rubber or viton • Shoes plus socks • Protective eyewear

Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaninglmaintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other '-'ndry. When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs,. or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed In the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides 1«1 CFR 170.240(d){4-6)1, the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as specified in the WPS.

User Safety Reeommendatlon$ Users should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using

tobacco or using the toilet.

• Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.

• Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean doming.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash waters. Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.

GENERAL USE PRECAUTIONS Read all label directions before using.

EPTAM 7·E selective herbicide should be used only for rec­ommended purposes and ret;ommended rates. DO NOT OVERDOSE.

EPTAM 7·E is recommended for use on mineral soils only (soils containing less than 10% Ofganic mattef).

Keep container tightly closed when not in use. Do not store near seeds or fertilizers. Store Ollt of reach of dlildren. pets. and domestic animals.

Rinse spray equipment and empty containee.

Apply this product only as speciflEld on this label.

sPfCIAL PRECAUTIONS FOR CROP USE For incorporated applications, use equipment whid1 has been proven to incorporate thoroughly to the recommended depth.


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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (9)

The amount of EPTAM 7·E actually required in the manufacture of individual fertilizer mixtures should be detenrined carefuly for each production operation. This Is necessary to ensure that the amount of EPTAM 7·E actually contained in the mixture ap~ied to the soil represents the correct rate of use. Bulk fertilizer impregnated with EPTAM 7·E should be applied immediately, NOT STORED. All bulk containers must be tighdy covered while the product is being transported and applied to reduce chancel; of EPTAM 7·E loss via vclatilizaUon. EPTAM 7·E Physic.l Oat. Specific Gravity (20/2O"Cl: 0.954 (typical) Pounds/Gallon (20"C): 7.94 (typical) Flashpoint 190°F (Tag. CJosed Cup) Viscosity. Sprayable down to minus 20Of.

Approved Dry Fertilizer Ingredierm


Ammonium sulfate 21 Diammonium phosphate 18 Potassium chloride 0 Potassium sulfate 0 Super-phosphate (single) 0 Triple Super·phosphate 0 Urea 45 Ammonium phosphate sulfate 16 11-48-{) "

p K 0 0 <8 0 0 60 0 52

2'0 0 <6 0 0 0 20 0 t8 0

NOTE: K-Mag has been shown to be compatible with EPTAM 7-E and is approved for use.


In irrigated areas, do not apply EPTAM 7·E prior to preirrigation.

Tank mix this product with fungicides. insecticides, or herbicides oniVas recommended.

When properly applied and weather conditions exist for nor­mal ptant growth through the season, EPTAM 7-E will not harm the treated crop nor should hannful soil residues remain beyond harvest. However, during germination and early growth, extended periods of unusually cold and wet or hot and dry weather, insect, nematode, or plant disease attack, carry-ovet soil residues of certain persistent herbicides, the use of certain soil applied systemic insectiCides, highly saline Of alkaline soil conditions, improperly placed fertiliZers or soil insecficides may creale abnormal conditions that weaken crop seedlings. Also some of these abrlormal conditions may weaken established crops: alfalfa, almonds, etc. EPTAM 7-E used under these abnormal conditions could result in crop injury.

WEEDS CONTROLLED EPTAM 7-E will not control established weeds.

ANNUAL GRASSES: Annual Bluegrass Annual Ryegrass

(Italian Ryegrass) Barnyardgrass

(Watergtass Junglerice) Bermudagrass

(Seedlings) Crabgrass Giant foxtail Goosegrass

Poa annua

Lolium mulrinorum

Echinochloa spp.

Cynodon dactyfon Digitaria spp. Setaria faberi E/eusine indica Setaria viridis Green foxtail

Johnsongrass (Seedlings) lovegrass (Stinkgrass) Panicum, Fall

Sorghum halepense Eragrostis d/ianesis Panicum cflChotomifforum

Panicum, Texas· Rescuegrass Sandhur, Field Shattercane Signalgrass Volunteer grains·

(Barley, Oats, Wheat)

Panicum texanum Bromus willdenowii Cenchrus patJCilloTUS Sorghum bic%r Brachiaria spp.

Wild Oats* Avena (atua Witchgrass* Panicum capilfare Yellow Foxtail Setaria g/auca *May not becootroUed at less than 3~ pints of EPTAM 7-E per acte.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (10)

ANNUAL BROADLEAF WEEDS: Tall Morningglory Black Nightshade" Carpetwe&d Chickweed. Common Com Spurry Cutleaf Nightshade" Deadnettle (Hen bit) Fiddleneck Florida Pusley Hairy Nightshade* lambsquarters,

Ipomoea purpurea Solanum nigrum Malluga vertlclllata Stellaria media $pergula arvensis Solanum trif/arum Lamium amp/exlcau/s Amsinckia spp. Richardia scabr8 Solanum s8rrachoides

Common* Chenopodium album Nettleleat Goosefoot Chenopodium murafe Purslane. Common Portulaca o/eracea Prostrate Pigweed Amaranthus blitoides Prickly Sida* Sida spinosa Redroot Pigweed* Am.aranthus

ICommon Pigweed, retroflexus Sicklepod'" Cassia obtusifolia Tumble Pigweed Amaranthus albus The annual broad leaf weeds listed above will be controlled only if treatment is made when conditions are favorable for weed germination and growth. Broadleat weeds may only be suppressed at less than 3M pints EPTAM 7-E per acre in heavier soils or under very cold soil conditions.

"May not be controlled at less than 4Y, pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre.

PERENNIAL WEEDS: Bermudagrass Cynodon daety/on Purple Nutsedge* Cyperus rotundus Quackgrass Agropyron repeos Yellow Nutsedge* Cyperus esculentus

*May not be controlled at less than 3Y, pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre. Perennial weeds must be turned under and chopped up thor­oughly prior to treatment. The underground rhizomes of quackgrass and the rhizomes and stolons of bermudagrass must be cut up thoroughly so that four or less nodes l"4mlaln on a strand. For the siJppression or control of quackgrass and bermudagrass the disc must be set to cut 6 inches deep. Use 4~ to 7 pints EPTAM 7·E for quackgtass and 3~ to 7 pints for bermudagrass. The EPTAM 7-E should be incorporated by discing or applied in the irrigation water after the rhizomes and stolons have been cut up. Consylt recommendations for croPS on which these higher rates mav be used. Nutsedge may not be controlled by water-run applications in heavier soils.


APPENDIX II EPTAM 7-E IMPREGNAnON ON DRY BUlJ( FBITIUZSIS CAUTION: EPTAM 7-E alone or in cotnbiMticn with CJIIler her­bicides must not be impregnated on allW1Olil.m nitrate. sodium nitrate or potassium nitrate, Such rrixtures IT8J cause ecp&osion and fire.

All individual state regulations relating to !ulk drY' fertilizer blending, registration. labeling and applicatic.n are the respon­sibility of the individual and/Or c~any saling the fertilizer and EPTAM 7·E mixture,

EPTAM 7-E may be impregnated on many eTf bulk tertilizers and applied and incorporated in the soil t::lefo-'=: planting for the control of grass and broodlea! weeds.

All EPTAM 7-E supplementary literature irn;t"".a:tions and label recommendations regarding rates per acre, 5:11 incorporation, application, cautions, general use precautions a-.: other dn!aions must be followed.

Test results have shown that EPTAM 7-E on ::'l,k dry ~lilers gives weed control equal to EPTAM 7-E appiF.d as a spray in water or liquid fertilizer. However, unifonr mpregnatiof1 of EPTAM 7·E on dry fertiliZer particles and unffrn applicatioo in the field are necessary to assure good resu~

A minimum of 200 pounds and a maximum :T 700 pounds of approved ingredients impregnated with E=-AM 7-£ at the recommended rate must be applied per acre For impregnation EPT AM 7 -E on ay fertih29'""S, use a dosed rotary-drum mixer or a similar type of closed :lfmder eqOippe<i with suitable spray equipment. The spray n~ ... Je (or norzles~ should be positioned inside of the mxer to p"~r:e !J1litQ:m spray coverage of the tumbling fertilizer.

The EPTAM 7-E should be sprayed uniformlv :nto the 1ertilizer using a fine spray pattern.

The physical properties of fertilizers vary, pa-lcufarfy in Ijquid absorptive capacity. When absorptivity is sLfficient.. simple spray impregnation of the fertilizer w;th EFT,r..W 7·E pn:Mdes a satisfactory dry mixture.

If the absorptive capacity is inadequate, use at c. ,.tghfy at::s:wptive powder is required to provide a dry, tre&fJowng mixt1Uf"e.

Micro-CelT .... E (Manville Sales Corp.1 is tre record"l"'leflded absorbent powder. It should be added separaB'f and Llniformly to the prepared EPTAM 7-E fertilizer mixture n a quamtiTy that is sufficient to provide a suitably free-fcwing mixture. Generally less than 2% by weight of Micro-Ce ~ is reqLrired.


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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (11)

NOTE 1: For some combinations, premixing wettable powders in a little water in a pail before adding them to the spray tank will improve the compatibility of the final mixtures with EPTAM 7·E. This technique can be tested in the small-scale jar test by premixing the wettable powder in one-eighth O{) cup of water prior to addition to the pint of fluid fertilizer.


GaUons of flukl mL orT~. of

EPTAM 1of· to IN fertiliZer 10 be added to 1 pint applied per acr.

of fertilizer

H mL. top.

10 7 I\< 15 4 % 20 3 \; 25 3 \; 30 2 II 40 2 ~

Based on field rate of 1 pound active ingredient per acre in the fertilizer volumes indicated. Increase volume proportion­ately to correspond with intended field rate in tenns of pounds active ingredient per acre (e.g .. for field rate of 4 pounds actual EPTAM 7-E in 40 gallons fertilizer per acre, add 8 mL or 2 tsp. EPTAM 7-E to each jar for compatibility testing purposes).

**Two (2) milliliters or one-half 1M) teaspoon of adjuvant to be added to 1 pint of fluid fertilizer in order to equal the rate of 3 pints of adjuvant per 100 gallons of fluid fertilizer.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.

Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be In the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. This Standard contains requirements for the protection of agri­cultural workers on farms, forests, nurseries, and green­hOlJses, and handlers of agricultural pesticides. It contains requirements for training, decontamination, notification, and emergency assistance. It also contains specific instruc­tions and exceptions pertaining to the statements on this label about personal protective equipment WPE) and restricted-entry Interval. The requirements in this box only apply to uses of this product that are covered by the Worker Protection Standard.

Do not enter or allow worker entry into treated areas during the restricted entry interval mEl> of 12 hours. Exception: 11 the product is SOil-injected or soil-incorporated, the Worker Protection Standard, under certain circ*mstances, allows workers to enter the treated area if there will be no contact with anything that has been treated. PPE required for early entry to treated areas that is permit­ted under the Worker Protection Standard and that involves contact with anything that has been treated, such as plants, soil, or water, is:

• Coveralls • Chemical·resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or viton

• Shoes plus socks ~ Protective eyewear



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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (12)

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PRotIIBI~: Do not COOtaminate water, food or feed by storage or disp:>sal. Open dumping is prohibited. STORAGE: Keep container tightly cfosed when not in use. Do not store near seeds. fertilizers or foodstuffs. Can be stored at te~atures as low as minus 5O"f. PESnclDE DlSfOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility,

CONTAINER OCSPOSAL: Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recyding or reconditioning, or puncture and dis­pose of in a sani(ary landfill, or by other procedures approved by &ate and local authorities.

FOR BULK ~ MINl-BULK CONTAINERS CONTAINER tMSPOSAl: Reseal container and offer for reconditioning. 01' triple nnse (or equivalent) and offer for recycling or reconditioning, or clean in accordance with manufacturer's instructions.

CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS: Before refilling, inspect thor­oughiV for darraqe such as cracks, punctures, bulges, dents, abrasions, and damaged or worn threads on closure devices.

REFilL ONLY \',1TH EPTAM 7-E. The contents of this container cannot be colTiPletely removed by cleaning. Refilling with materials other than EPTAM 7·E will result in contamination and may weaken container. After filling .me before transporting, check for leaks.

Do not refill or transport damaged or leaking container. CONTAINER IS NOT SAfE FOR FOOD, FEED, OR DRINKING WATER!

EPTAM 7-E is a selective herbicide which for most uses must be rrixed (incorpor.sted), or injected subsurface into the soil, or applied in the imgation water for control of weeds listed on this label. EPTAM 7-E controls weeds by interfering with normal get"mination and seedling development. EPTAM 7-E does not control established or gerrrinated weeds present at application.

APPUCATION DROCTlONS Pour the recomnended amount of EPTAM 7-E into the spray tank during the filling operations. Apply in 10 to 60 galions of water per acre using a properly calibrated, low-pressure sprayer having good agitation. The soli should be well worked and dry enough to permit good soil mixing (incorporation).


APPENDIX I EPTAM 7-E WITH FLUID FERTIUZERS The following procedure is suggested for determining whether EPTAM 7·E may be combined with a specific fluid fertilizer for spray tank application.

Materials Required: 1. EPTAM 7-E.

2. Fluid fertilizer to be used.

3. Adjuvant for fertilizer tankmix: CompexTl~, Spanton". 168-0, Uniten.\ Or equivalent. The adjuvant which provides the best emulsification depends on the specific fertilizer under consideration.

4. Two one·quart, wide-mouth glass jars with lid or stopper. 5. Measuring spoons (a 25 mL pipette or graduated cylinder

provides more accurate measurement'.

6. Measuring cup, 8 oz. (237 mL).

Pr<u:edure: 1. Pour a pint (about 473 mL) of the fluid fertiliZer into each of

the quart jars.

2. Add adjuvant to one of the jars and mix (see next rate table).

3. Add the EPTAM 7-E to both jars (see next rate table).

4. Close both jars with lid or stopper and mix the contents by turning the jars upside down ten timas.

5. Inspect the surface and body of the mixtures-

(A) Immediately after completing the jar inversions, (B) After allowing the jars to stand quietly for 30 minutes,

(C! And then again after turning the jars upside down ten times. If a uniform mix cannot be made, the mixture should not be used. If either mixture remains uniform for 30 minutes, the combination may be used. Should either mixture separate after 30 minutes but readily remix uniformly with ten jar inversions, the mixture can be used if adequate agitation is maintained in the tank. If the mixture with adjuvant is satisfactory but the one without adjuvant is not, be sure to use the adjuvant in the spray tank. Add the adjuvant first at a rate of :3 pints per 100 gallons of fluid fertilizer; foaming can be minimized by using moderate agitation.

If nondispersible oil, sludge or clumps of solids form in the mixtures, the combination should not be used.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (13)

Application Ratas: Use the appropriate rates of EPTAM 7-E and Prowl 4-E as indicated in the following tables'

APPUCATION RATES PER BROADCAST ACRe-W.stillrn. Southwestern and Southeastern Regklns


Coarse 2M to 4li pints 11011{ pints (sand)

Medium 3 t04:!6 pints 1~ to 2 pints (loam)

Fine 3 t04:!6 pints 1~t03 pints (clay)



Course 3% or less 2)6 to 4 pints 1 to 1!6 pints (sand) more than 3% 2~ to 4 pints 1~ pints Medium 3"10 or less 3 to 4J.l: pints 1)6 to 2 pints Iloam) more than 3% 3 to 4!6pints n to 2 pints

Fine 3"10 or less 3 to 41.1 pints 1!6 to 2 pints (clay) more than 3% 3 to 4:..1 pints 2 tl) 2Y. pints



Course 3"10 or less 3)6 to 4)& pints 1 to 2 pints (sand) more than 3% 3~ 10 411: ",nls 2 pints

Medium 3"10 or less 3)6 to 4}! pints 1:!6 to 2~ pints (loam) more than 3% 3)6 to 4¥ pints 2:!6 t03 pints

Fine 3% or less 3}.l: to 4¥ pints 2 to 3 pints (clay) more than 3% 3)6 to 4¥ pints 3 pints

*Use the higher recommended rate of EPTAM 7-E where hairy nigtushade. black nightshade or nutsedge are present.


EPTAM 7-E may be combined with solution, slurry or suspen­sion fertilizers. However, physical compatibility with these fluid fertilizers must be determined before combining in the spray tank. See Appendix I tot special directions regarding these com­binations. Even though found to be compatible. constant agita­tion is necessary to keep the EPTAM 7~E uniformly mixed with the fluid fertilizer.

For all band applications, reduce dosage proportionately depending upon row spacing and band width to be treated.

IMPREGNATION ON DRY FERnUZER EPTAM 7-E may be impregnated on dry fertilizer for use on registered crops. However. uniform distribution of the EPTAM 7-E on tertilizer particles and uniform applkation are neces­sary to assure good results. See Appendix II directions for impregnation and use.

INCORPORATtON DIRECTIONS EPTAM 7·E and EPTAM 7·E tankmixes must be incorporated <mixed thorQughly) into the top 2 to 3 inches of soil immediately to prevent loss of the herbicide. Whenever possible, application and incorporation should be done in the same operation.

SOIL MlXlNG (INCORPORATION) BEFORE PlANTING: The follow­ing equipment commonly is used for soil mixing (incorporation) before planting: Pow.r Oriv.o Cultivation Equipnwnt (recommended on all soil types) set to cut to a depth of 2 to 3 inches.

Tandem Discs (recommended on all soil types) set to cut to a depth of 4 to 6 inches. operated at 4 to 6 mph followed by a spiked-tooth harrow or some other leveling device which extends beyond the ends of the discs. For more thorough mix· ing (for perenniallJrasses and in heavier soils) disc in twa dif· ferent directions (CrOSS disc). The second pass should be slightly shallower than the first

Field COlti .... tors /recommended for spring apphcation on coarse textured soils, and for fall application on all soils. Use only on soils in good tilth). Use 3 to 4 rows of sVv'OOps, spaced at 7 inch or less intervals and staggered so that no soil is left unturned, followed by a spiked-tooth harrow pulled behind the cultivator. Do not use chisei plows to incorporate. Set the cultivator to cut 4 inches deep. operated at 5 mph or more. Run the equipment over the fietd twice, the second run at an angle to the first.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (14)

Rotary Groond Driven or Spring-Tooth Cu~ ~recom­mended on coarse and medium textured soils in g:rod riD onlyl Set to penetrate to a depth of 4 to 6 inches and Cip8f8ted at 5 to 8 mph in two different directions..

SOl\. MXN:; IINCOAPORATlONl AFTER PlNIl1NG:o The ""owing equipment commonly is used for soil mxing tinoot"'"..orationl after planting:

POwel" driven cultivation equipment (reccmmendled en all soiiI types.) set to cut to a depth of 2 to 3 incres and ~ at 6 to8~.

Rolling cultivators (recommended on c.aarse and medium textured soils only) set to cut to a depth of 2 to 3 ind"1es and operated at 6 to 8 mph.

Rotary hoes or row wheels (recommendf:,j on coerse :extured soils only) set fa cut fa a depth of 1 to 1 r. Inches .-.d cceratecl at6 to 8 mph.


In established crops adjust equipment ::J throo-' soi toward the base of the crop.

Take care not to disturb the crop set<j or seedli~~ when incorpofating after planting.

Sha.llow incorporation with implemenn set to an: ~s than 2 in.c:hes deep may result in erratic wee.: control.

SUBSURFACE APPUCATION AT Pt.ANT1NG OR POSTEMERGENCE Apply EPTAM 7-E in 10 or more gallons c( walE!( per 2Cre.

Spadal equipment de1>igr:3d fOf subsurface applic:atkY1 MUST be used. Injector and sweep units must b:: rigidly mo...nted ()I;iI

the planter or cultivation unit. When usio; sweeps at ~ianti09 they must be mounted ahead of the planErs.

sotL WJECT1ON: Injector shanks must be roaced 2\0:: 10 3 inches apart and mounted in staggered positoOns to avod trast. buildup. Set shanks to Inje<:t EPTAM 7-E 2 to 3 Mnctes below the soil surface. The width of the band in which ....,c. control is desired will determine the number and spacing 01 injector shanks required per row. (Example: Foor injector shanks spaced 3 inches apart give a 12-inch band!, A biOiilCkast appti"" cation can be made by increasing the number aI staaMls. The two shanks adjacent fa the drill row must be 1.1' to U: inches on either side of it EXCEPT IN COTION WriERE DE DSTANCE MUST BE 4 INCHES ON EITHER stDE OF mE DfUU fON, AND SUGAR BEETS WHERE THE DISTANCE MUST BE 3 INCHES ON EJTHER SIDE OF THE DRILL ROW.



Soil Organic EPTAM RO-NEET Te.IrtURI Mo_" 7-E 6-E

Co.,,,,, 3,0 to 4.5 1.0 4.0

"'.5 1.0 to 1.25 4.0 to 4.33

Medium 3,0 to 4.5 1.0 to 1.25 4.010 4.5

"'.5 1.0 to 1.5 4.0 to 4.5

Rne 3,0104.5 1.0 to 1.5 3.0 to 4.5 >4.5 1.0to 2.0 4.5

-Make only one applicafton per growing season. Do nof apply the EPTAM 7-E/RO-NEET 6-E combination in the spring if either this combinatioo or RO-NEET 6-E alone was applied in the fall.

HDo not apply more than 6 pints of RO-NEET 6-E and EPTAM 7·E combined regard~ of the ratio.

EPTAM 7-E/PROWL" 4--E HERBICIDE TANKMIX For Weed Control In Dry Beans-All Regions

A tankmix combination d EPTAM 7-E plus Prowl4-E will give a broader spectrum of weed control than either product used separately.

In addition to the weeds listed on the label for EPTAM 7-E alone, the following annual broadleaf -weeds can be controlled with an EPTAM 7-E/Prowl 4-E tankmix:

Annual Spurge Kochia


Euphorbia spp. Kochia scoparia

Apply the EPTAM 7-E/Prowl 4·E tankmix as a preplant soil incorporated treatment.

Mixing: Add the recommended rates of both EPTAM 7-E and Prowl 4-E to the spray tank during filling and mix thoroughly. Apply in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Soil Incorporation: Immediately after spraying, the EPTAM 7-E and Prowl 4-E combination must be incorporated thoroughlv Into the top 2 to 3 Inches of 5011. for semi.rld areas of Eadem Washington,. Eastern OregOn and Idaho only: When application and incorporation are done in separate operations, EPTAM 7-E and Prowl 4·E must be incorporated the same day as applied. AppK:ation must be made on a dry soil surfaaa (at least ~ inch deep) free from dew and incidenral moisture. . ... . .

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (15)

Application Directions During filling. pour the recommended rates of both EPTAM 7-E and RO-NEET 6-E into a properly calibrated. low-pressure boom sprayer having good agitation. and mix thoroughly. Apply the material uniformly in 10 to 50 gallons of water per acre. Check calibration frequently during application and observe the noz­zles to ensure 8 uniform sprav pattern. The soil should be well­worked prior to application and dry enough to permit thorough mixing with incorporation equipment.

Soil 'ncorpQration: The EPTAM 7-E and RO-NEET 6-E tank mix­ture must be Immediately incorporated (mixed) into the top 2 to 3 inches of soil after spraying to prevent loss of the herbicides.


Soil Organic EPTAM RCl-NEET Textur. Matter,. 1-E e-E

Coarse 3.0 to 4.5 '_0 3_0 >4.5 1.0 to 1.25 3.0

Medium 3.0 to 4.5 1.0 to 1.25 3.010 4.0 >4.5 1.0to 1.75 3.0 to 4.0

Fine 3.0 to 4.5 1.0to 1.5 3.0 to 4.0 >4.5 1.0 to 2.0 3.0104.0


**Make only one applicatJon per growing season. Do not apply the EPTAM 7-E,lRO-NEET 6-E combination in the spring if either this combination or AO-NEET 6-E alone was applied in the fall.

***Do not apply more than 5 pints of RO-NEET 6-E and EPTAM 7-E combined regardless of the ratio.


COVERED SWEEPS: Set the sweeps to run below the soil sur~ face deep enough to cover the EPTAM 7-E with 2 to 3 inche$ of soil. Calibrate by measuring the spray band width at the back of the sweep, not the sweep width. For broadcast applf.­cations stagger sweeps on double too bar so they overlap sufficiently to allow spray bands to meet.

NOTE: When applying with either injectors or sweeps. EPTAM 7·E must be applied deep enough to allow 2 to 3 inches of soil to remain over the treatment after the planting operations.

PLANTING DIRECTIONS For preplant applications. seeding should be done as soon 8!S

possible after treatment to obtain a maximum period of weed control.

IRRIGATlON APPUCATlON POSTPLANTING AND ESTABUSHEO CROPS Meter EPTAM 7·E into the irrigation water using a metering device thaI will introduce a constant flow into the .... ater. For flood, furrow. or sprinkler i,rigation merer the EPTAM 7-E inte the water during the entire period OR. for sprinkler irrigation. t:fl.e EPTAM 7-E may be metered into sufficient water to penetrate to a depth of 3 104 inches. Time this EPTAM 7-E appltCation te ensure that proper penetration of the herbicide correspond!;: with the end of the irrigation period. Flush the lines and then turn the water off promptly. Consult RECOMMENDATlONS on this label for proper timing of application for each crop fot ......tlich irrigation application is recommended. A flow rate chan: for water run applications is found in Appendix 111 of tilts booklet

Use Precautions for Sprlnkter Irrigation Systems Apply this product only through sprinkler. includifig center pivot, flood (basin) or furrow irrigation systems. Do not apply this product through any other type of irrigation system.

Crop injury, lack of effectiveness. or illegal pesticide residues in the crop can result from nonuniform distribution of trealed water. If you have questions about calibration, you should contact State Extension Service specialists. equipment manufacturers Of other experts.

Do not connect an irrigation system (including greenhouse systems) used for pesticide application to a public water sys­tem unless the pesticide label-prescribed safety devices lor public water systems are in pl&ce.

A person knowledgeable of the chemigation sysIem and responsible for its operation or under the supervisoo of me responsible person. shall shut the system down and make necessary adjustments should the need arise, · ... .

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (16)

Application of more than label recommended quantities of Irri~ galion water per acre may result in decreased product perfor~ mance by removing the chemical from the zone of effectiveness. The system must contain a functional check valve, vacuum relief valve, and bN pressure drain appropriately located on the lnigation pipeline to prevent water source contamination from bacJcfJow. The pestidde injection pipeline must contain a functional, automatic, quick-dosing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back toward the injection pump. The pesticide injection pipeline must also contain a functional, normally closed, solenoid-operated valve located on the intake side of the injection pump and connected to the system interlock; to prevent fluid from being withdrawn from the sup­ply tank when the irrigation system is either automatically or manually shut down. The system muSf contain functional interlocking controls to automatically shut off the pesticide injection pump when the water pUITJ,l motor stops. The irrigation line or water pump must include 8 functlonal pressure switch which will stop the water pump motor when the water pressure decreases to the point where pesticide distribution is adversely affected. Systems m..l$l use a metering pump, such as a positivfJ dis­placement injection pump (e.g., diaphragm pump) effectively designed and constructed of materials that are compatible with pesticides and capable of being fined with a system interlock. Do not appty when wind speed favors drift beyQnd the area intended for treatment, when system connections Of fittings leak, when noZZles do not provide uniform distribution or when lines containing the product must be dismantled and drained. Any alternati"8 to the above required safety devices must conform to the list of EPA appro .... ed alternalille devices.

Use Precautions for Flood or Furrow Irrigation Tai/water (runoff water) from flood or furrow irrigation should be recirculated or used only on other crops which ate regis­tered for {his type of application. Systems using a gravity flow pesticide dispensing system must meter the pesticide into the water at the head of tho field aod downstream of a hydraulic discontinuity such as a drop structure or weir box to decrease potential for water source contamination from backflow if water flow stops. Systems utilizing a pressurized water and pesticide injection system mus! meet the following requirements:

The system must contain a functional check valve, vacuum relief .... alw,. and low pressure drain appropriately located on the irrigation pipeline to prevent water source contamination from backflow.


In addition to th$ weeds listed on the IabelfOf EPTAM 7~E alone, the follOwing annual broad leaf weeds can be controlled with an EPTAM 7-E/Lasso 4-E tankmix:

Common Ragweed Pennsylvania Smartweed


Ambrosia artemisiifolia Po!ygonum pensylvanicum

Mixing: Add the recommended rates of both EPTAM 7-E and Lasso 4-E to the spray tank during filling and mix thoroughlY. Apply in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre. Sollincorporatioo: Immediately after spraying, the EPTAM 7-E and Lasso 4-E combination must be incorporated thoroughly into the top 2 to 3 inches of soil. Application Rates: Use 2 to 3 pints of EPTAM 7-E plus 4 to 6 pints of Lasso 4-E. Use only the 4 pint rate of Lasso 4,E in Michigan. Use the higher rates of herbicides for heavy weed infestations and hard-to--cootrol weeds. Planting: Seeding shQuld be done as soon as possible after treatment 10 obtain a maximum period of weed control.

EPTAM 7-E/RO-NEEP 6-E HERBICIDE TANKMIX For Preplant Use in Sugar Beets-Northern Region {Michigan. Minnesota. OhiO_ and The Red RLver Valley Area of North Dakota Onlyl

DIRECTIONS FOR USE The EPTAM 7-E and RO-NEET 6-E combination is a selective tankmix which contn:xs weeds by interfering with normal germi, nation and seedling development This tank mixture can be applied only once per growing season. The combination may be used in the fall or in the spring (except where noted In the follow­ing table). The EPTAM 7-E and RO-NEET 6-E combination may cause crop injury 00 very light sandy soil and when used under adverse environmental conditions that weaken crop seedlings. A tank mixture of EPTAM J-E and AO-NEET 6,E will give equal to or greater control of the following listed weeds than either product used separately. This combination does not control established weeds.

Green foxtail Yellow foxtail Wild oats Yellow nutsedge Purple nutsedge Lambsquarters, common· Pigweed, redroot*

Setaria viridis Setaria gJauca Avena fatua Cyperus BSCulentus Cyperus rotundus Chenopodium album A!nar8nthus retrof/axus

·Partial control only (suppression)

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (17)


EPTAM 7·E/SONALAN" E C HERBICIDE TANKMIX For Weed Control In Dry 8eans--AII Regions

A tankmix combination of EPTAM 7-E plus Sonalan E.C. wtll give a broader spectrum of 'Need control than either product used separatmy. Caution: Do not graze or feed forage from treated fields to livestock.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE Mixing: Add the recommended rates of both EPTAM 7-E and Sona'an E.e. to the spray tank: during filling and mix thoroughly. Apply in 10 to 40 gallons of water per acre.

$oillncorporatioh: The EPTAM 7-E and Son alan E.e. combina­tion must be incorporated thoroughly in the top 2 to 3 Inches of soil immediately after spraying. App£icatlon Rates: Use the appropriate rates of EPTAM 7-E and Sonalan E.e. as indicated in the following table:

EPTAM Weed • nd '-E Soil Control Groundcherry*

Medium 1!i to 2M 3)Jto4

Fine 2!' t03 4t04}{

·Two passes are or groundcherry control.

The EPTAM 7-E;Sonalan E.C. tankmix more effectively controls the weeds listed for EPTAM 7-E alone plus these additional weeds:

Wild Buckwheat

Groundcherry (Lanceleaf and Wrights)

Planting: Seeding should be done as soon as possible after treatment to obtain a maximum period of weed control.

EPTAM 7-E/LASSO' 4-E HERBICIDE TANKMIX For Weed Control In Dry Beans In the Northern Region

A tanJc:mix combination of EPTAM 7-E plus lasso 4-E will give a broader spectrum of weed control than either product used separately.

Tho pesticide injection pipeline must contain a functional, automatic. quick-closing check valve to prevent the flow of fluid back toward the injection pump. The pesticide injection pipeline must also contain a functional. normally closed, solenoid-operated valve located on the intake side of the injection pump and connected to the system Inter­lock to prevent Huid from being withdrawn from the supply tank when the irrigation system is. either automatically or manually shut down. The system must contain functional interlocking controls to automatically shut off the pesticide injection pump when the water pump motor stops. The j, rigation line or water pump must include a functional pressure switch which will stop the water pump motor when the water pressure decreases to the point where pesticide distribution is adversely affected.

Systems must use a metering pump, such as a positive dis­placement injection pump 1e.g., diaphragm pump) effectively designed and constructed 01 materiaJs fhat are compatible with ~ticides and capable of being fitted with a system interlock.

Any alternative to the above required safety devices must conform to the list of EPA approved alternative devices .


Should weeds develop, a shallow cultivation or rotary hoeing will generally result in bener weed control. When cultivating for any reason, it should be shallOW, i.e., no more than}!, the depth the herbicide was incorporated or injected. Preemergenoo or paste mergence herbicides may be necessary to control weeds resistant to EPTAM 7-E.


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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (18)

CROP RECOMMENDATIONS All crop recommendations are giwn on a regional basis.. There are five regions. as delineated on the U.S. map printed on previous page. USE THE RECOMMENDATIONS IN YOUR REGION aNl Y.

RATE CONVEJISION TABtE Oosage rates in this bo<*iet are expressed as pints EPTAM 7·E per acre. The following table shows pints EPTAM 7-E per acre in the left column and the equivalent amount ot active ingredient per acre in the center colomn.



,~ , 7 ,~ '" 4~

,~ , 3~

3~ 3 2~

4~ 4 ,~

5~ 4i! ,~

5' 5 ,~

7 6 ,. 8~ 7M 1

17 '5 H

NORTHERN REGION Recommendations

These reconTl"lendations are given as the broadcast (overall) rates of EPTAM 7·E per acre. For band treatment, U$8 propor­tionately less material per acre depending upon the width of the band to be treated and the crop row spacing. 00 not use band application on rocky ground because thorough incorporation is not poSSible. ALFALFA- Bfl)SFOO! TBEfOtL a.oyEBS LE'PEDEZA' 00 not use EPTAM 7-E if a grass 01' gr<WI nurse crop;$ to bepfanted with the legume. Do not use on while dutch clover. Appeyand incorporate 3l! to 416 pints EPTAM 7...£ per acre just before plant­ing. Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first 1eaY8$ will occur if conditions for germination and growth are not opti­mum (e.g. tact of IllOisture), and wit be relieved by irrigation or adequate rainfall.


SPRINKLER APPUCATlON: Apptt the B'TAM 7-E ...c Matrix tankmix combination through spinlder- iinigation IIfIer" lJianting as a preemergenoo application cr as a1I early pos1EM'ibyence application at the rates specified ~0W'._1FBter to the Ef'7""AM 7-E and Matrix labels for specific.spRQdet ~n dir8ctDns.

APPUCAnON RATES P6li ~ST ACRf Regions EPTMIII 7-E ........ Northern, Southeastern. 3J! tints 1- Hoz Southwestern, Western Pacific Northwest 3M _ .. pints 1- H·:n

EPTAM 7·E/DUAL" 8E HERBICIDETANK:trJiIX For Weed Control In Dry Beans Itt the fI.1i::.rthern and Poil!lfic Northwest Regions

A tankmix combination of EPT~'" 7-E it*J$ Qual 81: .... 111 give bener weed control than either ;:nduct vsed separate'"

DIRECTIONS FOR USE Mixing: Add the recommended -ates of born EPTAW -..f anc Dual BE to the spray tank during filing amj rnx thOI'OUQ"l'" Apply in 10 to 40 gallons of water pet a:::-:. Soil Incorporation: Immediately Uter SPTra"(inq. the EF":.1,M 7-E and Dual BE combination must b= Incorporated thOfOU7!IV into the top 2 to 3 inches of soil.

AppUcation Rat .. : Use the appro::riate Ir.iBeS af EPTAH' ----E and Dual 8E as indicated in the follo",'ng table.:



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3" G ..... , SOIL EPTAM .,..,..... "",,",. TYPE 7-E 100_ -eoa.", "to T)4Ipims nl'pms (sand) 4~ pints

Medium 3~to 1:6 pin1ls 2""", (loam) 4~ pints

Fine 3Hto 2pintl!> 2'-(day) 4M pints :Upms

Planting: Seeding should be dena as soon as possi:Je after treatment to obtain a maximum ;eriod of MEed conrro .••••

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (19)

Use EPTAM 7·E plus Metribuzin ISencor, Lexone) posteth6f' gence only on russetted or white--skinoed potato varieties thai are not early maturing. In addition to early mawling 5t'J1OIOIh­skinned white or red skinned varieties of potatoes. certain vwieties of potatoes are sensitive to pre or posCemenJenoe applications of Sencor or lexone herbicides. Please refer to Sencor ancl'or lexone labels for more information/pfecauOoos.

EPTAM 7-E/MATRIX HERBICIDE TANKMIX For Weed Control In Insh Potatoes - AI ReglOftS

A tankmix combination of EPTAM 7·E and Matrix herbicide can be applied preemergence or postemergence to Irish Potatoes. The tankmix combination can provide broader spectrum weed control !han either product used alone. Before using EPTAtd ?.of and Matrix as a tankmix, read both the EPTAM 7-E and Matrix labels carefully. Observe al/ CButiQfls and ,jl'l'lftafions noted on the labels of both products.

Additional Weeds Controlled by th! Tank Mixture of EPTAM 7·E and Matrix

ladysthumb Kochia Mustard, Wild Smartweed.

Pennsylvania SUnflower, Common


Polygonum penilcaria Kochi" scopar;;: Sinapis arvensis Po/ygonum pensytvanicum Helianttws annvs

Mixing: Add the recommended rates of EPTAM 7-£ and MatriDc to the spray tank while the agitator is running. Add the EPTAM 7-€ last. Refer to the Matrix label for surfactant recommendations.. DRAG-OFF (PREEMERGENCEI APPlICATION: Apply and il1(X)f'

porate the EPTAM 7·E and Matrix tankmix combination at the rates specified below on the table. The field must be dragged off, then the EPTAM 7·E and Matrix tanltmix combinaoon applied and incorporated. Refer to the EPTAM 7-E label for spedfic regional incorporation directions.


Pacific Northwest, Southwestern 3M· 7 pints '~'l1oz

Southeastern, Western 3l!i pints ,. Uoz


OR AlfALFA· IFOR CONmOL OF ANNUAL GRASSES GROWING fBOM SEEP ONU1: Apply and incorporate 2l' pints EPrAM 7·E per acte just before planting. Temporary crop stunting and seal­ing of the first leaves will OC(:ur if conditions for germination and growth are not optimum. *Alfalfa is sensitive to soil residues of Atraline. Do not use

EPTAM 7-E on alfalfa if Atrazine was applied within the previous 12 months.

AND/OR ALFALFA IES!ABUSHED STANPS): Meter 2'4 to 3l!i pints EPTAM 7·E per acre into the irrigation water applied to estab­lished stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply within 14 days of narvesting or grazing alfalfa. LAplNa CLOVER (ESTABUSHED STANDS): Meter 2% to 3~ pints EPTAM 7,E per acre into the irrigation water applied to established stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply within 45 days of harvesting or grazing.

BEANS GREEN OR pRY: Do nor use EPTAM 7·E on Adzuki beans. cowpeas (blackeye peas, blacil:eye beans), soybeans, lima beans, Mung beans, Garbanzo beans or other flat­podded beans except Romano. Under abnormal weather con­ditions, stunting may occur on Gratiot, Micnilite, Sanilac, Seafarer, and Seaway varieties. Do not exceed 3!A. pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on small white beans or green beans grown on coarse textured soils. Do not exceed 9''' pints EPTAM 7·E per acre per crop. hll Application: lOry Beans, Minnesota and North Dakota only): Apply and incorporate in the late fall before the ground freezes. Use 4~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre on coarse teXTUred soils and 5:.: pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on medium and fine textured soils. Application At Planting: Apply and incorporate just before pfanting or meter into the irrigation water befOf'e or immedi, ately after planting, 3~ to 4}! pints EPTAM 7·E per acre. Rotary hoe lightfy during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs. IWD/OR


Directed Application: At time of last cultivation for the season apply and incorporate 3~ to 4~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. Apply as a directed spray to the soil at the base of the plants before bean pods start to form. 00 not feed or pasture vines to livestock within 45 days after application. • •••

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Irrigation AppIlcl*tion (Dry Bean. Only): Meter 3X to 4" pinta of EPTAM 7-E per &ere into the irrigation water after dean cuhi~ vation. Apply before bean pods start to form. 00 not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application. TANK MIXTURES'



EPTAM 7-EfTrefian E.C. Green and Dry Beans EPT AM 7-E/Dual B-E Dry beans on'v EPTAM 7-E/Lasso 4-E Dry beans only EPTAM 7-ElProwl4-E Dry beans onlv EPTAM 7-E/Sonalan E.e. Dry beans only

CASTOR BEANS' Apply and incorporate 2~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre immediately after planting. Use a rotary hoe for Incor­poration. Early cultivation after EPTAM 7-E application enhances weed control.

POTATOES IRISH: Do not exceed 14 pints EPTAM 7-E pet acre per crop. The Superior variety potato is sensitive to EPTAM 7-E and under stress conditions, early season stunting may occur.

Fall Application: (Minnesota. North Dakota): Apply and incor~ porate in the late fall before the ground freezes. Use 5}( pints EPlAM 7-E per acre on coarse texture" soils and 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on medium and fine textured soils.

Preplant Apply and incorporate 3M to 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. For quackgrass and nutsedge control use the higher rate, OR

Drag-off tCorna up, Weeding nrne) Apply and incorporate 3~ to 7 pints EPTAM 7·E per acre. For nutsedge control use the higher rate. The field first must be -dragged-off", followed by EPTAM 7-E application and incorpo­ration. Use spiked-tooth harrows or cultivation equipment for incorporation,


Lay--by Apply and incorporate 3~ to 414 pints EPTAM 7·E per acre to dean cultivated soil after potato plants have emerged from the soil. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest.


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EPTAM 7-E AND METRIBUZJN HERBICIDE TANK,., X (SPRINKLER APPUCAnOfJ ONLY) For Control 01 Weeds In Insb Potatoes-Paciflc Northwr'st ilnd Northern Regions

A rankmix combination of .E:PTAM 7·E and MetribuZin (Sencor or Lexone) can be applied to irish potatoes to proWie a broader spectrum of weed control man either product used separarely. Before using EPTAM 7.f and MelTibu:dn (Sencor, l.eXone) as a tankmx. read both the EPTAM 7-E and MetritNain (Seocor, Lexone) labels carefully. Observe all cautions and limitations on labeling of both products.

Additional Weeds ControUed by Th. Tank Mlxtun of EPTAM 7·E and Metribuzin Annual Grasws Panicum. Fall Panicum. Texas WlIChgrass Annual Broadl •• f Weeds co*cklebur Cutieaf Nightshade Jimsonweed Lambsquarters, Common Hairy Nightshade


Pennsyfvanja Smartweed Prickly Sida Ragweed, Ccromon Sicklepod Wild Mustarc

Sprinkl« Application: Apply through irrigation sprinkler sys­tem after planting as a Pfeernergence application 01" as an early postemerget'lce apphcation up to 6 inch tall poraroes. Use the appropriate rate of EPTAM 7·E and Metribu~in (Sencor. Lexone) as indicated in the following table.

Premix the desired rate of Metribuzin (Sencor. Lexonel in the holding tank in 4 to 5 pans water to 1 part chemical. Add EPTAM 7·E last. Meter the chemical-water mixrure into the sprinlder system at a rate proportionate to the acreage to be covered. For center pivot systems, apply }\ to I,t n:h of water per acre. For solid set, wtleel Jines or hand lines. moisten the soil surface lightly first, then apply the herbicide mixture in }5

to 1 inch of water per acre. For best results, the soil should be wetted to a depth of 3-4 inches.


AND/OR Irrigation: Meter up to 3:6 pints EPTAM 7-t: per acre Into the irdgation warer after clean cultivation. Do nor aPPlY "nthin 45 days of harvest. TAM< MIXTlJRES: EPTAM 7.£ TANK MIXTURES FOR POTATOeS IN Na=rTHERN REGION. REFER TO TANK MIXTURE SECTION FOR lJSE DIRECilONS. PRODUCTS

EPTAM 7-E!Metribuzin EPTAM 7·E/MatriX-SAffLOWER: Apply and incorporate 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E pet"

acre just before planting. SUGAR BEETS: Fan Application (Minnesota, North Oakotal: Apply a'";(j incor­porate in the late fall before the ground freezes. Use .L~ pints EPTAM 7-E pet" acre on coarse textured $Oils and =-- pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on medium and flne textured sofiS.

~ant (Iowa, Easter-n NebraskA!, North Oakot&., South Oakota, Minnesota, Michiganl: Apply and incorporatE 1,' pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on coarse textured soils. or 3: ;HlfS per acre on medium and fine textured soils jllSt befo(e ;;:.anting Injury will occur if cooditions for germination and grOll/ttl are nOt optimum. OR Postemergence (After the First True Leave$ Haw Formed)

Irrigation Water: Meter 2~ to 3}! pints EPTAM 7-E per cere into the first irrigation applied after the last cultivation for tile; season. Ineorporation: Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre <r~-er thin­ning and clean cultivation and incorporate to a depttl cf 2 to 3 inches. Treatment may be used foHowing a fail applQtion of EPTAM 7·E at recommended rates. OR Sub-surface Injection: Apply 316 pints EPTAM 7-E per troadcsst acre, or in band treatment (using 2 shanks per row 5'~ Inches apart centered on the drill row with rows 22 inches ac:art) use r% pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. Prior to application. a dea'I o.:Jtivation must be made for all existing weed growth to be descuyed. TANK MIXTURES·




EPTAM 7-EI Michigan. Minnesota, Ohio and Red RO-NEET 6--E River Valley of Nor1tt Dakota CTrly ......

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Spring Application CCoIorado. K.nsa8. Minnesota. Nebr .. ka. North Dakota. South Oakota'; Apply and incorporate 2M to 3M pints EPTAM 7·E per acre just before planting. Use the lower rate on lighter soil.

Fall Application (Minnesota. North Dakota): Apply and incor­porate in the late fal' before the ground freezes, Use 4U plnrs EPTAM 7-E per acre on coarse textured soils and 514 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre on medium and fine textured soils, TANK MIXTURES:



These recommendanons are given as the broadcast (overall) rate of EPTAM 7-E per acre, For band treatment, use propor· tionately less material per acre depending on the width of band to be treated and the crop row spacing. Do not use band application on rocky ground because thorough incorporation is not possible,

WAl.fA. BlBQSFOOT JBEf:OII. Cl OVERS I ESPfpEZA; Do not use EPTAM 7-E if a grass or grain nurse crop is to be planted with the legume, Do not use on white dutch clover. Apply and incorporate 3}1 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre just before planting. (For fall seeded alfalfa in South Carolina only. apply and incor­porate 1% pints EPTAM 7-E per acre just before planting.) Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first kJaves will occur if conditions fOf' germination and growth are not opti­mum (e,g. lack: of moisturel, and will be relieved by irrigation or adequate rainfall, *Alfalfa is sensitive to soil resic:iJes of Attazine, Do not use EPTAM on alfalfa if Atrazine was applied within the previous 12 months.

BEANS GREEN OR DRY: Do not use EPTAM 7-E on Ad:r:uki beans, cowpeas (bladteye peas, blackeye beans). soybeans. lima beans. Mung beans. Garbanzo beans or other flat­podded beans except Romano, Under abnormal weather con­ditions stunting may occur on Gratiot. Michifile. Sanilac, Seafarer and Seaway varieties.. Do not exceed 7 plnn; EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop..


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70E SOL TYPE RATE 3j{ pints Coarse (sandi 1 pint

Medum (loam! 1~ to 1l!i pints

Fioe Ielay) 1Y.i pints

Exposed beet roots shoukl: 00 coveced with soil before 8P'1Ica­tion to reduce possibility of girdling. Set incorporation ma:nin­ery to throw treated soil toward the plants in the rov.'. Care should be taken that incorporation machinery does not dBTT8Q6 the sugar beet taproot.


AT PlANnNG ~ IRat-Pianted): Use 3l!: pints EPTAM 7-E per acre incorpClfated just before planting on dry, snap and pole beans. Rotary hoe lightly during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs.

OR Subwrface Application: Apply 214 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre preplant or at planting. See DIRECTIONS FOR USE.

OR Bed Treatments: Method A-Apply 3l!: pints EPTAM 7-E per acre broadcast and disc in £) inches deep prior to forming beds and planting. Method B-Apply 13,,( pints EPTAM 7-E per acre broadcast (do not disc in) immediately ahead of bedding discs. Plant 7 days after treatment. Method C-Apply as a band treatment (do not disc in) imme­diately ahead of bedding discs, or as a band treatment to par­tially formed beds or bed tops immediately in front of the rebedding operation. Use a band rate equivalent to 2){ pints ;::er acre broadcast. Care should be taken not to fold in treatment.

Example: To apply EPTAM 7-E as an 18 inch band on 36-inch rows, use 1 ~ pints per crop acre. Plant 7 days after application.

NOTE: With Methods Band C, if bed shapers (levelers) are used, the bedding up and shaping should be done so that :3 to 4 inches of soil remain over the EPTAM 7-E.

OR LIIy-by Directed Application: At the time of last cultivation apply and Incorporate 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. Apply as a directed spray to the soil at the base of the plants before bean pods start to form Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application.

OR Irrigation Appllclltion (Dry Belin. OnlV): Meter 3M pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water after clean culti­vation. Apply before bean pods start {O form. Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application .

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to 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre as a directed spray to the soil. Incorporate with cultivation equipment, i.e., tree hoes and rotary hoes.

CITRUS (ORANGES TANGERINES GRAPEfRUID: AFTER CLEAN CULTIVATION OR PRIOR TO WEED EMERGENCE in bearing citrus, apply 3M pints EPTAM 7-E per acre by flood or furrow irrigation. Meter EPTAM 7·E into the water during me entire irrigation period, Do not apply within 15 days of harvest.

COrrON: Non-irrigated Areas Only Application After Stand is Establish.d: Apply 2~ pints EPTAM 7·E per broadGast acre. Use specially designed injector units or sweeps for application. If incorporated application is to be made, use power driven rotary Wlef"S set to a depth of 2 to 3 inches. Apply after conon has 2 to 4 leaves. Do not apply after first bolls open. DO NOT APPLY ClOSER THAN 4 INCHES EITHER SIDE OF THE COTION DRILL

NOTE: Tandem discs may be used 10r incorporation in the skips 01 skip row canon.

Conon is susceptible to injury from EPTAM ,.f. FoJlow directjons for use carefully to avoid crop injury.

PINE SEEDLING NURSEBtES II PBlQUY sLASH LONGLEAF SHOBTLEAfl: Apply and incorporate 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre ,4 days prior to seeding.

POTATOES IRISH: 00 not exceed 3i! pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop.

CAUTlON: In Florida on winter and early spring potatoes apply only after potatoes have emerged and true klaves have formed.

BEFORE OR AT PLANTlNG ~J.nt Apply and incorporate 31 pinrs EPTAM 7-E per broadcast acre just befOl"e planting. for incorporated applica­tions to beds, apply as a band aPPlication and incorporate with ground or power driven titlers.


Adc5tion.1 Weeds Controlled by the Combination of EPTAM 1-£..wt Trefl.n E.C. Annulll Grasses Brocnagrass SpranglJ:!top Cheat

AnRUIII Broadleaves PiQ'NOOds (Spiny) Lambsquartets Carpetweed Russian ThisNe


Kochia Knotweed Stinging Nettle Puncturevine

BEANS GREEN AND PRY: The Gombination of EPrAM 7·E and Treflan E.C. should not be used on Adzuki beans, cowpeas (bladreye peas, blackeye beans), soybeans, lima beans, Mung beans, Garbanzo beans or other flat-podded beans except Romano.

Make application before planting, using the rates listed in the following fable.


T8EflAN E.C.


7.£ SOIL TYPE CONTENT 2Y. to Coarse (sand) o to 2% 3~ pints* Coarse (sand) 2t05%

MedWm IIoaoV OtoSOA.

Fine (clay) Ot05%

AI! soil types 5.1 to 10"'10

*Use the higher rate for nutsedge control.


RATE , pint


1111 pints

lU pints

lU pints

lJf pints

PRY BEANS-Plant within 4B hours after incorporation. In the lighter soils under sprinkler irrigation, when it is necessary to irrigate beans after planting and before emergence, suffiGient water should be applied to wet the soil weI! below the depth of planted seed.

GREeN BEAN5-P!ant soon after incorporation to provide the maximum period of weed control.

SUGAR BEETS ICaljfornjal-Apply as a broadcast spray over the top when plants are 2 to 6 inches tall, using the following rates.

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EPTAM 7·E/Treflan E.C. I California only,

TOMATOES' lay.By Application

(Northern Califon". Counu. only. I .... Butte. CoIuu. Conn Costa. Fr .. no. Glenn. ~. Merced. Sacramento. San Joaquin. Solano. StanislaU5, Sutter, Yolo .nd Yuba). For use on tomatoes at least 3 to 4 inChes tall; on clay and clay loam soils only. DO NOT USE ON SAf\9JY SOILS.

Apply EPTAM 7-E as a spray to the soil surface at a rna of 3;l:; pints per acre. Incorporate immediately. For band applications reduce rates proportionately. 00 NOT APPLY WI'MN 21'1CHES OF THE CROP ROW. Do not c:se where grain will be planted within 90 days. Do not irrigat€ for at 'east 5 days after applica­tion. Do not apply ",ithin 21 ciz(s of harvest.

WALNUTS: After dean cultiva:::on or prior to weed e!'rEf'gence on well established trees, mele-r 3~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre into the irrigation water during The entire irrigation period.

TANKMIX COMBINAnONS For broader spectrum weed a;ntrol and increased co:"Ittol of certain broad/eat weeds EPTAM 7·E may be tank mixed with the following herbicides.. Consult pnx!uct labels and aup use 6rections for exact rates and application directions.

EPTAM 7-E/TREFLAN E C HER81CIOE TANKMIX for Weed Control In Beans ~Green and Ory)-An p,.~IOWi Sugar Beets·Cafifomla Onfy. and Sunflowers.-Northern Rf'glOn (MN. S0, NO only)

A tankmix combination of EPTAA1' 7-E plus Treftan f.e. V111I1 give s broader spectrum of weed control than either produr::S: used separately.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE Caution: Read both the EPTAM 7-E and Treflan E.C.labeis care­fully before using. Observe all ca.JUons and limtations on labeling of both products.

MIxing: Add the recommended rates of both EPTAM 7-1: and Treflan E.C. to the ~ay tank during filling and mix thorOlJghly_ Apply in 10 to 40 gaRons of wa\!!r per acre.


Example: In la-inch bands on 36-inch rows, use 1~ pints per crop acre. See DIREC110NS FOR USE_

OR Before Planting and Batore Bed ForrnatIon: a..nd .ppIlcl*tlon: Apply as a band, equivalent to 3~ pints per acre broadcast basis, Cover with 3 to 4 inches of soil with bedding discs, mid­dle busters Of other suitable bed making equipment Care should be faken not to fold in the band treatment.

OR After Planting But Before Bed Formation: Apply 1" pints EPTAM 7-E pet broadcast acre over planted crop and bed up immediately with bedding discs set to cover 3 to 4 inches of soil.

OR After Planting and After Bed formation: Apply EPTAM 7·E as a band at a rate equivalent to 3M pints per acre, broadcast basis. Rebed immediately after application with bedding discs set to cover with 3 to 4 inches of soil. Care should be taken not to fold in the band treatment.


After Planting and After Bed Formation: Applv 17: pints EPTAM 7-E per broadcast acre. Rebed immediately after application with bedding discs set to cover with 3 to 4 inches of soil.


ORAG-Off (Come up, WMding Time) Apply EPTAM 7-E as a band treatment after drag-off, at a rate equivalent to 3~ pints per acre (broadcast basis) and cover with bedding discs set to cover with 3 to 4 inches of soi1. Care should be taken not to fold in the band treatment. OR POSTEMERGENCE---lay-by Incorpor.tion: Apply and incorporate EPTAM 7-E at a rate equivalent to 3}.\ pints per acre (broadcast basis) after potato plants have emerged from the soi1. Apply as a directed spray to the soil in bands on both sides of the row. Immediately cowr the EPTAM with 3 fO 4 inches of soil by rebedding with bedding discs. Care should be taken not to fold in the band treatment

Eu"",'-: Apply 21' pints EPTAM 7-E per crop acre as a directed spray to the soil in 12-inch bands on both sides of 36-inch rows. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest. OR Irrigation: Meter 3}!; pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irriga­tion water after clean cultivation. 00 not apply within 45 days of harvest. •••• • •

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These recommendations are given as the broadcast (overall) rate of EPTAM 7~E per acre. For band treatment, use propor­tionately less material per acre depending on tht:! width of band to be treated and the crop row spacing. 00 not use band application on rocky ground because thorough il'lCOfporatlon is not possible. ALfALFA· BlRDSfQQT JBEFOIL CLOVERS LESflEDUA: 00 not use EPTAM 7·E if a grass or grain nurse crop is to be planted with the legume. Do not use on white dutch dever. AppiV and incorporate 3~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre just before plant­ing. Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first leaves will occur if conditions for germination and growth are not optimum (e.g. lack of moisture), and will be relieved by irriga­tion or ade<:luate rainfall.

·Alfatfa is sensitive to soil residues of Atrazine. Do not use EPTAM 7-E on alfalfa if Atrazine was applied within the previous 12 months.

AND/OR ALFALFA (ESTABLISHED STANPS): Meter 2!' to 3* pints EPTAM 7-E per acre Into the irrigation water applied to estab­lished stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply within 14 days of harvesting or graling atfalfa. LAPINO CLOVER (ESTABLISHED STANDS): Meter 21' to 3~ pinrs EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water applied to established stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply wtthin 45 days of harvesting or grazing.

BEANS GREEN OR ORY: Do not use EPTAM 7-E on Adzuki beans, cowpeas (blackeye peas, blackeye beanS), soybeans, lima beans, Mung beans, Garbanzo beans or other ftat-podded beans except Romano. Under abnormaJ \llle8ther conditions, stunting may occur on Gratiot, Michilite, Sanilac, Seafarer, a"ld Seaway varieties. Do not exceed 7 pints EPTAM 7·E per acre per crop.

BEFORE OR AT PLANTING Preplant (Aat-Planted): Apply and incorporate 3)i pints EPTAM 7-£ per acre Just before planting. Rotary floe lightfy


( -;t

POTATO IRISH: Do nol exceed 14 pints EPTAM 7·E per acre pet crop. Preplant: Apply and Incorporate 3% pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre just before planting. For northern ~~ ""unties fLu .. ", Modoc, Shasta, S;.Id~ul only: Apply and incorporate just before planting 3~ to 7 pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre; use 4}!; pints per acre for quackgrass control and 7 pints per acre for hairy nightshade control.

Drag-off: Apply and incorporate 3% pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. The field first must be dragged-off. then EPTAM 7-E applied and incorporated. Use spiJce-.tooth harrows or cultivation equipment for incorporation.

AND/OR l8y-by

Incorporation: Applv and incorporate 336 to 4~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre after potato plants have emerged from the soil. (Use lower rate on coarse textured soils). Apply as a direct spray to the soil. Do not apply within 30 days of harvest.

OR Irrigation: Meter 3)6 pints [PTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water after clean cultivation, Do not appty within 30 days of harvest.



EPTAM 7-E/M"atrix SAFflOWER: Apply and incorporate 3% pints EPTAM 7-E per acre just before planting.

SUGAR BEET$.-Po$temergence (Aft ... Am True leaves Have Eormed/. Incorporation: Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre after thinning and clean cultivation and incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 inches.

OR Irrigation Water; Meter 2~ to 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the first irrigation applied after the last cultivation for the sea­son. Two applications of 21' pints each should be made when beets are to be carried In the Qround longer than the normal growing season.

OR Subsurface Injection: Apply 3% pints EPTAM 7-E per broadcast acre, or in band treatment (using 2 shanks per row 8M inches apart, centered on the drill tow) use 1~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. Prior 10 application... a dean cultivation must be made for all existing weed growth to be destroyed. See DtRECnONS FOR Use. •• • •

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (27)

OR 8ub«lrface Applicetion: Apply 3li pints EPTAM 7-E per acre preplsnt, just before planting or at planting. See DIREClJCW8 FOR use. AND/OR lay-by Directed Application: At time of last cultivation for the season, apply and incorporate 3!6 to 4M pints EPTAM 1-E per acre for grass and broadleat controJ. Apply as 8 directed spray to the soU at the base of the plants before bean pods start to form. Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days ilfrBr application. OR Subsurface Application: Prior to application. a clean cuhNa­rion must be made for all existing weed growth to be destroyed. Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7~E per broadcast acre Gr in a band treatment (using 2 shanks per row 5~ inches apart.. centered on the drill row with rows 38 inches apart) use 1!' pints per acre. See DIRECTIONS FOR USE. OR Irrigation Application lOry Be.1l$ OnJy): Meter 3~ to 4¥. pnrs of EPTAM 7·E per acre into the irrigation water after clean ClJI­livation. Apply before bean pods start to form. Do not fee: or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application. TANK MIXTURES:


to 7 per to the Incorporate with cultlvak)n

equipment, i.e., tree and rotary hoes. CITRUS (ORANGES TANGERINES GRAPEfRUIT AND LEMONS): After clean cultivation or prior to weed emergerK:EI in bearing citrus, apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre by flood or furrow irrigation. Do not exceed 10~ pints total EPTAM 7-E per acre per year when multiple applications are made. Do I'1Ot apply within 14 days of harvest.


during DI' shortty after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs.

OR SubsuriIoce AppIlution: Apply 315 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre preplaot. Of at pJanting. See DIRECTlONS FOR USE. OR Lay-by

Directed Application: At the time of the last CUltivation, apply and incorporate 3~ pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre. Apply as a directed spray to the soil at the base of the plants before bean pods start to form. Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application.

OR Irrigation Application (Dry Beans Only): Meter 3~ pints ~f EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water after clean culti­vation. Apply before bean pods start to form. Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application.




EPTAM 7-EfTreflan E.C. EPTAM 7-E/Lasso 4-E EPTAM 7-E/Prowl 4-E EPTAM 7-E/Sonalan E.C.

Green 2illl Dry beans Dry beans only Dry beans only Dry beans only

I in bearing citrus. apply 3}S pints EPTAM 7-E per acre by flood or furrow irrigation. Metar EPTAM 7-E into the water during the entire irrigation period. 00 not apply within 1£ days of harvest

COTTON· NorHrri9atesl Are" Only: Application Attar Stand Is Established: Apply 2J( pints EPTAM 7-E per broaocast acra. Use specially designed injector units or sweeps for application. If incorporated application is to be made. use power driven rotary tillers set to a depth of 2 to 3 im;hes. Apply after cotton has 2 to 4 leaves. Do not apply after first bolls open. DO NOT APPLY CLOSER THAN 4 INCHES EITHER SIDE OF THE COnON DRJLL ••••

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (28)

NOTE: Tandem discs may be used for incorporation in the skips at skip row cotton.

Cotton is susceptible to injury from EPTAM 7-E. Follow direc::dons for use camfulty to avoid crop injury.

PINE $EEpUNG NURSERIES (LOBLOllY SLASH LQNGI EAF SHORTlfAf!: Apply and incorporate 7 pints EPTAM 7..£ per acre 14 days prior to seeding.

POTATOES IRISH; Do not exceed 7 pints EPTAM 7-E pef" ilCfe per crop. PREPLANT: Apply and incorporate 3~ to 7 pints EPTAM 7-£ per acre just before planting.


DRAG-OFF (Come up. Weeding llmel Incorpor.tion: Apply and incorporate 3t.; to 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. For nutsedge control, use the higher rate. The 1'iield first must be -dragged-oW, followed by EPTAM 7-E applic:a:lon and incorporation. Use spiked-tooth harrows or culti."C\':ion equipment for incorporation.

AND lOR Lay·by Incorpor.tion: Apply and incorporate 31. to 7 pints EPTAlI' 7-E. per acre after potato plants have emerged from the ~~ Do not apply within 45 days of harvest. OR

Irrigation: Meier up to 3)!: pints EPTAM 7-E per acre intc· the irrigation water after dean cultivation. 00 not apply Witni.T; 45 days of halVest.

TANK MIXTURES: EPTAM 7-E TANK MIXTURE FOR POTATOES IN SOUTHWEST· EANREGION. REFER TO TANK MIXTURE SECTION FOR USE OIRECTIOhS. PRODUCTS EPTAM 7-E/Matrix SUGAR SEETS---pOSTIH'NN'NG~ Irrigation Water: Meter 2}6: to 3)!' pints EPTAM 7-E per aae into the first irrigation applied after the last cultivation for the season. OR Incorporation: Apply and incorporate 2~pints EPTAM 7-£ per acre after thinning and dean cultivation and incorporate 1:1 a depth of 2 to 3 inches.


Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first leaves will occur if conditions tor germination and growth are nor opti­mom (e.g. lack of moisture). and will be relieved by irr;gation or adequate rainfall,

OR ALFALfA a: Merer 2)1 to 41 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irri­gation water that is applied immediately after planting or during stand establishment. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Temporary crop stunting aod sealing of the first leaves will occur if conditions for germination and growth are not optimum. Do nof apply within 14 days of harvesting or grazing attatta.

00 no{ use EPTAM 7-E pmemetgenre on rill irrigated (corrugated) alfa/fa.

"Alfalfa is sensitive to soil residues of Atrazine. 00 not use EPTAM 7-E on alfalfa if Afrazine was applied within the previous 12 months.

AND/OR ALFALFA lESIABUSHED STANDS): Meter 21' to 3'Ai pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into me irrigation water applied to estab­lished stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils_ Umit use to one application EPTAM 7-E per cutting. Up to 1~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per year may be used if applied into the irrigation Water. Do not apply within 14 days of harvesting or grazing alfalfa.

LAPINO CLOVER lESTABUSHEP STANPS!: Meter n to 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water applied to established stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply within 45 days of harvesting or grazing.

ALMONPS: After making the last cultivation fat the season, meter n to 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water. Do not exceed 7 pims per acre per season. Do not apply within 16 days 01 harvest

BEANS GREEN OR PRY: Do not use EPTAM 7-E on Adzuki beans, cowpeas Iblackeye peas, blackeye beans), soybeans, lima beans, Mung beans, Garbanzo beans or other flat· podded beans except Romano. Under abnormal weather con­ditions stunting may occur on Gratiot:. Michilite, Sanilac, Seafarer and Seaway varieties. Do not exceed 8 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop.

PREPlANT/AT PLANTING InCOlpOration: Apply and incorporate 3M pints EPTAM 7·E per acre just before planting. Rotary hoe lightty during Of shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs. · ...

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (29)


EPTAM 7-EJMetrioozin

EPTAM 7-EJMatrix

SAFflOWER: Applv and incorporare 3M pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop.

SUGAR BErn; Postemergence lAtter The First True I.e.v .. Have Formed): 00 not exceed 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop except for irrigation applications where 2 applications of 3~ pints may be made.

Incorporation: Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per aCrB after ttlin­ning and clean cuftjvaf(on and incorporate to a depth of 2 to 3 inches.


Irrig~t~n ~ater: Meter 2!' to 3:6 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the IrngalJOn water after clean culfiyation. Do not exceed 7 total pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop. 00 not apply within 49 days of harvest.

OR Sub ..... tface Injection: Apply 3l!i pints EPTAM 7·E per broadcast acre, or in band treatment (using 2 shanks per row 5)6 inches apart, centered on the drill row with rows 22 inches apart) use 1'" pints EPTAM 7-E per acre. Prior to application, a clean cultivation must be made for all existing weed growth to be del>tToyed.

WALNUTS: After clean cultivation or prior to weed emergence on well established trees, meter 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrtgation water during the entire irrigation period.

WESTERN REGION Recommendations

These recommendations are given as the broadcast (overall) rate of EPTAM 7-E per acre. For band treatment, use propor· tionately less material per acre depending on the width of band to be treated and the crop row spacing. 00 not use band application on rocky ground because thorough incorporation is not possible.

AlfALfA- BIflPSfOOT TREfOIL CLOVERS UftDEZA: 00 not use EPTAM 7-E if a grass or grain nurse crop is to be planted ~ith the legume. Do not. use on white dutch clover. Apply and Incorporate 2!' to 4l<l' pmts EPTAM 7·E per acre jllst before planting. (Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils.' 28


DIRECTIONS FOR USE INCORPORATION DIRECTIONS: EPTAM 7·E must be incorporated into the soil to prevent loss of the herbicide. Whenever possible, application and incorporation should be done In the same operation. Soil Mixing (Incorporation) Direction .. : For semiarid areas of Eastern W .... ington, Eastern Oregon and idaho only: When application and incorporation are done in sep­arate operations. EPTAM 7-E must be incorporated the same day as application. Application must be made on a dry soil surface (at least ~ inch deep) free from dew and incidental moisture. Delay incorporation of dry bulk fertilizers for semiarid areas of Eastern Washington, Eatrtern Oregon and Idaho only: The application and incorporation of dry bulk fertilizer impregnated with EPTAM 7-E must be carried out on thl'l same day. Application must be made on a dry soil surface (at least ~ inch deep) free from dew and incidental moistUre. Sprinkler incorporation of EPTAM ,.[ in the semiarid areas of Ea$f.ern Washington. Eastern Oregon and Idaho only: Surface apply EPTAM 7-E after planting. The soil surface should be dry (at least ~ inch deep) and free from dew and incidental mois­ture. Incorporate using l!i to ~ inch of water within 36 hours fol­lowing application. The application and incorporation must be done within five days after the last tillage operation. since poor results will occur if weeds have germinated.


These recommendations are given as the broadcast (overall) rate of EPTAM 7·E per acre. For bano treatment, use propor· tlonately less material per acre depending on the width of band to be treated and the crop row spacing. 00 not use band application on rocky ground because thorough incorporation is not possible. ALFALFA- QlBpSfQQT mEFOIL CLOVERS LESPEPEZA: Do not use EPTAM 7·E if grass or grain nurse crop is to be planted with the legume. Do not use on white dutch clover. Apply and incorporate 2~ to 4~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre just before planting. (Use lower rate on very coarse textured soils.) Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first leaves will occur if conditions for germination and growth are not opti­mum (e.g. lack of moisture), and will be relieved by irrigation or adequate rainfall.

OR AlFALfA-: Meter 2)( to 4~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acre into the irrigation water that is applied immediately after planting or during stand establishment. Applications made late s\JI1lrrf3' • .. ~~ - ...

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (30)

or early fall use 2!'-4~ pints EPTAM 7·E. Applications made io the spring Of early $Ummer use 2~ . 3,. pints EPTAM 7-E. Use the lower rate on ~ry coarse textured soils. Temporary crop stunting and sealing of the first leaves will occur if conditions for germination and growth are not optimum. Do not apply within 14 days of harvesting or gtazing allalfa. -Altalfa is sensitive to $Oil residues of Atrazjne, Do not use EPTAM 7-E on alfalfa if Atrazine was applied within the previous 12 months.

AND/OR AlfALFA IESTABUSHEP STANPS): Meter 2'.4 to 3~ pintt;: EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water applied to estab­lished stands prior to weed emergence. Use the lower rate on very coarse textured soils. Do not apply within 14 days of harvesting or grazing alfalfa.

LADfNQ CLOVER <ESTABUSHEO STANCSI: Meter 2l' to 3M pints EPTAM 7-E pet acre into the irrigation water applied to established stands prior to -weed elTlefgence. Use the lower rate on very coarse teX1ured soils. Do not apply within 45 days of harvesting or grazing.

BEANS GREEN OR DRY: Do not use EPTAM 7-E on Adzuki beans, cowpeas (blackeye peas, blad:eye beans), soybeans, lima beans. Mung beans, Garbanzo beans or other flat­podded beans except Romano. Under abnormal weather con­ditions. stunting may occur on GraTiot, Michijite, Sanilec, Seafarer, and Seaway varieties. Do not exceed 9 pints EPTAM J·E per acre per crop.

PREPlANT OR AT P\.ANllNG IllCOfPOration: Apply and incorporate 3t: to 4~ pints EPTAM 7·E per acte just befOfe planting. P.otary hoe lightly during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs.

OR SubsurfaC41 Application: Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre preplant. just before planting or at planting. See DIRECnONS fOR USE.

OR lrrigation AppUcation: Meter 3n-4~ pints EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water before or immediately after planting. Rotary hoe lightly during or shortly after emergence of the beans to break any crust which occurs..

AMJ/OR l.oy-by Directed Applkation: At time of last cuttivation for the season, apply and incorporare 3}£la 4:.e pints of EPTAM )·E per acre 10r grass and broadleaf control. Apply as a directed spray to the


soil at the base of the plants before bean pods start to form. Do not feed or pasture 'lines to livestock until 45 days after application.

OR Subsurface Application: Prior to application, a clean cultiva· tion must be made for all existing weed growth to be destroyed. Apply 3~ pints EPTAM 7-E per broadcast acre at in a band treatment (using 2 shanks per row 5'h il"lche~ apart, centered on the drill row with rows 38 inches apart) use Hi pints per acre. See DIRECTIONS FOR USE,

OR Itrigation Application (Dry a.ans OnIyJ: Meter 3~ to 4M pints of EPTAM 7-E per acre into the irrigation water after dean cui· tivation. Apply before bean pods start to form. Do not feed or pasture vines to livestock until 45 days after application.





EPTAM 7-E/Treflan E.C. EPTAM 7-E/Dual 8-E EPTAM 7-E/lasso 4-E EPTAM 7-ElProwl 4·E EPTAM J-E/Sonalan E.e.

Green and Dry beans Dry beans only Dry beans only Dry beans only Dry beans only

POTATOES IRISH: Do not exceed 14 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre per crop,

The use of a OammertOiker following EPTAM J·E application will cause untreated soil to be brought to the surface and may reduce weed control.

PREPLANT: Apply and incorporate jlJst before planting 3il: to 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre; use 4~ pints per acre fat quackgrass control and J pints per acre for hairy nightshade control.

ORAG-OFF (Come up. We.ding Time) INCORPORATION: Apply and incorporate 3M to 7 pints EPTAM J-E per acre af drag·off. Use the higher rate for nutsedge control. Use spike­tooth harrows or cultivation equipment for incorporation,

LAY-BY: Apply and incorporate 3~ to 7 pints EPTAM 7-E per acre after potato plants have emerged from the soil. Apply as a directed spray to the soil. Do not apply within 45 days of harvest.

IRRIGATION: Meter 3~ to 7 pints EPTAM 7·E per acre into the Irrigation water after crean cultivation. Do not applv Wit~i~ !~ daYli of harvest. • ,.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (31)


ARST AID Immediately start the procedures given below. If further treatment is required, comact II Poison Control Center, a physician, or the nearest hospital IF S~ALLOWED: ,Immediately give several glasses of water but DO NOT induce vommng. If vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Have a physician determine if condition of patient Will permit induction of vomiting or evacuatIOn of stomach. 00 not gIVe anything by mouth to an unconscious or convulSing person. If IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of running water for al least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids aparlto ensure nnslng,of tile entire surface of the eye and lids With water. Get medical anentlOn Immediately IF ON SKIN: Rush aU affected areas with plenty of waler for several minutes. Seek medical anention if Irritalion occurs.

IF INHAJ.ED: Remove to fresh air. See~ medical atten!ion it respiratory irritation occurs or If breathing becomes difficult.

FOR 24-HOUft EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, CALL 1-800-F-A-S-T-M·E-O 1"'-86331. FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY; Spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident call CHEMTREC 1·800·424-9300.


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. AVOid contact With skin, eyes, and clothing. AVOid mhalallon of spray miSt. Do riO( contaminate toad or leed

Personal Protective Equipment Some materials thai are chemlcal·resistant to this product are listed below. If you wam more options. lollow the instructIOns lor category E on an EPA chemical resls;ance category selection chart Applicators and other handlers must wear • Long,sleeved shirl and long pants • Chemical· resistant Qloves, such as barner laminate or nitrile rubber or

neoprene rubber or vlton • Shoes plus socks • Prareclive evewear Follow manufacturer's instructions lor cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such /flstructlons for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Proteclion Standard (WPS) lor agri· culrural pestiCides /40 erR 17D.240(d)(4-6)/, lhe handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as speCified In the WPS.

UUf s.fety Recolm'lltndations Users should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet • Remove clothing Immediately If pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly

and put on clean dothing. • Remove PPE immediately aher Ilandling this product Wash the'outside of

glOves before removIng. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change Into clean clothing.


MAY 4 1998

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when dispOSing of equipment washwaters. Do not apply directly to water or to areas where surface water (s present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.


NOTICE: Rear! the entlte Directions lor Use and Conditions cf Sale af'od lImnatiof) of Warranty ar)d liability lound InSide the aUached booklet belore blJVlllg or uSing thiS produc~, If t'le terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened, antflne ~\I"chase price WI" be refunded.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a V,C'~:IClf1 of k!derallaw \0 use this product in a manner II1consistent WillI lis labEd']. Do net c;Jpl), :~,IS product In a way that Will contact WOrKErS or other persons, erther cl-ect/y or through drift. DIlIV protected hand/(!rs ma\, be in the area during applicE:'~'" Fer ar:y reqlllfements speCifiC to your State or Tntllo. consun the agency reS{:JD"5 .:'e f:;, r;esllclDe regulallon

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use tr~·s voduct only In accordance wrtll rts tabellng ,,:1: wrth the Worker Pr(Jle~:'::rl $iil"1C8rej. 40 CfR parl t70 Refer 10 supplemenral12:Je1lno (I.e., altaclled bookie;1 ' . ..fleer MAGRICUlruRAl USE REQUIREMENT$M 1f11T1€ DIRECTIONS FOR USE sc:,o, tor Information about his standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHlBmONS: Do not contaminate water, trod Orfeeo by .s!or.age Of diSpOsal. Open durnplTl; ,~ prv,'llbned. STORAGE; Kee;J COnlaln€r IIghtlV closed when not In lJse. Do rot stare near seeds, ferull1!,-, or foodstults. Can be slOred at temperatures as low as minus 5O~F. PESnCIDE DISPOSAl: Wastes resul!lfIg from the use o! r,15 proDuct ma\, be dispc,,,,~ Jf en site or at an approved waste disposal facltITy £ONTAINER DISPOSAL: Triple rinse/or equivalem). Then oHer jor recyclmg or r€condrllomng. or puncture and dispose of In a sanitary landilll, or by other procedures approved by Slate and local authomies CONTAINER IS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, FEED, OR DRINKING WATER!

U'TAM IS a tradem<lN: of a lfNECA Group Company (l1992 ZE.NE.CA tll(

_IoU. .....

ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECAlnc. Wflntin.gtOft, ~,. 1~

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (32)

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STATEMENT OF PRACTICAL TREATMENT FIRST AID Immediately start the procedures given below. If further treatment is required, contacl a Poison Controt C&nter, a physician, or /he nearest hospital. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasses of water but 00 NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting does occur, gi..e ~uids again. Have a physician determine if condition of patient wm pem1lt induction of vomiting or evacuation of stomach. Do r'lOt give anything by mouth to an unconscious Of cQIWUlslng persoo. IF IN EYES; Immediately flush eyes With large amounts of ruming water for alleast 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get medical atlen­tion immediately. IF ON SKIN: Flush all affected areas with ~enty of water for aevet"al minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation occu rs. IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. Selek medical attention if respiratory irritation QC<:Urs or If breathing becomes difficult

FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, CALl1-8OO-F-A-8-T-M-E-O (327-8833). FOR CHatCAl EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fiN, eJtpOIIYN, or acddent call CHEMTREC 1.JWU~LCl'W'l


CAUTION HARMJ=UL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid contact wHh skin, eyes. and clothing. Avoid inhalation of SPffiY mist Do nol contaminate food or feed

Personal Protective Equipment Some m<'!teri<'!ls that are chemlc::Il-resislant to this product are listed below. If you want mote ophons. fol­low the Instructions for CAtegory E en an EPA chemical resistance category selechon chart. Applicators 8nd other handlers must we-'lr: • Long-sleeved shirl and long P;:ll1ts • Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or neoprel1e tUbber or vilon # Shoes plus socks • Protective eyewear Follow mamJlaclure(s instructions for cleaningfmalnlaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. When h.'mdlers use ctosed systems. enclosed CAbs, Of aircraft In a manner Ih::lt meet$ the requirements listed in Ihe Work,er Protecllon Stnndmd (WPS) for Agricultural pesllcldf}S [40 CFR 110.240(d)(4-6)). lhe handier PPE reqUIrements may be reduced or modified as speCified in the WPS.

User Safety Recommendations Users should'

Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the totlet. Remove dothing immediately if pes~cide gets in!iide. Theil wash thoroughly and put on dean clothing. Remo...e PPE immediately after handling \his product. Wash the outside 0( gloves bet)re removing. As soon as possible. wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when disposing or equipment washwaters. 00 not apply directly 10 water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (33)

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OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (34)

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NOTICE: Read the enUre DIrections lor Use and Conditions of Sale and lImltaUon of warranty anti LIability found h the attached booklet ~fore buying Of uslng this product If the terms are not accept· able, return the product at once, unopened, and the purchase price win be refunded.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It Is a violation Of Federal law \0 use this productln a matmer Inconsistent wlln its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that IMII contact 'HOtkers or other persons, eIther dlrecUy Of through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your StcHe or Tribe, consult the agf3nCy responsible for pestiCIde regulation. Refer to attached booklet for complete Directions for U.e,

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use !his product only In accordance with Its labeling at'Id with the Worker Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. Refer to supplementsllabeling (i.e., altached boo«.lel) und\.V "AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS· 10 the DlRECnONS FOR USE section for Information about thla standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHIBmoNS: Do not. conlamlnate water, fOOd, or feed by storage or dfspoeaL Open dumptlg Is proNblted. STORAGE; Keep container tightly closed when nol in use. Do not slore near seeds. fertilizer&, or food· stuffs. Can be slored at temperatures as low as minus 50"F. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: WMtes resulting from the use of this ptoduct may be disposed Of on site or at an tlpproved waste dIsposal IflCility CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Triple rmse (or equivalent). Tllen offer 101" recyclil"lg 01" reconditionIng, Of punc-lure an<! dispose olin a 8<'1nilAry I:mdnll, Of by other procedures approved by Stale and local authOr!!les.

EP"lAM' IS a tradmnarl< 01 a lENECA G'c<''P COfrlr>nny C19!lO lEN[CA Inc

M.de 1ft U ••• A.

ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19850-5458 ........


OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (35)

Selective Herbicide - Emulsifiable Liquid Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: ~ dlpl'Op).lio ..... bc,.,.. ............... _ ... ___ "EAT INGREDIENTS: ..

TOTAL: .. (;Qntains 7 potn;I. am... ~redient per ga/brI EPA Reg. No. 10182-220 EPA &t No.10182-NB-1

................ 87.8% . ........... 12.2%

. ... I00J.O%



FIRST AID; Immediately 5taI1 Ihe proco:oures glwn below If further t",DUnenl ~ required, contact. Poi&oon Control C«Iter .• physician. or Ihe nearellt -' If SWALLOWED: IrrwnediaWy giwl-"'glases dwalerbul DO NOT no..oe ~. If vomiIi"Y,j does OQU,/I', pr,;e !\.ids ~n. Ha~ e physi­(;MIn detenl1i'le if <XIndition <If pati8nt ..MI, ~ i1duction 01 VOO1It~ or ~ cI Slomad'!. Do no! givtl ao)o1lVlp bJ- moultJ 10 sn ~ or (XlOVUisrog pefSOf'l IF IN EYES: ImmediBlefy tush eyes wilt. III~ amountli 01 runn-.g water for at leest 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart 10 \!f'ISUre m$lno;l of the enbl\l suri>tce of"'" eye and ids willi WIlier. GfIt me<lo:::af lItIenlion Immedialefy IF otoI SKIN: FIu!h •• affec:t8d areas with ~ of water lor _""I ml"\_ ut~ $eel!. medical atlenbOO l initatIOIl OCOJI5

IF IN,HALED: R..mov, II:;l fresh Iffl'. ~ rTM<jo::a/ atr.!nfio(t if ~t<!ry IITUt!OO ocwrs or I breathOQ becomes d,fu,j~


FOR CHE;MICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, , .. " fin!. elq><>Sure, or .eel­dent ~ CHEMTREC 1-81)O.42.1,sJOO.


CAUTION HARMJ'UL 11' SWALLOWED. Aw;d contg(;l ...." sJ,:r,. eyes. tmd cloVl_ ~ AYOid "halation of SP<8Y most. Dc:> not oontamnate lood Of 1eed

PersoNl ~I¥e Equipment Some....nenals flat are d .... oicak .... ,lki t>isprod.od are Iist8d below. II Y'l'J wanllT"Qre optiQn$, folaw Ihe Il$tructions lor calegooy E on an EPA d"temIceI ~ <:IItegory seIecWn d\a'"l. ~ aM orI"o<arhlondlftrs wuslwear.

'Long-silleved shirt wod Iotlg pants "Chemic:al-resistant g_. tud1 as be~r Iominete or nrtrje rubber or ~e I\bber orvton

-Sttoots pbs ~ ·PI'Ote<:tive~_r

FoIIoooI 1I'WIUI..:tI.IAH'a i"ostludions for ~i"ogIrnaint.llni"og PPE. II no IUd! w.trudiona for~. UN 6tletger>I.trod hot wa!dr, KU!' and ~ PPE aepa.-.tety from olher laundoy.

=~~~:~::~~=;~~~!~~~ ('M>S) for "llricullu .. 1 pestitid_ (40 CFR 110240(d)(4-6)].th" handler f>f>E ~irements may be ~uoed 0' modli<&d as speCIled n1toe WPS.

EIMRONM£NT At. HAZAROS 00 noICDI"UIlWIIIIe .... .,.. dio!posi-g <I e.:u~rrent ..... 1Ihwat..rs. 00 not IIOOOtt dft(fy Io"".orki._ \OIIheoe sui""", wat .... is pre5I!Ill orlo il~_ 1IdaI_ below !he ~ tIigh WIlIer mar1<.

The DiNctlon. fo, u.. d ltI. prO<1JCl sholIld be 10(1oYmd <::ar.I"lIy. It .. 'mfIOUible to elim'-"- all ';.0 inh""em1v 8uociated wilh the "N of1hJ. product. CrQf) ;njllry, ~eCf'~enMS or ~her unintended ~nCK may -,I t:oeca ... of sud1liK:rol!l as manne, of use or ~ion, -mer 0' O"Clp c:ondrtoon., p,"ence of other mate" .. I.

~:a':'I~O:(~~~~~P :rz1;.~~nA '~~ ~:71@~f :r17 :'~~t~~kt2h~~' ~ u."me(I by B"Yer a..e user. and 8uy~' and User "Il'" 10 hold ZENECA.nd Salklr hIorrr_, for any cia"",,,; feOillng 10 such laClO(5 ZENECA warrants tl\l: Ihi. P'OduC! c<)nfo,ms 10 Ih~ chemlc,,1 oesc'iptlon on the labe: ;and is ,easonablv fll fOf Ihe pu.pase5 S!.al -.j In m. Directions fo. U'le.s"bjeC110 Ih~ ,nherent risks teferr"d 10 ItlQYe, wtteo used in a=rdanoOe with d"eclloflfi "nder norm81 u'"' ",ndilian" This WIOrranf,o doe5 nOI extend \0 the use of thiS prOdUCI COntrary to label InS'lruc:tlOns, Or "nde, abnormal cond,tlons or ~nder C:Ondltlons not ~n'bI~ fO ..... IIII.ble to Or beyond the COn·

~~~ o:v~"!r,~~ §~~~<t~ ~~/(~r~~n~~~R~~mfs 'g~ r~~~~ CHANTABIUTY OR OF F'lTNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE filaR NlY OTHEfI. E~SS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABove. I., no _t than ZENECA or $eLle. be liable for any incidenlal. COn

~U:=:~~ ~:k:~ =~~ l;mT:: ~::~r ~n~~gE~: AND THE txCLutM UA8I.ITY OF ZfNECA AND 8EUER FOR ANY A.ND AU. CLAMS, lC)8:8(" INJURES OR DAMA.GES {INCLUOIIIG ca..-IMED ON IIIIEAa4 OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, ta:GU­QafCE, TORT, STRICT """BILITY OR QTHERWt8EI RE8ULTINO FROM TH£ U8I 0lIl HNQ..lNO Of nHB I'fK)OUCT. SHALL BE TttE ~ Of THE I"\MCtIAR Pf"Cf: Of' T'llE PRODUCT OR, AT THE lLEcnCIN Of ztNiECA Oft 8EUER, THE REPlACEMENT OF THE -.:T. ZEN£CA IJttd s.n.r 0"- fTc prodICt. a<>d Buyer "nd User 8CQ1pt It, autIjoIcI: 10 1ha fo~ ClOndIta. of sale and hnvartlons of WIIrranty

~f~~yv:':Iy~~ '=~~:Ii:~f~~~~ aore. DIRECTIONS FOR USE 'ill a 'ItoIatlon of Federal .. bJ U$e this pn::oO.Jct in " 1OlI00000r ilwnsls-

1ft'" IsIlOalng

00 not apply this product i"o a wey that wi. contact wort<ers or other per-=-.. a:r:~~~~<I!f ~r;zi~~:O ~Ie~ =~: or Ttbtt. CQI'UIU'/h6 agerIq' responsible Wrpes~ rogWatioo.


AGRICULTURAL USE t:iEQUlREMENTS Uw this product only ito _ccord_nce with its Ilob<'lling aM with the WoO- Protection Sterldan:l, 40 CFR pert 170. Re'e!" 10 supplemef1lal

~:~7~E(~~N;;M"~~ b~~~Cw,~e~~~G~~~~~~~; ~f~~ matJon &bout this stand_n:l,

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHISITlONS: 00 not ,contami"o811! weier, food, or lead b~ $tOIag8 01' dosoosal. ()pen du~i"og ISprohl'liled.

STORAGE: ~ c:ornar-lignIty ~ l\tIen not" I'M. Dc not sftQ ~ S&e<Is, I"rtilizers Of foods~, Can be stored al l8~fII\ures. as low as rnirlI~ 5O"F. PESnCIOE 0ISP05AI...: WtlSles n:osulling from the use of thIS pro<Lct may be d!8P05"d of on site or _ an approved wasil! dlSPQS8l fadlfly

CONTAINER DISf'OSAL: Reseal conIai"08r wod. oller IOf reoondilionng. or ITDIo! mse (ot eqlJMlifwlt) a->d ()fler lor r&eydng or fftCOOdf\lonng, Of dea'lll ~ wiIIllfl9mAacftmN's tlstlVdions CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS: Before refilling, il:;pect thoroughly lor d~. such!l$ cntcks. pmclures, bu'Ql!S. dents, abraSlOOs, and dam-8Q@d Of ..om threed5 on closure .a1Jiolts REFILL ONLY WITH EPT AM' 7_(. The contents of thIS contar>er ClIn­no( be completely remoYl!d by cleanng Ref'llIng With malenals other han EcPT AM 7-<: win resUlt il conl$.mnabon aM 100,. weaken conlaner ~fiIIng arld before \fllnsportng, died< for leaks 00 not ... f~1 Of lnmspoil damag.ed or leaking contaner CON1"INER IS NOT SAFE. FOR FOOO. fEED, OR DRINKING WATER'

EP1AM' ,~a tr!ldemark 01" ZENECA G~CofllPllny Cl109S ZENECA Inc.

ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Ino. WI ........ "', 0. .. _ .. 1!1850-54!i.

.-". .,.." .---------------;;:FOR""B;o;;ULK-;;-TO-;;AN""'KS,-----------~~~~-:------,

OATE __________________ _ CONTENTS _________________ _ ""TE _______________ _ CONTENTS _____ -O·C·_·cc· ____________ _

OATE _______________ _ CONTENTS _____________________ ___ OATE _______________ _ CONTENTS ----,;~~-----------


" , , ,


MAY 4 1998 • . .

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (36)

rbicide • Emulsifiable Liquid Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control

Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other per­sons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsible for pesticide regulation.


AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only in accordance with its labeling and with the Worke, Protection Standaro, 40 CFR part 170. Refer 10 supplemental labelin~ (i.e., attached bOOkle~ under "AGRICULTURAL USE REQUI EMENTS" in the OIREC IONS FOR USE section for infor-mation about this standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHlBmONS: Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited.

STORAGE: Keep container lightly closed when not in use. Do not store near seeds, fertilizers or foodstuffs. Can be stored at temperatures as low as rrWIus 5(YF. PEsnaoE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal fadHty. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Reseal container and offer for reconditioning, or tTiple rinse (or equivalent) and offer for recycling or reconditioning, or clean in accordance with manufacturer's instn;ctions CONTAJNER PRECAUTIONS: Before refilling, inspect thoroughly for damage, such as cracks. punctures, bulges, dents. abraSlQns, and dam-aged or wom threads on closure devices. REFILL ONLY WITH EPTAM~ 7~E. The contents of this container can· not be completely removed by cleaning. Refilling with materials other than EPTAM 7·E wjj! result in contamination and may weaken container. After filling and before transporting, check for leaks. Do not refill or transport damaged or leaking container.


EPTAM1: 1$ a trademark of a ZENECA Group Company. ~199B ZENECA Int;.

l.ENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Inc. Wilmington, Delaware 19850-5458

0..004;58 03!:tS17

CONTENTS ___________ _

CONTENTS ____________ _


OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (37)

Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Cont ACTIVE INGREDIENT: S-ethyl dipropytthiocarbamate. . ...........................................•...• 87.8% INERT INGREDIENTS: .............................................................. ~

TOTAL:...... .100.0% Contains 7 pounds adive ingredient per galloo.

EPA Reg. No. 10182·220 EPA Est. No. 10182-NB-1



FlRST AID: Immediately start the procedures given below. If further treatment is required, contact a Poison Control Center, a physician, Or the nearest hospital.

IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasses of water but 00 NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting does occur, give fluids again. Have a physi­cian determine if condition of patient will, permit induction of vomiti~ or evacuatIOn of stomach. 00 not give anything by mou1h to an unCOtlsclOUS or conYt.Jlsing person.

IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of running water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure rinsin~ of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get medical attention 1mmediately. IF ON SKIN: Flush all affected areas with plenty of water for severol min­utes. Seek medical attention if irritation occurs. IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if respiratory irritation occurs or if breathing becomes difficult.


FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, exposure, or acci­dent caU CHEMTREC 1-80~24-9300.


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and cloth­ing. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. Do not contaminate food or fa.d.

Personal Protectiv," Equipment Some materials that are chemicakesistant to this product are listed below. If you want more options, follow the instructions for category E on an EPA chemica! resistance ca1egory seledion chart. Applicators end other handlers must wear:

-long-sleeved shirt and long pants - Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or vitoo

-Shoes plus socks - Protective eyewear

Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such Instructions for washables. use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. When handle~ use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or aircraft in a man­ner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Prote<:tion Standard (WPS) for agricu~ural pesticides (40 CFR 170.240{d)(4-8J1, tha handlar PPE requirements may be redu~ or modified as specified In the WPS.

UHr Safety Recommendations Users should: • Wash ha.nds before eating. drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco

or using the toilet. • Remove clothing immediately if pestidde gets inside. Then wash

thoroughly and put on clean clothilg. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the

outside of g)OV8S before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and change into clean clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment washwate~. Do I"IOt apply directly to waler. Of to areas 'M1ere surface water is present or to inter­tidal a.reas below the mean high water mark.


NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and limitation of Warranty and liability before buying or using this product. If the terms ate not acceptable, tetum the product at once. unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.

The Directions fot Use of this froduct should be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate af risks inherently associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffectiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as manner of use or appliClltion, weather or crop conditions, presence of other materials or other influencing factors in the use of the product, which are beyond the control of ZENECA or Seller. All such risks shl!lll be assumed by BUyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold ZENECA and Seller harmless for any claims relating to such factors. ZENECA warrants that this product conforms to the chemical description on the label and ;s rel!lsonably fit for the purposes stat­ed in the Directions for Use, subject to the inherent risks referred to ebove, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. This warranty does not extend to the use of this product conttluy to label instructions, or under ebnormal conditions or under conditions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the con­trol of Seller or ZENECA, and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. ZENECA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MER­CHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE. In no event shall ZENECA or Seller be liable for any incidental. can­aequential or special damages resulting from the use or handling of this product THE EXCLUSIVE REMEDY OF THE USER OR BUYER. AND THE EXCLUSIVE UA8IUTY OF ZENECA AND SELLER FOR ANY AND ALL CLAIMS. LOSSES. INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING ClAIMS BASED ON BREACH OF WARRANTY. CONTRACT. NEGU­GENCE. TORT. STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) RESULn'13 FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT. SHALL r.e ~~ • RETlJRN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR. A t tA~ ELECTION OF ZENECA OR SELLER. THe REPLACEMENT OFa TI<& • PRODUCT. • •• ' • ZENECA and Seller offer this product. and Buyer and User accept it, subject to the foregoing conditions of sale and li:y.iuCens of warrarrty and of )iability, which may not be modjfie-d e~cepf bY, written !V1f'¥"-. ment signed by a duly authorized representative of Z~NECA .• . ( ..

DIRECTIONS FOR USE. h is a violatioo of Federal law to use this produ?t if) a manner in{odnSls-' tent With lIs labeling.

FOR BULK TANKS ... DATE _________ _ CONTENTS _______________ _ DATE _____________ _

DATE ________________ __ CONTENTS _____________________ _ DATE ___________ _


OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (38)

Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control ACTIVE INGREDIENT:

81.8% S-ethyl dipropytthiocarbamate .... INERT INGREDIENTS: .. . .......................... 12.2%

TOTAL:. Contain!> 7 pounds active ingredient per gallon EPA Reg. No. 10182-220

EPA Esl No, _________ _

..... ~



FIRST AID: Imm&diatety _start the procl;!dures given below. If further treat­ment IS reqUired, contact a POISon Control Cent&f, a phy$lclan, or the nearest ho5~1a1 IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasse$ of waler but 00 NOT mduce vemitmg, If vemltlng does eccur~ give, flUids again, Haye a physician determine if, cendltien ef patient WIll per­mit Inductien ef vomiting er eyacu3bon ef stomach, Do net give anything by mouth to an unconsciaus Of convulsing person If IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with la!"ge amounts ef run­ning water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water, Get medICal a!i8ntlon immediately

~a~i~=: r~~~~~;if~ti~~:terfar sell-

IF INHALED; RefI"IOIte (0 tesh sir. Seek medical attention if res­piratory irritation 0CClI~ or if breathing becomes dlff"::ult

FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, CAlL 1--8()()..F_A-s. T -M-E-D (327-8633).

FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, Ihk, fira, expo_ure, or accident call CHEMTREC 1-80(1 .... 24-9300.


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. AVQid contact with skin, eyes, and~. Avoid inha.letion of spray rrosl Do not ccntaminate food or feed_ P .... on,Il Protective Equipment Some malerials lhat ¥e chemic:aWesislant to ItJis ptOducI are list­ed below. If you W8l1t more options, blk:M' the instructions fOl' cal&­gary E 011 an EPA chemical resistance category selection chart Appjicaloft' aoo ether handlfHS mUSI wear:

·Long-sleeved shirt and kmg pan\!:! oCtlemical-resistant gIove$. such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or ~ rubberor \'ilon

-Shoes plU6 socks 'PrQtective eyewear

follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaningfmaintaining PPE, If no such instructions for weshables, use detergent end hot water_ Keep and wash Pf'E separately from ether laundry When handk!rs use cfosed flyStems, enclosed cabs, er airQ"eft in a manner that meets the reqUirements listed In the Worker Protection Standard ('NPS) for agricultural pesticides [40 CfR HO 240{d){4-6)j, the handler PPE requ. irements may be reduced er modified as spec;,fied in the WPS

U •• r Wety R.comflMlndatl_ Users should: • Wash heOOs before e.ling, drinking, chewing gum. using

tobacco Of usl~ Ina toilet • ~emov. clothing InYnediately if ~ticide gets inside.

Then wltSh thoroughly and put on clean clothing • R.emove PPE immediately after hsndhng this product

Wash ~ (Wr.kkt of gloves before rttmOving As soon as pos8ible, wash thoroughly and change into cIlIan clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAl HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash­waleft', 00 not apply direcUy to water. or \0 areas where surface water is present or to Intenida\ areas below the mean high water mer1c..

CONDITIONS OF SALE AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY NonCE: Read !he entire Directions for Use and Condillons of Sale and Umitation of Warranty and LJabllrty befere buying or usin>g Ihfs produCt, If tile terms Bre not <JcCeptab/e, relurn the prt;.duct at once, unopened, and the purchase pnce will be refunded.

ThE! Directions for Use 1;11 tnls produCl sheuld be 1oUowed carefully. It is impossible to ellmmate all flsks inherently associated with the use of thiS preduct, Crop InjUry. Ineffec liv$ness or other unintended consequences mal' resul, becauea of such factors IllS manner 01 use er application. weath­er or crop conditions, presence ef other materials er other influencing factors in the use of the product. which are beyond the control of ZENECA er Seller. All sud) "sic;; shall be assumed by BUy$:r and User. and BUyer and User agree to hold ZENECA and Seller harmless for any clanTlS relating to such factors. ZENECA warrants that this product conferms to the chemi· cal descriPtion on the label and is reasonably fn for the pur­poses stated in the Dinletions for Use. subject 10 lhe inher­ent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directiOnS under "ormal use conditions. This warranty does not extend 10 the use or this prodUct contrary to label instructiens, or under abnormal conditions Ot under condi­tiol"'\s not ,.asonebly foreseeable to or beyond the control of SeUer or ZENECA, and Buyer and Us-er assume the risk ef any such use. ZENECA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF MER· CHANTABiliTY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARtiCULAR PUR­POSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR JMPLIED WARRANTY EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE In no event shell ZENECA or Seller be liable lor any inciden­tal. consequentlel or special darnages resulting from the use or handling of this product. THE EXCLUSNE REMEDY OF ll-IE U8£R OR BUYER. AND THE EXClUSfVE UABIUTY OF ZENECA AND 8El.l.a. fOR ANY AND AU CLAIMS. LOSSES, INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAIV1S BASED ON 8R£ACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIQ'ENC:E, TORT, snUCT LIABlLITY OR Ol11ERWlSE) RESUL TlNG FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCT. SHALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PUACHASE PRICE OF mE PRODUCT OR, AT ntE ELECTION Of ZENECA OR SELLER. l11E REPLACE­MENT OF THE PRODUCT. ZENECA and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and User accept it, aub;ect to the foregoing oond!tions of sale and limita­tiMs of werramy 8""Id of liability. which may not be modifIed :=a~rv:,grre-~~~t6igned by a duly authorized rep·


MAY 4 1998

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law 10 use this product In a manner inconsistent with its labeli~ Do not apply !hill product In e way that will contact WOI'XeI"S or other persons, either direclly or through drill. Only protected handl6f$ may be in the area dUring application. For any require­ments specifkto your State or lnbe, consult IIw agency respoo­sible for pe$iiooe regulation. REFER TO ATTACHED BOOKLET FOR COMPLETE DlREC­nONS fOR USE

AGRICUL nJRAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only ill accordance with Its labeling and wrtil the Worker Protecbon Standard. 40 CfR part 170 R.efer to

c<ijPf=~'J$~'~g~'RE~fs~ki~2 ~7~c~~g~~ FOR USE section for information about this standard

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHIBI110NS: De not contaminate water, leod. er leed by storage or disposal. Open dumping IS prohltllted STORAGE: Keep container tightly dosed W'hetl net In use Dc nat store near seeds. ferillizers or foodstuffs Can be Stored ill temperatures as low as minus SO"F PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of thl!'l product me")' be disposed of en Site ot al an appfO\fed waste disposal faCility CONTAiNER DISPOSAL: ReseaJ container and offer for recon­di~oni~, or, biple rinse (Of, equivalent) and offef iO!" recycling Of reconditiOning, Of clean In accordance With manufacturer S ifl9truc~.

CONTAINER PRECAU110NS: Before rE~,lling, inspect thor. oughly ~ damage, such as cracks. punctures. b";i:les. dents abrasIOns. and damegoo or worn IIlreads en closure de\llCeS REFILL ONLY WITH EPTAMs 7-E The contents of tnlS con­lalner cannot be completely remoyed by cleaning Refilling WIth materials other lhan EPTAM 7-E WIll resuilin contamination anc may weaken container After filling and before lransporbl"lg. chef.:k for leaks 00 not «!Ifill or transport damaged Of leaking container. CONTAINER IS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, fEED. OR ORINK_ INGWATER~

EPTAW IS a trademar1t of a ZENECA Group Coolpany C1998 ZENECA Inc.

Contents: ________ _

..... _ ........

ZENECA.~~toducts .. . ZENECA InCl_

•• ("..."".{.rton.o. .. _ .. '-50-M58 . ., ........


"""',., 039117

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (39)


Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed ContI ACTIVE INGREDIENT: S-etl1y1 dipropy1tl1iocaroamat.... . .. 87.8% INERT INGREDIENTS:.............. .... .............. .. 12.2%

TOTAL:... ....... ............ ............... 100.0% Contains 7 pounds active Ingredient per gallon. EPA Reg. No. 10182·220



FIRST AID: Immediately start the proceaures given below. If further treat­ment is required, contact a Poiscn Control Center, a physician, or the nearest hospital. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately g-. .. e several glasses of water but DO NOT induce vomiting. If vO'7liting does occur, give fluids again. Have a physician detennne if ccndffion of patient will per­mit induction of vomiting or evaOJation of stomadl. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscOJ~ or convulsing person. IF IN EYES: Immediately flush _ with large amounts of run­ning water for at least 15 minutes. Hokt eyelids apart to ensure rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get medical attention immediately. IF ON SKIN: Flush all affected areas with plenty of water for say· eral minutes. Seek medical attenti:J1 if irritation occurs. IF INHALED: Remove to freSh ar. Seek medical attention ff res­piratory irritation OCOJr8 or if breatting becomes diffirult.


FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill. leak, flre. exposure. or accident call CHEMTREC 1'--424-9300.


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Amid contact wHh skin, .yes, and clothing. Avoid Inhalation of spray mist. Do not contaminate food or feed. Personal Protective Equipment Some materials that are dlemical-fesistart to this produd. are list­ed below. If)OU want more options. IbIIow tl1e nstructions tlr cate­gory E on an EPA chemical resistn::e category s.lection chlrt. Applicators and other handlers roost wear:

-Long-sleeved shirt and long paris -Chemical-resistant gloves, sud"! as barrier laminate Of nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or vton

-Shoes plus socks ·Protective eyewear

Follow manufacturer's instructions for deaninglmaintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables, use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry. When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs, or airaaft In a manner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricultural pesticides l40 CFR 170.240(d)(4·6)1. the handler PPE requirements may be reduced or modified as specified 11 the WPS.

User Safety Recommendations Users should:

o Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using tobacco or using the toilet.

o Remove clothing Immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then wash thoroughly and put on clean clothing.

• Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possible, wash thoroughly and mange into clean clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS 00 not contaminate water when dis\X>sing of equipment wash­waters. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.

CONDITIONS OF SALE AND LIMITATION OF WARRANTY AND LIABILITY NOTICE: Read the entire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and limitation of warranty and liability before buying or using this product. If the terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.

The Directions for Use of this product should be followed carefully. It is impossible to eliminate all risks inherently associated with the use of this product. Crop injury, ineffec­tiveness or other unintended consequences may result because of such factors as manner of use or application, weath­er or crop conditions, presence of other materials or other influencing factors in the use of the product. which are beyond the control of ZENECA or Seller. All such risks shall be assumed by Buyer and User, and Buyer and User agree to hold ZENECA and Seller harmless for any claims relating to such factors. ZENECA warrants that this product conforms to the chemi­cal description on the label and is reasonably fit for the pur­poses stated in the Directions for Use, subject to the inher­ent risks referred to above, when used in accordance with directions under normal use conditions. This warranty does not extend to the use of this product contrary to label instructions, or under abnormal conditions or under condi­tions not reasonably foreseeable to or beyond the control of Seller or ZENECA, and Buyer and User assume the risk of any such use. ZENECA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OF Mef!-' • CHANTABILITY OR OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR'?Ijq·. POSE NOR ANY OTHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRA~TY •• EXCEPT AS STATED ABOVE. • ., In no event shalf ZENECA or Seller be liable for any incide'n- • tal, consequential or special damages res'J4t',,~ f·om the US! or handling of this product. THE EXCL\JSIVc t<EMEDY,l;'f. THE USER DR BUYER, AND THE EXCLUSIVE LlABILlT>! OF • ZENECA AND SELLER FOR ANY AND ALL CLkI;v'.S, LOSSC';r, • INJURIES OR DAMAGES (INCLUDING CLAII!1~' BASE!;" ON • BREACH OF WARRANTY, CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE, TIM r. ' • STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE) RESUl111~(l FROM THE USE OR HANDLING OF THIS PRODUCl'. ·SXALL BE THE RETURN OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR, ' AT THE ELECTION OF ZENECA OR SELLER, THE REPu:.Cl- . MENT OF THE PRODUCT. ' , . , ZENECA and Seller offer this product, and Buyer and Lfser~ •• accept it, subject to the foregoing conditions of sale and lirni-t.!.- • tions of warranty and of liability, which may not be modified except by wrinen agreement signed by a duly authorized rep­resentative of ZENECA.

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (40)


ide for Grass and Weed Control

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violatiOn of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent will its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. For any require­ments spectfic to your State or Tribe, consult the agency respon­sible for pesticide regulation. REFER TO ATTACHED BOOKLET FOR COMPLETE DIREC. TIONS FOR USE

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this product only In accordance with its labeling and with the Worker Protection Standard. 40 CFR part 170. Refer to supplemental labeli~ (i.e., attached booklet) under MAGRI· CUL TURAl USE R QUfREMENTS" in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE sectk)n for information about this standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHIBITIONS: Do not contaminate water, food, or feed by storage or dts.:xJsal. Open dumping is prohibited. STORAGE: Keep container tightly closed wtlen not in use. Do not store near seeds, fertilizers or foodstuffs. Can be stored at temperatures as low as minus 5O°F. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resutting lrom the use of thiS product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal fadlty. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Reseal container and offer for recon-ditioning, or tnPIe rinse (or equivalent) and offer for recycling or reconditioning, or clean in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS: Before refilling, inspect thor-oughly for damage, such as cracks, punctures, bulges, dents, abrasionS, soo damaged or worn threads on closure devices. REFILL ONLY WITH EPTAM® 7·E. The rontents of thiS c;on.. tainer C8111"lCX be ~letefy removed by cleaning. Refining with materials other than PTAM 7 -E will result in contamination and may weaken container. After filling and before transporting, check for leaks. Do not refill or transport damaged or leaking container. CONTAINER IS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, FEED, OR DRINK· INGWATER'

EPTAM® is a trademarK of a ZENECA Group Company. ©1998 ZENECA Inc.

Contents: _________ _

.. In U.S.A.

ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Inc. Wilmington. Delaware 19B50~545B

04004760 039817

. , . , .. , '

, "",

•••• • • . ... · ... • • • • •

· ... · ~ .. , , , < , •

" , . . .. .

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (41)

Multiple Crop Herbicide for Grass and Weed Control ACTIVE INGREDIENT: S~thyl dipropylthiocarbamate ............................................... . . .. 87.S% INERT INGREDIENTS: .......................................................... . . ................................................ 12.2%

TOTAL:.................. .............100.0% Contains 7 pounds active ingredient per gallon.

EPA Reg. No. 10182-220

EPA Est. No. _________ _




Refer to ba:x pane: for Precautiona:"'j Stanements

Immediately start the procedures given below. If further treatment is required. contact a Poison CCrltroJ Center. a ;:)hysicia-. or tre near­est hospital. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasses of water bt.r. 00 NOT induce vomiting. If vomiting does xcur. gf\~ flUIdS again Have a physician determine if condition of patient will pelmit inch.dion of vomiting or evaQJation of stomach. :Jo not gr • ..: anYOlng by mouth to an unconscious or convulsing person. IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes with large amounts of runnin;! water for at least 15 minutes. Hold eyelids ooart to er$..Jre rinsing of the entire surface of the eye and lids with water. Get medical attention immediately. IF ON SKIN: Flush all affected areas with plenty of water for sevetal minutes. Seek medical attention jf irritation GCOJfS.

IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. Seek medical attention if reSpiratory irritation occurs or if breathing becomes diffirult

FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANCE, CALL 1-S00-F-A-S-T-M-E-D (327-8633). FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, exposure, or accident call CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300.

Net Contenls:

15 gal (56.8l) __ "U.$.A.

ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Inc. Wilmington. Delaware 19850-5458


MAY \ 4 199B

Net Contents:

30 gaL :(~14l) . . .. . .

{)doJ04761 039817

. . . ...

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (42)

PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS HAZARDS TO HUMANS AND DOMeSTIC ANIMALS CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid contact with sldn, eyes, and dothing. Avoid inhaJation of spray mist Do not contaminate food or feed. Personal Protective Equipment Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this product are list­ed below. If you want more options. follow the instructions for cat~ egory E on an EPA chemical resistance category setection chart. Applicators and other handlers must wear:

Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves. such as barrier laminate or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or viton Shoes plus socks Protective eyewear

Follow manufacturer's instructions for cleaning/maintaining PPE. If no such instructions for washables. use detergent and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other laundry.

When handlers use closed systems. enclosed cabs. or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the Worker Protection Standard (WPS) for agMcultural pesticides (40 CFR 170.240(d)(4-6)], the handler PPE requirements may be reducec or modified as specified in the WPS

User Safety Recommendations Users should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using

tobacco or using the toilet. • Remove clothing immediately if pesticide gets inside. Then

wash thoroughly and put on dean dothing. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product. Wash

the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as possmle, wash thoroughly and change into dean clothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not rontarninate water when disposing of eqJipment washwa­ters. Do not apply directly to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.


NOTICE: Read the enlire Directions for Use and Conditions of Sale and Limitation of Warranty and Liability found in the attachec booklet before buying or using this product If the terms are not acceptable, return the product at once, unopened. and the purchase price will be refunded.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected hanw dlers may be in the area during application. For any requirements specific to your State or Tribe, consult the agency responsit»e for pesticide regulation. Refer to attached booklet for complete Directions for Use.

AGRICULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use this pnxluct only in acoordance with its labelirY:;; 3ld with the Worn", Protection Standard, 40 CFR part 170. ReP.r to supple­mental labeling (Le., attachec booklet) under "AGRCULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS· in the DIRECTIONS FOR lISE section for information about this standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PROHIBITIONS: Do not contaminate water, foo:. :Jr feed by storage or disposal. Open dumping is prohibited. STORAGE: Keep container tightly dosed when n:r In use. Do not store near seeds, fertilizers, or foodstuffs. Gar. :e stored at temperatures as low as minus 5O"F. PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from t.'"t= ·..Jse of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approv~c waste dis­posal facility. CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Reseal oontainer and o"'B- :'c;( recon­ditioning, or triple rinse (or equivalent) and offer 10- 1'?C~ oing or reconditioning, or clean in accordance with rr.~-d2::urer's instructIOns CONTAINER PRECAUTIONS: Before refilling, ins:~:: To~ugh­!y for damage such as cracks, punctures, bulges :er:CS. abra­sions, and damaged or worn threads on closure de"lo'(::~ REFILL ONL Y WITH £PrAM 7-E. The contents of t"lS corr'..ainer cannot be completely removed by deaning. Refilhn; ,tJW materi­als other than EPTAM 7-E will result in contamif"lZi.cr: a'"ld may weaken container. After filhng and before transporting, check fOf leaks Do not refill or transport damaged or leaking contain=­CONTAINER IS NOT SAFE FOR FOOD, FEED OR :RINO(ING WATER'

EPT~ is a trademark of 8 ZENECA Group Company. 101998 ZENECA Inc.


.... ZENECA Ag~ . ..

ZENECA Inc. "", , Wilmington. Delaware' 1995Q-SL$$t ••

="-:lO4762 039817


OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (43)

Multiple Crop Her6lc1de for Grass and Weed Control

ACTIVE INGREDIENT: S-ethyl dipropyithiocarbamate .................................................................... . INERT INGREDIENTS: ............................................................................ .

Contains 7 pounds active ingredient per gaUon.

EPA Reg. No.1 0182-220 EPA Est. No. 10182-NB-1




...... _ ....................... 87.8% . .................. 122%

. ................ 100.0%

, iiefer to back pa->el b" I =-ecautionary Slatemeots

Immediately start the procedures given bekJw. If further treatment ~ l¥.JlllrEt::l, contact a P::lson ~I Gerner a physidan, or the near­est hospital. IF SWALLOWED: Immediately give several glasses of water lXi: 0: NOU induce VOfTITIrg. If ~l1jng Q:)eS occur, give fluids again. Have a physician determine if rondition of patient will permit irKi.cmn of '.uomiting or e\8.::...JatiGn d stoma:;:";. Do I)Qt give anyttjrlg by mouth to an unconscious or oonvulsing person. IF IN EYES: Immediately flush eyes will> large amounls 01 running """"" 1m at least 15 mcute5. rod eyeics ;;oart to ensure rins;ng of the entire surface of 1he eye and lids will> water. Gel medicaf attenli:Jr mmedl8tely. IF ON SKIN: Flush aU affected areas will> pten1y 01 water kl< severa TnI1\JtES. Seek medica attentil:lr1 ,I irTitaIOOn ocrurs. IF INHALED: Remove to fresh air. SeeIc meaocal attention it respiraJ:n' ;rrit3tioo occurs ex f b'l!aft1h; beo:mes difficuli.

FOR 24-HOUR EMERGENCY MEDICAL ASSISTANC:., CALl1-800-F-A-5-T .... -E-O (327-8633). FOR CHEMICAL EMERGENCY: Spill, leak, fire, elQXJSJre, or accident call CHEMTREC 1-800-424-9300.


ZENECA Ag Products

ZENECA Inc_ WIlmington. ~"' 1I985O-545lI


M1' I -4 lQO 'l

Net Comenls:

30 gali11:4L) · . , . · ... . . .. . · ...

04004763 030017

. . ...

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA· 1998-05-14· 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (44)


CAUTION HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED. Avoid contact wilh skin. eyes. and dothing. Avoid inhalation of spray mist. Do not contaninate Iood or feed: Personal Protective Equipment Some materials that are chemical-resistant to this p:-OOuct are listed below. If you want more options, follow the instruclions tor category E on an EPA chemical resistance category selection chart. Applicators and other handlers must wear:

Long-sleeved shirt and long pants Chemical-resistant gloves, such as barrier lamina1e or nitrile rubber or neoprene rubber or viton Shoes pius socks Protective eye wear

Follow manufacture(s instructions for cleaning/maifE:i,ing PPE If no such instructions for washables, use detergert and hot water. Keep and wash PPE separately from other latJlCry.

When handlers use closed systems, enclosed cabs. or aircraft in a manner that meets the requirements listed in the WOrker Protection Standard (WPS) for agricullural pesticides [40 CFR 170.240(d)(4-6)]. the handler PPE requirements may bo reduced or modified as specified in the WPS.

User Safety Recommendations Users should: • Wash hands before eating, drinking, chewing gum, using

tobacco or using the toilet. • Remove clothing mmediately if pesticide gets insiCe. Then

wash thoroughly and put on dean dothing. • Remove PPE immediately after handling this product Wash.

the outside of gloves before removing. As soon as f)OSSibIe, wash thoroughly and change into dean dothing.

ENVIRONMENTAL HAZARDS Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash­waters. Do not apply directfy to water, or to areas where surface water is present or to intertidal areas below the mean high water mark.


NOTICE: Read Ihe entire Directions for Use and Con<itions 01 Sale and limitation of Warranty and Liability found in the attached booklet before buying or using lhis product If II>e terms are not acceptable, return the produd at once. unopened, and the purchase price will be refunded.

DIRECTIONS FOR USE It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inronsistent with its labeling.

Do not a~y this prodL.Ct in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either drectly Of" through drift. Only protected haOOers may be in the :rea CUing appfication. For any require­ments specific 10 your SEte Of Tribe. consult the agency respon­sible for pesticide regulaion. Refer to attached bootet for complete Directions for Use.

AGRICUL ruRAL USE REQUIREMENTS Use ttlis product only r acoort:tance with its labeling and with the Wor1<er Prolection 5tandaro. 40 CFR part 170. Refer to suoolemental labelinc :.e., attadled booklet) under IOAGRI_ CULTURAL USE REQUIREMENTS· in the DIRECTIONS FOR USE section for l--mrmatic)n about this standard.

STORAGE AND DISPOSAL PRQHIStTIONS: Do n:r conta-ninate water, food, or feed by sto"dge or disposal. O:.:-n dumoing is prohibited. STORAGE: Keep oonaner tightly closed when not in use. Do 00: store near seeds r.-rJlizers.. or foodstuffs. Can be stored at i81lperatures as kJ\o\ ~ minus socF PESTICIDE DISPOS~ Wastes resulting from the use of this projuct may be dis~: of or.. site or at an approved waste dis:.osal fadlity. CONTAINER DISPOSlL: Tripile rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recyCli;'f. or r~:=:lnditicning. or puncture and dispose of III a sanitary andfil. ~::lr by other procedures approved by St.a:e and focal authomF.s G()\jTAINER IS NOT S'FE FOR FOOD. FEED OR DRINK· ING WATERI

EPT;',\i® is c trademark of t :ENECA. Group Company. e19SE ZENECA Inc.

Made i ... u.s.A.

..... • ZENECA Ag ProdU~ts • •• ••

ZENECA Inc. ."." • Wilmingt:n. DelaWare' 191J50-54f,~ ••

• . ( .. , , , , ..

Of\004764 039817

... • • .. .

OPP Identifier Numbe EPA · 1998-05-14 · 'Dlf! I & EPA Unlud States OPP Identifier Numbe Environmental Protectioo Agency Washinp1D'\. [Ie 20&60 ~ Registration Amendment Other 266264 - [PDF Document] (2024)


What does EPA registration number tell you? ›

The EPA registration number is the single most important piece of information for tracking pesticide products. The registration number indicates which company holds the registration for the pesticide product, and in what sequence the product was submitted to EPA by the company.

How to search EPA registration number? ›

To search for a particular Section 3 registration, enter the entire registration number (including the hyphen with no leading zeroes (i.e. 123456-12345), enter just the company number (the first set of digits before the hyphen) to search for all products related to that company (i.e. 123456)...

What does EPA OPP stand for? ›

The Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Office of Pesticide Programs (OPP) is a licensing program regulating pesticides in the U.S under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA).

What is the format for the EPA establishment number? ›

Example 1: an establishment number may be written as EPA Est. (Company No.)- MO- 1, which would indicate that the product was produced in the first establishment registered by that company in Missouri.


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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

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Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.