, S u c c e s s o r s

E N V E R , C O L O R A D O , U. S. A

VOL. X J U N E , 1920 No. 6




A S S O C I A T I O N , P U B L I S H E R S , G O L D E N , C O L O .

The Metal Miner and Hercules Dynamite

Tlifii'O is probably no class of men more sk i l l fu l In the uso of explosives than the motal miners. These men have a thorough knowledge of the conditions tbat exist i n their mines. They know the way in which tbe holes should be drilled and charged in order to get the best results from a shot.

:iJut When, the fuse is lighted or the contact jnade in the blasting machine—it is up to tlie powder to do tlie work. No matter how ski l l ­fu l ly the minor does his part of the job, his rosulLs depend upon whether or not li is ex­plosives mako good.

Hercules explosives do malte good—and the strongest cvldunco of this is our large and growing business l u the metal mines of tbe United SLates. More than half the country's copper and a very large proportion of the other metals and minerals is mined with Her­cules Dynamite.

Use these powders in your mino. Their high and uniform ciuality w i l l help you to Increase ore products and cut costs.


HERPi/LES POWDER CO *S Chicago St. T.<ouis Xow York *rj? I'ittaburg, Kan. Donvor Hazleton, Pa.

San Primcisco Salt Lake City Joplin • ? ' B . Chattanooga PiLtsburgh, Pa. "Wilmington, Del.

MA N Y a contractor in the past dug his financial grave by miscalculating the re

sistance of rock strata in bidding on a great engineering enterprise.

The pneumatic tool, to a large extent, has erased danger of loss and time penalties by ripping out rock and granite infinitely quicker—by cutting down necessary man power.

The dependability of Goodrich " C O M M A N -DER" A i r Drill Hose, contractors now find, increases the assurance of profit. Men handle the jackhammer and drill easier because the hose is more flexible.

And the absence of wire^winding — Goodrich " C O M M A N D E R " cover is so tough wire winding is unnecessary—rubs out dfelay. In this way: If any heavy rock fall on " C O M M A N D E R " it just bounces off; if it falls on a wire wound hose it crushes the wire, stops the air flow—possibly fractures the tube.

Our catalog gives a detailed description of "COM-M A N D E R " Send for it. It s free.

T H E B . F . G O O D R I C H R U B B E R C O . Akron, Ohio

A Mod o a e r n

for Your


Laboratory tests on properly designed apparatus enable you to determine tlie milling process best adapted to your 'ore Ijeiore building tlie mill—tliey help you vegalate every step of tlie process for hig-hest efficiency—and the cost is insig­nificant as compared with a mill run. MASSCO Laboratory Milhng Equipment saves money, and minimizes the possi­bility of failure in ore treatment—why not equip your laboratory with MASSCO ore testing specialties?

WIIFIiETT T A B L E Ho. 13 A laboratory size Wilfley complete in every detail—enclosed head motion— tilting device—-and two interchangeable decks with Wilfley roughing and finish­ing riffles—a duplicate of our large ta­bles at a low cost that wil l surprise you.


Two macliines that enable you to qulelay prepare the pulp for testing purposes, crushed or ground to any desired de­gree of ftneness—they can be depended upon for long service.


Consisting of an agitation com­partment, impeller and spitz-Itaaten furnishes an ideal out­fit for determining the flotative properties of any ore and the effect of various oils and rea-

•The pulp thoroughly m i x e d w i t h air drawn down the hol­low impeller shaft is a e r a t e d a n d forced in a steady

stream toward the spitzkasten and f r o t h discharge' lip—it is a com­plete laboratory m o d e l of t h e large Ruth Ma­cliines,

Write for our Bulletins. Massco Equipment inciudea every lalioratory requirement.

The Mine & Smelter Supply Co. D E N V E R , COl^OIEADO

New York Office: 42 Broadway A Service Station within reach of you.



Published every month in the year, at Golden, Colo., by the Alumni Association of the Colorado School of Mines.

C. E R B W U E N S C H , '14, EDITOR. Advertising rates on application.

Subscription P r i ce . . .$1.50 per annum Single Copies 25 cents

Officers of the Alumni Association.

W. H. Coghill, '03 President E. R. Ramsey, '12 ) A. V. Corry, '9S Vice-President H . C. Watson, '01 (Executive W. P. Simpson, '01 Secretarv Thoma.i R nrnwc 'nn ^ Committee

V O L . X G O L D E N , COLO., J U N E , 1920 No. 6


4 R T I C L E S — Page

Use of Electricity in Fvletallurgicai Processes m

By Robert M . Keeney, '10. A general review of the use of central sta­tion power in the electrometallurgy of pig iron, steel ferro-alloys, alumi­num, copper, lead, zinc, gold and silver.

Commencement Address, 1920 12O By John Barrett.

The IVlagnesite industry in Austria igg B y W. C. Phalen. A description of the mining and preparation of mag­nesite for use as a refractory material.

r E C H N I C A L R E V I E W —

A Digest of current technical magazine articles of interest to mining engi­neers

'ersonals ' 120

ichool News 130

THE ALUIVINI ASSOCIATION OF T H E COLORADO SCHOOL OF MINES HAS A CAPABILITY EXCHANGE which renders efficient Employment Service; i f you want a man or a new position wire them.

Jeffrey Cable Reel Locomotive pulling' loacled car from room •

Especially Adapted for Use in Rooms Where it is Not Practical or Economical to Use Trolley Wire

Has outside wheels. Made in 4, 6 and 8 tons. Frames of 4 and 6-ton sizes are of structural steel—s-ton Locomotive lias Armorplate frames.

The cable reel can be either driven from the locomotive motor by means of a belt or by a small motor provided for tbe purpose. Ten­sion on tbe cable is controlled by motorman. A conveniently-placed lever operates a belt tightener which regulates the tension in the cable.

The Center of the Drum is made of wood and the steel-flanges are thoroughly insulated from the locomotive frame and no ground can there­fore occur in case the insulation should be worn OfE f rom the cable. The belt drive pro­vides a slip, pi-eventing. pulling the cable in two, or pulling down tbe trolley wires.

C 950 North Fourth St. O . COLUMBUS, OHIO

Denver Office: First National Bank Building

standard Cable Reel Device—Motor Driven



Use of Electricity in Metallurgical Processes* By Robert IVl. Keeney, '10.

The development of electrometallurgi-cal processes to a position of great indus­trial importance during the last decade was one of the noteworthy steps in the progress of metallurgy. This develop­ment has been of utmost importance to the central station, as most electrometal-lurgical plants, especially electric furnace processes, use power f rom the central station. In 1910 there were electrometal-hu'gicai or electrochemical power loads in about 25 cities in the United States

d Canada, but today such loads are .md in over 200 cities. Ten years ago

HO little was known of the characteristics tbe electric furnace load tbat few

power companies cared to have them on 3ir lines. Today, with an electric steel •nace in practically every manufactur-^ city in the country, the load is con-lered a desirable one. The ,wide exten-m to so many communities is, of course, e mainly to installations of electric icl furnaces during the war. Although 3 number of steel furnaces installed .s far greater than could bave been •eseen ten years ago, and although .ny were installed mainly for war

piii-poses, it does not appear that ire has been an over-development in s respect. The quality of electric el has become so established that ! process is here to stay, and wi l l ibably supersede other processes for ! production of castings, and super-ining wi l l be widely used in the Besse-r and open hearth steel manufacture. Disregarding electrochemical processes, ctricity is used in the metallurgy of ^ following metals, either as a beating mt or for its electrolytic effects—pig il, steel, cast iron, the ferro-alloys, minum, copper, brass, lead, zinc, gold i silver. Table I gives data regard-the quantity of power used in these

cesses in the United States and Can-nd;L as closely as can be estimated from iin'ormation available. There is a total

:1 of approximately 1,300,000 kv-a used electrometallurgical processes in tbe ited States and Canada, not including tor load.

~ )ie 1— Installed Power Capacity in Eiectrometallurgical Processes in

the United States and Canada. rocess Kv-a Load Process Kv-a Load Iron none Brass 23 000

600,000 Lead l 400 ro-aJloys 200,000 Zinc GO 000 ininiun 350,000 per 415,000 Gold & Silver 1,000 The Electric Journal, May, 192 0.

Pig Iron. Although the electric smelting of iron

ore was developed simultaneously in the United States and Sweden, and although in 1908 Dorsey A . Lyon erected at He-roult, California, the first electric furnace to produce pig iron commercially, the process is no longer in operation in this country. P ig iron is being produced in the United States by electric melting of scrap, but not smelting iron ore. The plant at Heroult was increased to 5,000 kilowatts capacity, but in 3914 produc­tion of pig Iron was discontinued and the plant operated on ferro-alloys.

On the other hand, development in Sweden and some other countries has been steady. The furnace developed is similar to the shaft furnace installed by Lyon in 1908, which is especially adapted for production of low carbon and silicon iron, and not foundry iron. It operates best with charcoal as a reducing agent, and in fact proved a failure at Hardan-ger,. Norway, in 1912, when operating with co*ke. A t Notodden, Norway, a fur­nace of the pit type has been developed, which operates satisfactorily witb co*ke and also produces foundry iron. The last two furnaces operated at Heroult, Cali­fornia, were also of tbe low pit type, and could be operated with co*ke and char­coal mixed for production of foundry iron.

Electric furnaces for smelting of iron ore are now installed as shown in Table H. In 1910 there were two furnaces of a total power input of 3,500 kilowatts.

Table II—Electric Furnaces Smelting fron Ore.

Type Numljer of of

Goiuitry Furnace Furnaces Sweden Shaft 19 Norway Pit Norway Shaft 1 Switzerland , Shaft 2 Japan Shaft 2 Italy Sliaft 6

Size of Units Kv-a

2,000 to 7,000 1,200 3,000 3,000 3,000 3.000

Transformer Capacity

Kv-a 64,000 3,600 3,000 6,000 6,000


At the present time there are installed .S3 electric pig iron furnaces of from 2,000 to 7,000 kv-a, a total load of 100,600 kv-a, having a production capacity of 250,000 tons of pig iron per year. Dur­ing the war, production costs have fa­vored electric smelting, so that electric pig iron is now being produced in Sweden for flve dollars per ton less than blast furnace charcoal iron. This is in spite of an average increase in power cost of from eight to twelve dollars per horse­power-year.


The electric iron smelting iurnace pi-o-Inces pig iron with a power consumption of from 2,000 to 3,000 kw-hrs. per ton of pig iron, the lower figure being for white iron and tbe higher for gray iron. Tbe electrode consumption varies f rom 13 to 30 lb. per ton of pig iron. As tbe fur­nace operates with the arc buried in molten slag, the electrical load is very steady, with few fluctuations except whiie tapping. In a plant designed for efficient handling of electrodes, it should be possible to attain an average load factor of 80 percent.

The Swedish furnaces use three-phase, 25 or 60 cycle power, with a secondary transformer range of 50 to 100 volts, but usually operate at SO volts. The furnace bas six electrodes, with one of tbe three transformers to a pair of electrodes. The higb tension side is connected in delta. The load on the furnace is not regulated by raising or lowering the electrode, as on ferro-alloy furnaces, but by voltage con­trol on the primary. On 25 cycles, tbe power-factor is 95 percent, but on 60 cycle current i t may be as low as SO per­cent.

Electric furnace production of pig iron wi l l hardly develop to any great extent in the TJnited States along the line of de­velopment in Sweden, because of the cost of power, but the writer believes that the time is coming, particularly in the western states, when pig iron, more spe­cifically cast Iron, w i l l be made by melt­ing of scrap iron, scrap steel, iron ore, co*ke and lime in the electric furnace to produce iron for direct castings or for pig iron. Dnring the war. a considerable quantity of low phosphorus pig iron was made in Canada and the United States by electric melting of steel scrap. The production late in 1918 was 4,000 tons per month. Six plants were in operation in Canada and two in the United States. While it is not probable tbat tbese plants are operating today, there seems to be a

"future for the process, especially in foun­dries where the cost of pig iron is higb due to freight. The writer knows of one city where the foundries pay $50 per ton for pig iron laid down at their plants. Iron in tbe ladle could be made by the electric process for $35 per ton.

The metallurgy of synthetic electric furnace cast iron was worked out on a large scale by C. A . Keller* in France during the war. Three plants were erected with a total power input avail­able of 40,000 kv-a. During the war 150,000 tons of castings were made with metal cast direct from these electric fur-

* Trans-Am pri can Electrocliemical Society, 1920, C. A. Keller.

naces, of which there were 16 of fr( 1,000 to 2,200 kv-a size. Tbe power c( sumption was from 675 to SOO kw-hrs. j; ton of cast iron, with all electrode c( sumption of 3,5 to 20 lb. per ton of CE iron. A n y grade of iron desired can produced. A l l of the furnaces were the single-phase type with two electro^ in series. The process was conducted a continuous operation, the fui'nace bei kept f u l l of charge. Wi th large nni the load is very steady, but it is pn able that in the operation of small 5iii) kilowatt tmits there might be momentg overloads. These would be no worse tb;in in a steel melting furnace. Tbe pow factor of the Keller single-phase furnE is about 80 percent on 60 cycles. T furnace is operated at 50 to 70 volts.

Another use of the electric furnace in refining gray iron from the cupc Cupola iron, after treatment in the ba'-ic. electric furnace, shows a marked crease in sulphur and increase of tra verse strength. A t present the proct appears adaptable only for the very hi est grade of castings. Tbe electric 1 nace is also being used in production malleable iron castings, and has bt considered as a mixer for keeping mol blast furnace pig iron hot before cast into pipe.

Steel. The most marked increase in the '

of electi'icity in metallurgical proces during the past decade has been in electric furnace production of steel, lu 1904 there were four small electric ] naces in operation in Europe. In 11)i'i there were sixty-seven furnaces in op( tion, eleven not working, and thirty in course of construction throughout world. Of this total of 114 furnai seven were installed in the United StE and Canada with a total power inpul 5,600 kv-a and a charge capacity of tons per heat.

On January 1, 1920,t there were in­stalled or under construction in United States and Canada 363 turns with a total charge capacity per hea about 1,600 tons and a power input ol' about 600,000 kv-a. Of the 363 furna 323 were installed in the United Sti and 40 in Canada. The number of e trie steel furnaces in the world is < mated at 875.

The production of electric furnace s in the United States in 1917 was 304,r,i:i gross tons. Probably 1918 and 1919 show a production of over 400,000 g: tons for each year. Almost 50 peri of tbe 1917 production was alloy s i f H . Of the 323 furnaces in the United StE

t C. F. Cone, The Iron Age, Jan. 1, 1


5 percent are being used for making ciistings.

The most marked development of the (:icetric steei furnace has been in the

jduction of ingot alloy steels for auto-i)H>bile construction and high speed steel,

e electric furnace operating with a nc l ining produces tons of high-grade 3y steels per heat as compared with ; crucible furnace producing pounds, wer grade raw materials can be used, ;ause of the reflning to remove phos-ii'us and sulphur which can be readily •formed in tbe electric furnace. The ctric furnace has proven particularly icessful in tbe production of alloy in-s, such as chrome-vanadium steel, ning out a product better in quality ,n similar open hearth steel witb a ch lower loss of alloys by oxidation.

• the production of high-speed steel in ge heats the electric furnace proved 11 adapted during the war, it being amon practice to pour five ton heats steel valued at three to five dollars pound. However, tbe substitution of electric furnace for the crucible fur­

nace wi l l be very gradual, because it is yet demonstrated tbat average elec-

• high-speed steel is quite equal in qual-to the highest grades of crucible high-ed steel. To. meet the grade of the hest quality crucible steels, the elec-: furnace product must be made from

most pure raw materials available, and even then, considering electric steel

sus crucible steel from condition exist-in each case, it does not seem possi-tbat melting conditions can be as

=ely controlled in tbe electric furnace in the crucible.

_ future probable large development, slectriq steel, Is the use of the furnace

I'lU' flnishing molten converter and open rtb steel. Tbe Illinois Steel Company installed ten 30-ton electric furnaces

Teat steel which has been first blown in the Bessemer converter, then held in

open hearth, for eventual transfer-ciice to the electric furnace. This pro-

s was used to a small extent in the ly days of electric furnace steel pro-

(liution in this country, and a few years probably see its general adoption,

tom the viewpoint of the central sta-i the most important phase of electric il development is in tbe electric fur-8 production of steel castings. Except

manufacturers of high-speed steel, uiorit companies producing alloy steels

erate tbeir own power and do not buy n the central station. This is espe-iy true in large plants using the du-; process for refining molten steel.

Ol! the other hand, practically all foun­

dries buy their power. Electric steel castings can now be made mnch cheaper than converter castings, and at as low a cost as open hearth castings. The grade of the castings is better than the product of either of tbe other methods.

A great advantage of tbe electric fur­nace over the open hearth is the rapidity with which heats are made, so that it does not require handling of large quan­tities of metal as in the case of tbe open hearth. Wi th in a few years the electric furnace wi l l probably replace all other processes for making steel castings, and most castings wi l l be produced without reflning, by melting scrap on an acid bot­tom.

As a central station load, the electric steel furnace gives the least desirable load of any of the uses of electricity men­tioned in this paper. This fact does not make it an undesirable load, however. In fact, it is a very desirable load, although its load factor is low compared with that obtained in some other electrimetallitrgi­cal processes. This is because most foun­dries operate on a ten hour day instead of a twenty-four hour day. On a ten hour day operation, a load factor of 18 to 30 percent is obtained. On a twenty-four hour day the load factor w i l l vary from 40 to 55 percent when making cast­ings. The low load factor, as compared with other electrometallurgical industries, is causel by time lost i n charging and pouring v/hen the power Is off. Due to greater length of time between pouring, a furnace producing ingots on a basic bot­tom with refining should have a higher load factor than those mentioned, but this is offset by the present common practice of running with about half or one-third load during the reflning period at the end of a heat. A furnace refining molten steel Instead of melting cold scrap should attain a load factor of 75 percent on twenty-four hour operation.

Tbe power consumption varies from 550 kw-hrs. per ton when melting scrap on an acid bottom for castings, to 800 kw-hrs. per ton when making alloy steel ingots requiring refining. The voltage on tbe only type of single-phase furnace now used is about 140 volts on the arc, 230 volts open circuit. On two and three-phase furnaces, the voltage is from 90 to 110 volts. The power-factor of the single-phase furnace mentioned varies from 50 to 70 percent, The two and tbree-phase furnaces bave power-factors of from 85 to 95 percent. The electrode consumption is 15 to 25 pounds per ton of steel.

During recent years, the tendency in electric steel furnace construction has


been to increase the power input per ton; to use tbree-phase current and auto­matic regulators; not to have large reac­tances in the primary circuit; and not to build lurnaces with a bottom electrical connection, at least a connection carrying all of tbe load. In fact, now that the basic Heroult patents bave expired, most new types of furnaces appear to be the original Heroult furnace embellished and camouflaged. The power Input per ton of charge has been increased f rom 170 kw in the early furnaces to 500 kw in the most recent steel casting furnaces. One furnace has been biiilt with electri­cal connections so that the secondary voltage may be reduced one-half during reflning. The use of three-phase current has become almost standard, either as three-pliase current in tbe furnace or three-phase converted to two-phase. Few single-phase furnaces are being buiit. The single-phase furnace with a bottom contact, however, blazed the way for rapid melting of scrap for steel castings on an acid bottom.

The use of heavy reactance in the cir­cuit is being discarded, and furnaces are generally operated with a moderate react­ance and automatic regulators. Common reactances are 7 to 15 percent in the transformer. The bottom contact, as used for carrying all of the current, has apparently gone out of use with the aban­donment of singie-phase furnaces, al­though it is s t i l l used for putting a small part of the current through the bottoms of some two-phase and three-phase fur­naces.

The central station can better tbe load factor of the electric foundry furnace by making it an object for the customer to operate his furnace 24 hours per day, through the decreased cost per kw-hr. he obtains. Of course, this depends on the peaks in the power company's industrial and lighting load, but there is at present a tendency to install small furnaces for 24 hour operation rather than large fur­naces for ten hour operation, and it is to the advantage of both parties that this tendency be eucouraged. The furnace with a moderately high power-factor, 85 percent, has proven to be a better load than the furnace with a very higb power-factor, 95 percent, because it is not so sensitive to short-circuits in the furnace, and at the same time there is enough reactance present to render electrode regulation easy with regulators. The use of furnaces with heavy' reactances and hand regulation of electrodes should be discouraged, as the heavy reactance is not necessary, if regulators are instaiied.

Electric furnaces of tbe carbon resist­

ance type have been instaiied in consh able number for the heat treatment forgings and castings. The furnaces ingeniously designed with a very C' plete automatic control of temperati and control movement through the : nace of the piece being treated, ' heating element is a resistor of gram carbon confined in carborundum flre s; troughs, which results in a uniform 1 without surges, and a power-factor ol percent or better. The load on the nace is controlled by variation of set dary voltage with taps on the second of a special type of transformer. ' electric heat treatment of steel is cerl to become common practice even a higher cost because of tbe ease of cnu trol and imiformity of the results tained. Single-phase furnaces of 900 kilD-watts power Input have been insta alone, or with two or three conne( in balance on a tbree-phase cir^ and operated successfully. A fui'ther vance is the adaptation of tbis type electric furnace to the soaking pit large steel ingots and billet reheai furnaces.

Another type of electric heating tr ing furnace was developed during war, in which the heating unit consist a calorite ribbon mounted on a cast : supporting plate and insulated tberef: by suitable refractory material. The naces are of the cylindrical, verticai f and take three-phase, 440 volt curr Units of 400 kilowatts capacity have 1 built. The current is automatic thrown off and on as the temporal rises above or falls below the desiu-d point. These furnaces were designed tbe heat treating of gun barrels, but readily be adapted for the industrial \ of the future.

Ferro-Alioys. The war demand brought the ele{

furnace ferro-alloy capacity to a p which, with the arrival of a more noi peace demand for ferro-alloys, puts industry in mucb the same conditioi existed in the European calcium car industry in 1899, when over-production and patent litigation compelled r plants to look for new products, w: strangely proved to be ferro-alloys, increase in installed furnace transfer capacity for ferro-alloys production enormous from 1915 to 1918. In MHO there were only two plants in the Un States and Canada which produced ferTO-alloys in tbe electric furnace. They a total transformer capacity of posE 20,000 kv-a. On January 1, 1920, t were forty plants with a combined tr former capacity of 200,000 kv-a. A t


te of writing, probably 75 percent of ise plants are not operating. Many of sm are in the hands of a receiver and 11 eventually be dismantled. Probably

not over a half a dozen of tbe plants icted during the war, for war purposes, id back tbeir plant investment before ; armistice. Companies which were

organized with sufflcient operating capi-wi l l doubtless, with proper manage-

int, return the investment in time. It [1 be slow, because the market has in dead for al l alloys, except ferrova-

ijadium, until two months ago, when the ce of ferromanganese began to ad-ice from as low as $100 per ton until w it has reached the war price of $250 • ton. This is due to failure of im-

jinrts of ore. Between the buyers and ! government war materials policy, ! domestic ore producers got such a iking down after the armistice that it 1 be a iong time before there wi l l be 7 quantity of domestic ore produced,

I'.vcept by ferro-manganese manufactur-operating their own mining proper-

3. Vith the enormous increase in plant )acity, the United States easily led the rid in production of ferro-alloys when : armistice was signed. The plant ea-:ity of ferrosiiicon bad increased from

in operation when the market for other alloys was dull. On Armistice Day there were ten plants of total transformer ca­pacity of 55,000 kv-a, and production ca­pacity of about 80,000 tons per year. A t the close of 1918 about 15 percent of the ferromanganese production of the United States was being made in electric fur­naces. Wi th two exceptions these plants are now out of operation, the two largest having resumed work when the price of ferromanganese advanced several months ago.

Through tbe interest of one of the larg­est smelting companies in the world in a Colorado molybdenite deposit, wbicb is probably the most extensive known de­posit of molybdenite, large scale investi­gation of the use of molybdenum in steel has resulted. This work shows that the addition of small quantities of molybde­num to chrome, nickel, chrome-nickel or chrome-vanadium steel, results in a steel of greater strength and toughness, which is easily forged, easily heat treated and easily machined. Probably 300 tons of ferromolybdenum were produced in 1918 as compared with less than 25 tons in previous years. There was a very small production in 1919. Some electrical char­acteristics of electric ferro-alloy furnaces are given in Table III,

Table Ml—Electric l^erro-Alloy Furnaces.

Product o S J . .era K N p >

01 m tli ni p D,


t ^


t w














ing o S J . .era

K N p >

u O ni OJ o rt erce






fcOro rosilicon 750 to 1 80 93 80-85 25

7500 3 130 ' 70 SO-85 10 romang'anese . . . 1200 to 3 65-75 85 80-85 10 romanganese . . . 5G30 3 115-130 70 80-85 10 rochromium ., . . 1000 to 3 65-75 95-90 80-85 25 I'ochromium .. . . 1500 3 75 86-90 80-85 25 rotungslen . . . . 75 to 350 1 to 3 55-76 90 50-70' 50 romolj'bdenum. 75 to 250 1 55-75 90 50-70 50 t'ovanadium .. . . .150 to 500 1 55-76 90 70-80 25 ro-uranium . . . . , 75 to 150 1 55-75 70 70-80 50-100 I'otitanium . . . . 500 1 55 85 SO 60

Load Curve

Smooth Smooth Very Smooth Very Smooth Smooth Smooth Irregular Irregular Smooth Very Irregular Irregular

I'l.OOO or 15,000 tops per year to 100,000 s per year. Instead of importing fer-

roiungsten and ferrochrome, large quan-tii les were exported, Ferrovanadium,

ch had always been exported, was iped abroad in larger quantities than r. But tbe two most important devel-lents have been the electric smelting nanganese ores and the increased use

< 1' molybdenum in steel. 1 1914 there were no electric smelting Its built mainly for production of fer-Langanese. Two plants at Niagara Is made it electrically at irregular in­

tervals, presumably to keep tbeir furnaces

Practically al l ferrosiiicon furnaces are now installed in three-phase units. If it Is desirable to install units of less tban 1,500 kv-a capacity, a single-phase fur­nace witb two vertical electrodes in series is usually built. There is at least one plant in tbis country equipped with single-phase furnaces of this type. The ferromanganese furnace gives about the smoothest and most easily controlled load of any of the ferro-alloy furnaces.

Ferrochrome is made in both single-phase furnaces and three-phase furnaces. Before tbe war some engineer from the largest point of ferro-alloy production,


Niagara Falls, claimed tliat ferro-chrome could not be made in a furnace , of over 1,000 kw capacity. This was proven to be a fallacy by tbe recent installation ot a 1,500 kw furnace in Denver which oper­ates more satisfactorily than a. smaller furnace at the same point.

Ferrotungsten is almost universally made in the single-phase furnace of the Siemens type with the bottom forming one electrode. The metal is allowed to build up in the furnace and tbe furnace torn down to remove it. This results in a considerably more irregular load curve than with the larger tapping furnaces. One plant, now dismantled, successfully made ferrotungsten in a three-phase fur­nace.

The characteristics of ferromolybde­num operation are much the same as for ferrotungsten, except that when the 55 percent molybdenum alloy is being made, it can be produced in a tapping furnace instead of a knockdown furnace. Elec­tric furnace ferrovanadium is usually produced in a single-phase furnace, either of the Siemens type or series type. Ferro-uranium is made in small furnaces of the Siemens type. Due to absence of slag in the operation, the load is very irregular, and considerable reactance is usually used in the circuit, especially if automatic regulators are not used. The load char­acteristics of a ferrotitanium furnace are somewhat similar to those of ferro-ura-iiium.

In commercial production of'these ferro­alloys, ferrosiiicon, ferromanganese and ferrochromium can be made in tbree-phase furnaces as readily as in single-phase furnaces, and there is no reason for permitting installation of single-phase furnaces for their production. Ferrotung­sten, ferro-molybdenum, ferrovanadium, ferro-uranium and ferrotitanium must be made in single-phase furnaces. A t least the operation is much more apt to suc­ceed in a business way. For this reason, a power company should not object to in­stallation of single-phase furnaces by a company desiring to make these alloys. It may be noted that the liue of division in these alloys is between metals of a low melting point and metals of a high melt­ing point.' Silicon, manganese, and chro­mium have comparatively low melting points when electric furnace tempera­tures are considered, wbile the melting point of tungsten, molybenum, vanadium, uranium and titanium is high.

There appears to be no reason for tbe installation of heavy external reactances for the production of any ferro-alloys, ex­cept possibly ferrotitanium and ferro-uranium. For these alloys, either regula­

tors or reactances are probably neces­sary. In the operation of plants without regulators and with regulators, on the same ferro-alloys, in the same size fur­naces, no marked difference in the straightness of the load curve is notice­able. The regulator saves the time of one man on three furnaces or three elec­trodes when hand control is used. A good man wi l l get as good a load curve as a good automatic regulator but, of course, the regulator eliminates the human ele­ment.

Recently the writer put in operation a ferro-alloy plant with the understanding that the primary circuit was 4,500 volts. Furnace transformers were installed with a ratio, of 4500-75. During the twenty-four hours, the secondary furnace voltage varied from 72 to 85 volts, de­pending on whether the industrial load of the town was on or off. This results in two things—it ran up the demand charge because the furnace would run at the same amperage with higher voltage unless watched continuously, and means the production of a poorer grade of metal when running a knockdown fur­nace, as the button wi l l not be so com­pact with high voltage. The difficulty was not caused by anything in the fur­nace transformer, which had a reactance of seven percent, as tbe same ratio of variation was shown on tbe 110 volt light­ing circuit. In another case a large fur­nace was installed on a power line which the power company claimed was more than heavy enough. It resulted in a line drop of 25 percent, which made the fur­nace voltage so. low that enough power could not be gotten into the furnace to keep it hot. Ferro-alloy furnaces are run on certain voltages because practice has proven these voltages to be the best. Of course, in 3,000 to 4,000 kilowatt furnaces it is sometimes necessary to raise the voltage above the desired limit for good metallurgical practice, in order to get power into the furnace.

Tbe ele'ctric smelting load, at the pres­ent time exemplified by ferro-alloy fur­naces, is probably one of the best loads a power company can get, and in the fu­ture may prove a much larger load with application of electricity to smelting of non-ferrous ores.

Aiuminum. Since the separate discoveries by Hal l

and Heroult in 1886, that aluminum could be produced by electrolysis of alumina with a fluoride eiectroiyte, the yearly pro­duction of aluminum bas increased to a worid output of 489,000,000 pounds t in

:i: J. W. Ilicliardig, The Mineral Industry,. 19iS.


1918. Aluminum is now fourth in quan­tity production of non-ferrous metals, be-ag surpassed only by copper, zinc and 3ad in the order named. It w i l l prob-bly pass lead and zinc within twenty ears. In variety of uses it is only sur-assed by iron and copper. A l l alumi-um is produced in a direct-current, elec-ralytic cell with a molten electrolyte, sually heated by the passage of the cur-ant. The world output of 1918 required bout 700,000 kv-a, and the estimated in­talled power capacity being used for lurainum in the United States at the resent time is 350,000 kv-a. Tbe pro­

duction of the United States In 1918 was 35.000,000 pounds. France was the next irgest producer with a production of 5,000,000 pounds. In 1910 tbe produc-on of the United States was only 3,000,000 pounds and the installed

iiower capacity about 75,000 kv-a. The practical metallurgy of aluminum,

s practiced in the United States, has een kept as secret as possible. Tn one f tbe most recently constructed plants le furnaces or cells take 20,000 amperes

nf direct current at seven volts. Sev-aty of these furnaces are connected in iries on a 500 volt, direct-current line, ower is supplied to the battery by a ),000 kilowatt, direct-current generator irect driven by a water wheel. In most iiropean plants, the direct connection

nf tbe water wheel to the direct-current jnerator has been common practice, be-luse the aluminum plants were gener-ly built at the power site. Tbis prac-ce has not been common in this coun-•y because the power source has usu-l y been the high-tension line of a cen-al station. The power consumption is 30ut 15 kw-hrs. per pound of aluminum, he load is ideal for a central station. In addition to the use of electricity in te production of aluminum, it is also led for melting aluminum in furnaces • the resistance type. A carbon resistor :rnace of 500 ifw capacity has been put 1 tbe market for tbis purpose.

Copper. Since 1883, electricity has been used this country to refine copper. There

'6 nine electrolytic copper refineries in e United States. Direct current is ipplied from motor-generator sets or inverters. In electrolytic copper refln-g, pure copper is produced from blister ipper by suspending the blister copper 1 an anode in a solution of GUSO4 acidu-ted with H.SO4, the current depositing u-e copper on a copper catliode, the im-udties forming an anode mud. The ectrolytic copper reflning capacity of

the United States is 1,349,000 tons per year, requiring about 45,000 kv-a. Power is generally supplied at 145 to 220 volts, and the cells are usually connected in multiple. The greater part of the elec­trolytic copper refining capacity of tbe United States is located on New York harbor, and power is generated by steam in the power plant of the refinery. Seven to eleven pounds of copper are deposited per kw-hr.

The electrolytic deposition of copper from leaching plant solution is in prac­tice on a large scale at Ajo , Arizona. The power installation is 15,000 kv-a, of which only one-half is required to oper­ate the plant. As high as 2.5 pounds of copper have been deposited per kw-hr.

A n increasing quantity of electricity is heing consumed in the large copper smelting plants for removing dust from smelter smoke. A new Cottrell smoke treatment plant has been completed at Anaconda, which uses approximately 1,000 kw. This use of power wi l l be in­creasing until almost every smelting plant is equipped. The process is also being used on manganese furnaces and lead furnaces.

There has been a remarkable growth of the use of the electric furnace for m.elting brass and non-ferrous metals. From one silver melting furnace of the carlion resistor type in 1914, the nuraber bad grown to 261 ^ on March 1, 1920. Of these furnaces, 61 are carbon resistor furnaces, 118 are induction furnaces, and 82 are arc furnaces of various types. Furnaces are being used to melt l^rass castings, wrought brass, bronze, copper and nickel. The total estimated installed transformer capacity is 23,000 kv-a, of whicb one-third is for carbon resistor furnaces, one-half for arc furnaces, and the balance for induction furnaces. Tbe carbon resistor furnaces operate at 98 per cent power-factor, giving a very steady load. The most common size has 105 kv-a transformer capacity. The in­duction furnaces are built in the small­est units of any of these furnaces, taking 30 to 60 kw ioad with a power-factor of 70 to 85 per cent. The indirect rotating arc furnace operates at 80 to 90 per cent power-factor, and is built in sizes up to 300 kv-a. Depending on the kind of brass being melted, the power consumption varies from 250 to 400 kw-brs. per ton.

The electric brass furnace is rapidly becomin,g an important load for the cen­tral station. Except for the single-phase feature it makes a good load for a power

* E, F. Cone, The Iron Ago, May 4, 1!)2I1, IJ. 655.


company. It is built in such small units that the fact it is single-phase should not prove seriously objectionable.

Lead. Electricity is used for the refining of

lead bullion by the Betts proeess at Tra i l , Br i t i sh Columbia; East Chicago, Indiana; Omaha, Nebraska; and New Castle on Tyne, England. The general layout of a plant is similar to that of an electrolytic copper refinery. Cast an­odes of lead bullion and lead cathodes of electrolytic lead connected in multiple are suspended from copper bars across a rectangular tank in which there is an electrolyte containing lead fiuosilicate and free hydrofluosilic acid. The cur­rent enters the anode, passes through the electrolyte to the cathode, dissolves lead from the anode and deposits it on the cathode. The impurities form anode mud or slime, which is refined to recover m.etals of value. The electrolytic lead reflning capacity of the United States and Canada is abont 90,000 tons of lead per year. The installed power capacity is about 1,400 kv-a. Fifteen pounds of lead are deposited per kw-hr. Power is generally supplied at 90 to 115 volts, and the cells connected in various arrange­ments.

Zinc. The commercial application of electro­

lytic precipitation of zinc from sulphate solution in the hydrometallurgy of zinc is less than five years old. The first re­corded production in the United States was 10,963 tons in 1916, which in 1918 had increased to 38,885 tons. The elec­trolytic zinc production of 1918 was 7.3 per cent of the total production of the United States, A t the present time there are four commercial plants for produc­tion of electrolytic zinc in the United States and one in Canada, with a total production capacity of abont 300 tons of zinc per day. One plant has been built in Australia and two in Tasmania.

The secret of successful electrolytic preparation is to precipitate tbe zinc from a pure electrolyte. Sheet lead anodes and sheet aluminum cathodes are used. The zinc is stripped from the aluminum cathode and melted for cast­ing into ingots. The power consumption in one plant is as low as 1.7 kw-hrs. per poun<J of zinc precipitated. In others it is as high as 2.5 kw-hrs. per pound of zinc. In one plant three-phase current is delivered at 44,000 volts, transformed to 3,300 volts, and converted to 250 volt direct-current by synchronous motor-gen­erator sets. Sixty cells are connected in series, with the voltage per cell 3.5 volts.

The installed transformer capacity of electrolytic zinc plants in the United States and Canada is about 60,000 kv-a.

A large 1,000 kw melting furnace of the carbon resistor type was put in oper­ation in 1919 for melting the zinc ca­thode of an electrolytic zinc plant. In the first weeks of operation the furnace melted zinc with a power consumption of 70 to SO kw-hrs. per ton of metal charged and a metal loss in dross of 0.024 per cent.

Although there has been considerable experimenting in the United States and Canada during the past ten years on electi'ic smelting of zinc ores, nothing has been done in commercial production. Electric smelting of zinc ore and dross has been practiced commercially in Sweden since 1901. Two plants are in operation in that country of a total transformer capacity of 15,000 kv-a. A large part of this capacity has been used for smelting dross. When smelting ore the main difflculty has been in produc­tion of blue powder instead of zinc. Single-phase furnaces of 350 to 750 Icv-a size are used. Although the blue powder difflculty appeared practically solved by experimenters in the United States sev­eral years ago, nothing commercially bas resulted.

The use of electricity in metallurgical processes for treatment of ores is cer­tain to increase slowly. The operation of the Anaconda plant has shown that zinc can be produced electrolytically at a profit with zinc at its normal price. Electrolytic plants w i l l probably prove most successful in large units, and tbe growth wi l l be toward a few large in­stallations rather than a few small ones. A l l the plants erected to date use central station power. These plants give an ex­cellent load of high load factor and high power-factor.

Gold and Silver.

Electrolytic reflning of gold and silver bullion has heen practiced for a number of years in the United States mints at Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco, and the New York assay office. It is, also used in the refinery of one Perth Amboy smelting plant. In silver refining, an electrolyte of silver nitrate solution is used. In gold refining the electrolyte is a trichloride solution of gold. The power involved in these installations does not exceed 500 kilowatts.

Several electric melting furnaces were installed in United States mints during the war, which proved successful for melting silver dollars, nickel and copper.


Future Development. Increased load of central stations from

netallurgical processes depends on sev-•ral factors: (1) cost of power; (2) lo­

cation and freight rates; (3) the price if coal and oil now used as fuels in met­alurgical processes; (4) industrial de-aand for the highest gi-ade metals and Hoys, In melting steel and non-ferrous aetals and electrolytic refining of met­is, a power cost of one cent per kw-hr. 3 reasonable, but a smelting or electro-i'tic reduction process, except when pro­

ducing the higher priced ferro-alloys, uch as ferrovanadium, cannot stand this rice. The smelting furnace operator

does not expect the two m i l l power of Iweden, but in most cases he must bave ve mi l l power. The cost of power hm-;s the following electrometallurgical recesses to hydroelectric power: smelt-ig of iron ore, ferro-alloy production, luminum, electrolytic zinc precipitation, nd electric smelting of non-ferrous ores. Location and freight rates wi l l have considerable influence on tbe substitu-

on of electrical processes for combus-ou methods. Western foundries wi l l robably be making iron castings by lectric melting of scrap iron and steel r by smelting a mixture of scrap and

iron ore instead of by melting pig iron lipped from the East with a $12 to $18 •eight rate added to the eastern market fice, once somebody has demonstrated le saving possible. Many large western nelters bave ceased operation because : high costs and shortage of ore. Tbis .ay result in installations of electric irnaces for treatment of higb grade •es and flotation concentrate. The price of coal and oil has reached

ich a point in many western smelting centers, where hydroelectric power is

mailable, that i f electric furnaces were developed to a point where they could be

ibstituted for combustion furnaces, sub-itution of electric furnaces would un-)ubi,edly result, Tbis development is T t a i n to come before many years, if el prices remain high, particulariy oil . Modern industry demands high grade oducts. Even if electric furnace steel •sts slightly more than open hearth eel, the requirement of the best steel issihle for present day industrial pur-ises is certain to result in ' a large in­

crease i n the production of electric fiir-ce steels and non-ferrous alloys. This

11 eventually increase the consumption electrically produced ferro-alloys.

In summary, a considerable increase the uses of electricity is to be ex-

cted in the foilowing processes:

1., Iron castings from scrap or a du­plex process of cupola melting with elec­tric furnace reflning.

2. Steel castings and alloy steels, 3. Ferro-alloys. 4. Aluminum. 5. Brass melting. 6. Electrolytic zinc. 7. Electric smelting of non-ferrous


Electric Power IVlade Economical.

"The present tendency of modern power equipment, both steam and hy­draulic, is toward the growth of large central power stations and intercon­nected distribution systems," is tbe be­lief of engineers of the General Electr ic Company,

This leads them to predict that these power stations wi l l be situated at points of cheap coal supply or of hydroelectric development and wi l l supply power for cities and industries over a wide section of country. The same systems wi l l also furnish power for the railways in their territories. The Montana Power Com­pany may he cited as an illustration. This company has 12 hydraulic power stations feeding into a common distribu­tion system at 100,000 volts. The total in­stalled capacity is approximately 175,000 Idlowatts (235,000 horsepower). Power is furnished to the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul R, R. and for other purposes. ' The average 24-hour demand for the 440 miles of the C. M . &. St. P. electrification is approximately 15,000 kilowatts (20,000 horsepower).


The speed of submarine telegraphy Is illustrated by the fact that flve minutes are usually sufficient to cover a complete buying and selling operation between the London Stock Exchange and W a l l Street. The distance between these two points is about 4,000 miles and it takes the mes­sage less than a minute for the journey.

Electric Development in Japan.

It is stated that there are 715 electrical utility undertakings in Japan, including 625 power plants, 42 electric railways, and 48 companies operating both power plants and tramways. This is an in­crease of 40 companies over last year, and evidences the growing popularity of electricity in that country.


Summarized Extracts from Commencement Address of John Barrett

Jirector General of the Pan-American Union, the official international organization of the American republics in Washington, and former United States minister

to Argentina, Panama, and Colombia, before the Colorado School of iVIines, Golden, Colorado, Monday, May 10, 1920.

It is most iitting tbat tbe Pan-American opportunity and responsibiiity of the United States should be discussed before the Coiorado School of Mines. There is no foreign field today so potential for the men, the capital and the commerce of the TJnited States as that of our twenty sister American republics. There is no educational institution in the country that can do more than this one to make the TJnited States a leader i n the devel­opment of that fleld.

The Colorado School of Mines has a unique position not only in the TJnited States but throughout both Lat in Amer­ica and As ia as well. It is known from Mexico and Cuba south to Argentina and Chile, and f rom Japan to India, as one of the leading schools of its kind in the wide world. Its young men, therefore, witb its influence back of them, should figure prominently in the new era of both material and political relationship tbat is developing between the TJnited States and foreign, l^nds and especially witb its sister American republics.

While from my knowledge of their progress and possibilities, and from my experience among them as TJnited States Minister and Spfecial Commissioner, I have profound respect for the countries and peoples of As ia ; today I am empha­sizing the Pan-American opportunity and what it means to the young men of this institution and of the entire country.

Think of what Pan-America and Pan-Americanism means! Fan - America means, geographically, everything on tbe Western Hemisphere from the Arct ic to tbe Antarctic, and, politically, it signifies tbe twenty-one independent republics of the new world from the TJnited States on the north to Argentina and Chile on the south. Some day, and I beUeve it is not far distant,' Canada wi l l be in­cluded politically as well as geographi­cally. And then what a magnificent front to a i l the world the Pan-American Union, the organization of all the American coun­tries for tbe development of commerce and intercourse, friendship and peace among them, wi l l present to the rest of the world. Pan-Americanism means the cooperation of al l these countries for their common good of the world.

That section of Pan-America of which we speak today includes the twenty coun­

tries which extend f rom Cuba and Mex­ico south. Think of it! They cover an area of nearly 9,000,000 (nine million) square miles, or approximately three times the connected area of tbe United States; they support a population rapidly approaching 100,000,000 (one hundred million), or almost equal to tbat of the United States; they conduct a foreign trade in excess of $3,000,000,000 (three billion) per annum, of which today, though it is not generally appreciated, the United States has tbe largest share, Whether it continnes to hold this positioi! of leadership, which it gained during the war, w i l l depend largely upon the com­mercial, financial and shipping interests of tbe United States and the work and ambition of such young men as are grad uating from the Colorado School oi Mines,

The young men of the United States should awake to tbe immeasurable future of our sister American republics, the ma jority of which are, materially, and espe cially i n mining and mineral possibilities where our great west was fifty years ago As one wbo has studied every part of Lat in America and traveled extensiveli over its mountain ranges and through iti river valleys, I honestly believe tha Lat in America is going soon to experi ence a mining and mineral development which wi l l astonish the world. It al ready has a wonderful record in this re spect, but, as conditions of transports tion, communication, stability of govern ment, safety of investment and better knowledge of these countries come, there wi l l be a corresponding discovery am exploitation of natural riches beyond any

. thing ever experienced in the history o the United States.

RADIO BARRAGE RECEIVERS. Dr. Alexanderson, tbe well-known wire

less engineer has developed what b calls a barrage receiver, which permit receiving stations to turn a deaf ear to all- other messages except the particula one which they desire to hear. In a r< cent lecture Dr. Alexanderson outline a comprehensive plan for a worid-wid system of radio communication, which, h believes, w i l l send messages at the rat of 100 words per minute.


GENERAL. The German Nitrogen Syndicate. By

Prof. N. Caro. (C, & M. E., April 14, 1920.) The ,question of the possibility of Ger­

many's applying her greatly increased nitrogen output to the fertilization of the soil is weli treated. As a fertilizer, ni­trogen was formerly used with phos­phoric acid in the ratio of one to'three, but it is believed that this ratio can be changed to two to one without impover­ishment of the soil. Foreign competi­tion is to be feared only as long as the price of coal, co*ke, water-power, and la­bor continues to rise in Germany. Amer­ican competion is centered in Alabama, where water-power, coal, marble, pyrite, and phosphate rock make it possible to produce ammonium phosphate at a very low cost. Other countries produce about three hundred thousand tons of lime-ni­trogen annually. To facilitate the distri­bution of the products a Government-controlled nitrogen syndicate has heen established. J. A H

Rehabilitation of Silver. By Senator Charles 8. Thomas. (E, & M. J., Apri! 17, 1920.) Beginning with a consideration of the

vast war debts contracted by the world. Senator Thomas shows the intimate con­nection between permanent peace and fi­nancial stability. The world's gold sup­ply amoimting to only about one-sixth of its currency and one-thirtieth of its debt, a safe balance can be reached only by re­habilitating silver, and fixing a ratio of exchange between it and gold. Such a step could not possibly increase produc­tion to tbe danger point as the present annual silver production is only one-fourth the demand. J, A . H .

The Future of Interior Alaska. By R. H. Stretch. (M. & S. P., April 24, 1920.) Tbe purpose of this article is, in gen­

eral, to distinguish the milder regions of Alaska from the arctic northern part, and, more particularly, to give the essen­tial differences between the coast and the interior. Coastal Alaska extends inland to tbe summit of the Alaskan range and is principally a land of fisheries, mines and forests. Arct ic Alaska is drained into the Arct ic Ocean and its commercial importance depends oti furs and whales. Interior Alaska produces gold at present l)ut its climate is favorable for farming.

The total area of Alaska is 600,000 square miles, of which the Interior com­prises one-third. In the Interior there is a population of about 12,000, but aside from gold, they have exported absolutely nothing- over the railroad on whicb the Government has spent $52,000,000. A t preseut the prosperity of the country waxes and wanes with tbe condition of the mining industry, but with govern­mental encouragement the land could ex­port great quantities of agricultural products. J . A H

Consumption of Inorganic Nitrogen in the United States. By Major D. P, Gaillard. (C. & M. E., April 28, 1920.)' The consumption of nitrogen may be

agricultnral, industrial, or military. In the fertilization of the soil, inorganic ni­trogen, especially Chilean nitrate and ammonium sulphate makes up about 60% of the whole, while the remainder is or­ganic, mostly cottonseed meal and ani­mal tankage. A t present the annual con­sumption is about 7,500,000 tons of ferti­lizer, with the high prices indicating tbat the consumption is regulated by the sup­ply rather than by the demand. It is estimated tbat over 150,000,000 tons of mixed fertilizer couid be advantageously used each year on the soil of the United States. In the last two years cottonseed meal and animal tankage have been used so broadly for feeding that tbey are now only secondarily utilized as fertilizers. This fact makes it probable that by 1930, organic material w i l l be available for only one-tenth of the fertil izer supply. This means that 285,000 tons of nitrogen must be supplied by inorganic sources. In the industries, two-thirds of the nitro­gen is in the form of nitrates, the re­mainder being ammonia. At the normal rate of increase, the 1919 consumption of 97,500 tons of nitrogen wi l l be' increased to 150,000 tons in 1930. In 1918, 150,000 tons of nitrogen were used in making ex-])losives, but the annual consumption should now decrease to the pre-war ton­nage of 1,500. J . A . H

A Nevi/ Type of Catalyzer for Hydrogena­tion. By W. D. Richardson. (C. & M. E., April 28, 1920.) " Benjamin W. Elder, tbe inventor of the

new type, proved that an effective cata­lyzer could be made by the action of an abrasive upon bulk nickel. The princi­ple of the thing is that au abrasive in


oil rubbed across tbe nickel produces a suspension in oil of tbe finely divided nickel necessary for catalytic action. Grinding by means of two nickel discs rotating in opposite direction and sup­plied with hot oil did not produce a prac­t ical amount of material. Cast iron tum­bling mills had to be abandoned because the iron as well as the nickel was abraded. Porcelain-lined m i l l s were slightly abi-aded but tbe only disadvan­tage was the necessity of reiining the m.ills. The ideal mi l l would be con­structed with a l ining of the same metal as the charge, since this would prevent the dilution of the catalyzer witb sil ica f rom a porcelain lining. The Elder cata­lyzer is more cheaply prepared and is superior in activity to many of the chem­ically prepared agents. It may also be recovered from the hardened oil by filter pressing and be reused. A n ingenious application of tbe process is grinding and bydrogenating simultaneously. Sci­entifically, the invention is of great im­portance as it makes it possible to con­trol the ratio of mass to exposed surface.

J . A. H .

Recataloging the World's Largest Li­brary. By Harrison W. Graver. (IVl. & iVI., IViay, 1920.) Tbe present catalog of the Engineering

Societies Library, consisting of four parts, is to be supplanted by an author catalog and a classed subject catalog. The author catalog wi l l contain names of authors, societies, periodicals, joint authors, and analytical author entries, as well as cross reference cards. Classifi­cation wi l l extend to the books tlrem-selves and to tbe cards representing the works in the library. By this system the reader raay learn what books by a given author . are in the library, and what books deal with a given subject.

J . A. H .

Tin—Its Political and Commercial Con­trol. Bv James M. Hill. (E. & M. J., May 1, 1920.) The $131,000,000 worth of t in mined in

1913 was used in making tin cans, alloys and minor products. Although most of the element is found in placer deposits, lode deposits, almost always associated with silicious igneous rocks, have been successfully exploited in the last few years. These are generally found at the contact of the intruded and intrusive rock, and near the top of the intruding mass. The only commercial ore of tin, cassiterite, carrying 78.6 percent of tin, occurs in placers which carry about one pound of tin per cubic yard, or in lodes

which average from one to forty percei Bri t ish tin, which is nearly always pt tected by heavy export duties, is miU' in England, tbe iVlalay Peninsula, Sou Afr ica , Australia, Tasmania and Ind: Tbe only other deposits of any impo ance . are in Bolivia, the Bri t ish East ] dies, Siam and China. Although smi quantities are mined in Japan, Spain, P( tugal, and tbe United States. Englai thus controls practically the world's si ply, whiie tbe United States must dope: on importations. J . A . H .

Supply of Inorganic Nitrogen in the United States. By Major D. P. Gail­lard. (C. & M. E., IVlay 5, 1920.) This article deals wit l i the sourc

whicb must supply the inorganic nitrog whose consumption was detailed in a pi vious paper by Major Gaillard. The 1 product co*ke-ovens, now in use or und construction, from which come a lar part of the nitrogen supply, can produ 82 percent of the 1919 consumption co*ke. Bee-hive ovens have stood the co petition of the by-product oven with appreciable fal l ing off of production, the present rate of increase, 159,500 to of nitrogen should be produced from c( in 1920. In the same year 80,000 to should be derived from fixation plan A t the present rate of increase we w bave to import 183,500 tons, equivale to over 1,000,000 tons of Chilean nitra

J . A . H ,

Synthetic Acetic Acid and Acetone. By J. T. Rooney. (C. & M. E., May 5, 1920.) War-time necessity in the manufactt

of acetone for cordite led the English in subsidize the Canadian Electro-Produ( Co., which developed the synthesis of acetic acid from calcium carbide, waior and air. A n experimenta:! plant was c< structed to determine the best metal containers, the preparation of yelh mercuric oxide, the utilization of air an oxydation agency, and the best ca lysts. Acetylene is admitted into the b tom section of a duriron kettle, rif through a six percent solution of s phuric acid, and the portion which converted to aldehyde is bailed off a condensed. This 35 percent solution aldehyde is pumped to tbe st i l l house and concentrated to 99 or 100 percent. Pure acetaldehyde is pumped into aluminum lined iron tanks and oxydized to ace acid by the admission of air under pre nre. This crude acetic acid is distilled to a purity of 99.8 per cent. The acid w decomposed to acetone in 72 conversi tubes packed with lime-coated iron bal and wound with 290 feet No. 12 nichroi


ion. Mercuric oxide catalyst was pro-ed electrolytically in a caustic soda ition, using metallic mercury as the de. The mercury was recovered by tralizing with soda ash the sediment settling tanks. When tbe United tes entered the war a similar plant

built in the same locality to supply yith cellulose acetate varnish for air-les. Por commercial purposes the syn-

l!ici:ic process is equal to the wood dis-,tion process and should even sup-it the latter. J . A. H .

The Lorraine Iron Field and the War. By Alfred H. Bridges. (E. & M, J., ". ay 8, 1920.)

he Lorraine iron field lies within easy h by water, of the great European

inn'diets; and also within reach of co*king . They therefore constituted a raen-to the German iron industry, as they led into French territory and France ht place restrictions on exportation, ing the occupation of France, al l com-tive steel plants and coal mines were ematically destroyed, while the iron es, necessary to German industry, 3 left unharmed. A t present France rippled by the lack of coal to treat iron, whiie Germany is almost as

3usly impeded by lack of iron ore to t in her furnace. J . A , H .

Pre-War Legislation Affecting Nitrate ants. By Chester H. Jones. (C. &

M. E., May 12, 1920.) le question of nitrogen fixation by m power vs. water power at present iars to be a question of politics. The Pont Company agreed in return for iv power sites for the plant to fur-

to the United States any part or )f its production of nitrate acid at a 3 which, in the opinion of the Secre-

of War, should allow a reasonable t. The Smith B i l l , which provided government ownership of fixation

ts, was supported by Oscar Under-1 of Alabama, who reminded the

11(11136 of Representatives that President T;iM had vetoed tbe Coasa River project,

ivate enterprise which offered simi-I;u' plans. The opponents of the b i l l

claimed that it was a plan to allow American Cyanamid Co. a monopoly.

The Underwood amendment providing for a rental of the government plants to I)rivate corporations in times of peace

rejected. The Smith B i l l was indefi-y postponed, but its substance was •porated in the National Defense B i l l ,

wiiich became a law. The clause in tbe y B i l l , which authorized the expendi­

ture of twenty-four mill ion dollars in Ala­

bama Power Co. holdings was attacked by James Frear of Wisconsin, who said the money was being given to a private experiment. Nortb Chattanooga, Tennes­see, was indorsed by the Secretaries of the Interior, Agriculture and War, and the Chief of Ordnance, as the best loca­tion, but the President acted upon other advice, and selected Muscle Shoals, at Sheffield. Three different committees in­vestigated the best process before it was finally decided to use the modified Haber process. Nicholas Longworth of Ohio re­marked that its (tbe Muscle Shoals pro­ject) abettors and supporters bave been knocking at the doors of Congress for some time. j . A . H .

Shall Americans Go Abroad to Mine? By H. Foster Bain. (M. & S. P., May 22, 1920.) Our great increase of business before

we entered tbe war has placed in Ameri­can hands a surplus of capital which can be soundly invested only in foreign in­dustries. Foreign finance differs from ours in that industries are founded on other people's money, while here the pub­lic is not generally called in until the proposition is successful. The war has, bowever, caused in many countries a na­tional jealousy, which puts great impedi­ments in the way of foreign capital. It is very probable that this spirit is only temporary and wil l give way before na­tional necessity. J . A . H .

GEOLOGY. Political and Commercial Geology Series

—The Iron Ores of the World. By E. C. Harder and F. T. Eddingfieid. (E. & M. J., May 8, 1920.) The most important sedimentary iron

ores enriched after deposition, are in the Lake Superior District; those which have experienced no further enrichment are found in the eastern United States, in Newfoundland, i n Lorraine, Luxem­burg, and southern Germany, i n England and in Braz i l . Iron ores associated with siliceous igneous rocks are found in Sweden, the United States, Cuba, Chile, and Manchuria; witb basic igneous rocks, in Norway, Sweden, and the Adiron­dacks. Igneous contact ores are found on practically every continent. The greatest iron-producing countries are the United States, Germany, Prance, and Great Bri tain. J . A. H .

Chrome-Ore Deposits of North Carolina. By J. Volney Lewis. (E. & M. J,, May 15, 1920.) The chrome-ore of North Carolina lies

in a belt 200 miles long and from 5 to 25


miles wide. The prevailing roeks of the Appalachians are Pre-Cambrian gneisses and schists, intersected by lenses of pe-ridatite, from which have been mined as­bestos, talc, corundum, serpentine, iron, genthite, and chrome. In the last forty years less than 400 tons of chromite were mined in North Carolina, but most of it was of good quality. The maximum percentage of chromic oxide is 67.86, but this is almost never.reached as chromite is closely associated with spinel, hercyn-ite and magnetite. No large bodies of ore have beeu discovered and as no large reserves are in sight the produc­tion can probably not exceed a few hun­dred tons a year. J . A . H .

MINING.. The Friction of Ventilating Currents.

By Walter S. Weeks. (M. & S. P., Apri l 24, 1920.) The resistance to air flow varies with

tbe square of the velocity, tbe density of tbe air, and the character of tbe rubbing surface. The air-pressure in a drift or tunnel is measured by a V-tuhe filled with water, one leg being connected with the point of ini t ial pressure, the other with the point of final pressure. The law of natural splitting is : the quantity of air flowing per minute in a given split is to the total quantity fiowing in al! the splits starting at tbe same point and.end­ing at the same point, as the pressure po­tentiation of the given split is to the sum of tbe pressure potentials of al l the splits. The article includes the values of K under given conditions and gives examples of calculations used in split­ting air for drifts of varying lengths and cross-sections. J . A . H .

The Lake Asphalt Industry. By J. Stra-ther Miller Jr. (C. & M. E., Aoril 21, 1920.) Asphalt is of two types, natural and

artificial, the latter a product of the dis­tillation of asphaltic oils. It is believed that natural asphalt results as a secon­dary product from tbe hardening by con­densation and poiymerization, of thin bi­tumen or matlbas. Definitions vary but all agree that the substance is a solid or semi-solid bitumen, consisting of a mix­ture of hydro-carbons, and melting upon the applicatiou of beat. The largest amounts of natural asphalt come from lakes in Trinidad, ^Nest Indies; and Ber-mudez, Venezuela. Trinidad I^ake is about one mile from the sea and covers 114 acres. Borings indicate a depth of at least V.iu feet, proving an almost inex­haustible supply, as thirty-eight years of

mining have reduced the level only se feet. The asphalt is dug, loaded into steamers by an overhead cable, and cavity of a day's dragging is refilled in two days, Bermudez Dake covers al two thousand acres and is from threi ten feet deep. The asphalt is pushec small cars to the railroad and hai seven miles to ships. Reflning cone in driving off the water in an open at a temperature of 375° F. The refined asphalt is fluxed with a petroleum res um to give it the proper consistency pavements. It is then called asphalt cu-meut and shipped in hardwood ban The mineral matter is present in a co dai state, that is, in a state which d( precipitation, yet lacks some of the c acteristics of a true solution, as pro\ ed by tbe use of the ultra-microscope.

J . A . ]

Boundary District, British Columbia. By C. M. Campbell. (E. & IVl. J., Anri

1920.) With in the last twenty years this

gion has produced over twenty miiiion tons of low-grade copper ore. The more desirable features of the country ai pleasant climate, picturesque seen productive soil, educational advanta absence of labor troubles, and excellent transportaition facilities. The only Lihor difficulties have been in the Crow's 1 Pass, where strikes of coal miners 1 often impeded the industries of ! !ie whole Boundary District. Tbe most portant years of the mining indu were i n 1900 and 1901, when ch which later became the chief asset the largest companies were staked. Br i t i sh Columbia Copper Co. was or ized in 1S9G, acquiring the Montreal Boston Co., and the Dominion Copper Co.. and is now renewing operations as Canada Copper Corporation. The m,on practice of mining is in untimbered stopes supported by pillars of ore w are eventually drawn. Various n bave in tbe past operated about Phoi but at present the principal work in ihc district is being done at the Rock C; Mine. J . A .

Tbe Rand Mining Industry, By A. Co Key. (E. & !Vi. J., May 1, 1920.) The working costs on tbe Rand "

risen to 23 S. per ton because of hi wages to white workers, shorter b and lessened efficiency, increased as ments, higher prices of supplies, ai shortage of "native labor. Since these causes have resulted in a redu' in tonnage of almost one and three-i ter million tons. 'Another feature i:


ise of ten per cent in the running 3 of the mills, due to. the Sunday Law,

lack ot ore, and the granting of two more Iinlidays. In the last flve years the proflt

fallen from 36% to 20%. This means ; the mines are crushing a third more

toimage than in 190S, and yet making e better than half the profit. The na-s are adding to the precarious posi-

by asking for wage increases aggre-ng £105,000 monthly. The gold pre^ m, which has run as high as 38%, has 3d the situation, at least for this year,

in Ibe last few years Safety First propa-da has been spread so successfully : the mortality rate for 1919 was very e more than half of that for 1908.

MiMiy individual mines have reduced tlieir death rate in a remarkable manner.

J . A . H .

The Future of Chromite in the United States. By Samuel H. Dolbear. (M. & • : P., May 1, 1920.)

merican industries, generally depend-i i K on importations of chromite were

?iied with 82,350 tons of home-mined in 1918. In spite of the embargo of

!, over 100,000 tons were imported in : year, causing a sudden cessation of demand. The pre-war consumption 8,000 tons before 1915, with probably ease of about 15 percent annually, aing pace with tbe requirements of istry. The declining American )me industry is the object of a b i l l nding a duty of $35 a ton for imported lercent chromite, In no way could we luce sufiicient chromite for the prose* on of war unless our resources are

iin estigated more thoroughly. J . A. H .

Systematic Prospecting. By Wilbur H. Grant. (E. & M. J,, April 17, 1920.)

respecting is explained as one of the t important steps in the production things made from inorganic sub-Lces. The difficulties of success de-id that prospecting should be an or-[zed effort backed by time and cap-

Experienced geological engineers i ld be in charge. J . A . H .

The Romance of Mining Discovery. By J. A. Rickard. (M. & S, P., May 8,

120.) re-finding has always been due to luck 1 the day when the son of Japhet ilied his toe on a copper outcrop, •ugh the times of Lucretius when for-fires caused the metal to collect in ten pools, and down to the discovery the Rammelsberg, when a hunter's le jjawed his way to a silver bed rock.

Freiberg district was discovered by

Bohemian peasants; the richest mines of South America were accidentally discov­ered by natives, and the Mt. Morgan Mine of Australia was shown to prospectors by a shiftless sheepherder. The Broken H i l l district was discovered by slightly more scientific means, while tbe mineral­ized granite of the Independence Mine in Colorado was noticed by a carpenter who could find no placer gold upstream from it. The Camp Bird was located on ground abandoned by a prospector who had assayed his ore for silver instead of gold, The Alaska Treadmill Mine was bought from a French Canadian for five dollars at a proflt of some millions. The TJnited Verde Extension was the result of thorough scientific investigation, result­ing in an expenditure of over $800,000 be­fore the main ore body of 45 percent cop­per was found. The Bunker H i l l Mine has long been associated witb a burro who remained fascinated by its glittering outcrop until bis owner found him; it should rather be associated with the treachery of a prospector who tried to rob the men tbat employed him.

. J . A . H .

The Bunker Hi l l Enterprise—IX. By J. A. Rickard. (M. & S. P., May 15, 1920.) The locators of the mine made their

first mistake in contracting for the con­centration of their ore without proposing any definite definition of tbe word "ore". At that time the mine was being badly worked in an effort to maintain a high production of concentrates, S. T. Reed was then sold the mine on the strength of a twenty-one-foot ledge of galena. He made Victor Clement superintendent of the mine at a salary of $500 a month and expenses. Shortly after this the flnances of the company became embarassed, but they were put on a firm basis through the efforts of John Hays Hammond, D. 0. Mil ls and W . H , Crocker, Shares in the company which were then soid freely for $2.21, are now worth $50. Among the officers of the company were John Hays Hammond, General N . H . Harris and Frederick Bradley, who is st i l l president. The future of the mine was assured by the Kellogg tunnel, whicb reached the main vein in 1904, thereby affording low­ering the cost of haulage and the cost per ton of mining. Tbe cost per ton went from $2.57 in 1902 to $1,40 in 1905, and. is now up to $3,70. Clement's widow eventually sold her stock to Daniel Gug­genheim for slightly less than a million dollars, j . A , H .

(Mining in Narrow Stopes. By E, A. Col­burn. (M. & S. P., May 15, 1920.) The mining of narrow veins demands


speeial precaution to prevent the ore from being mixed with waste. These veins are therefore generally leased, as it is notable tbat miners are more effi­cient when working for themselves than when worldng for a company. Stripping hard streaks by shooting down the walls before separating tbe ore, or gauging soft veins by scooping out the ore before the walls as shot down, are nnprolitable prac­tices because much ore is lost with the waste. The best practice is to pulverize the ore by dri l l ing a hole in the vein and charging it heavily, while one hole in the wall is charged lightly, so tbat the waste may easily be separated from the ore. In general, the position of tbe holes wi l l be determined by the conditions sur-

" rounding the vein. J . A. H .

Largest Capacity Gold-IVlining Dredge in the World. By H. L. Peake. {E. & N\, J., IVlay 15, 1920.) The record capacity dredge, with 20 cu.

ft. buckets, was built twenty-eight miles from a railway, so that steel was elimi­nated, f rom its construction, and a saw­mi l l built on the spot. It is 152 feet long, 68 feet wide, and 13 feet deep, with a monthly capacity of 450,000 cubic yards. Eighty-three buckets, each weighing 5,650 pounds, without tbe connecting pin, w i l l carry any size boulder to the 4,400 sq. ft. of gold-saving tables, fed by a 10-incb water pipe. Motors with a total of 1,590 horsepower wi l l operate tbe dredge.

J . A. H .

The Spassky and Atbasar Copper IVIines in Siberia—i. By J. Mackintosh Bell. (M. & S. P., May 22, 1920.) Tbe Spassky Copper Mine Co., con­

trolled by English and French capitalists, worked successfully until the beginning of the war when difficulties culminating in tbe Bolshevik revolution, tbe counter­revolution of the Cossacks, and the over­throw of Kolchak, forced the mine into the hands of the Bolsheviki. The more important rocks of the Kirghing steppes are Devonian quartzites and phyllites, post-permo-carboniferous igneous rocks, and both marine and fresh-water tertla-ries and pleistocenes. Around Spassky tbe country is ievel with low and isolated ridges crowned by fantastically-shaped outcrops. The Zupensky ore deposit is a crescent, striking to the northeast and northwest, and generally dipping to tbe south. The material was deposited in a zone of shearing by ascending waters containing bornite, chalcocite and chalco­pyrite. The modern methods of mining are more systematic tban the old practice of open-pit mining, and the primitive

blast furnace formerly used has been placed by new Russian furnaces. In i\vo years the mine hoisted 64,288 tons of ore averaging more than 21 percent cop

J. A. I

Manganese-Ore Mining in India. By E. N . J . Slater. (E. & M. J., May 22, 1920.) The importance of managanese in

manufacture of steel has caused it to lie mined in the Caucasus, Brazi l , and In which latter country now leads the wnrld in production. The deposits eonsisf of

•braunite, psilomelane and pyrolusite. mining, tliese three minerals are s< rated as well as possible because they require slightly dilSerent treating. ' success of tbe mines are due to the ciency of Captain C. R. Valentine, engineer in charge. The mines at K u are worked as open pits, in which h wali coal mining practice is practiicd. The ore is taken to the railway on ; i gravity plane and hauled twenty-e: miles to Shimoga on a railway of I foot gauge. At Shankargulla thert another valuable deposit wbicl i is bf worked by the same method.

, J , A. 1


Aluminum Rolling Mil i Practice. — V. Finishing Operations. By Robert J. Anderson and Marshall B. Anderson. (C. & M. E., Apri l 14, 1920.) The operations of rough rolling and

shearing thin sheets are minutely scribed. Highly polished sheets are lin-

-ished by running tliera i n packs throni;h rollers equipped witb buffs. Sl buckles and waves may be removed f sheets from 8 to 17 gauge by running them through a flatter. Commercial alu­minum is sheared to rectangles or cir­cles. Strip aluminum is rolled withont slabbing or roughing, coiled, and sohi as coils, rectangles, squares, or circles, 'fo prevent discoloration upon annealing, strips are run through a vat of gasoline, a vat of sawdust, and up through a set of revolving brushes to a self-coiler. "I'hc required degree of hardness may be tained by annealing the sheets at vari­ous gauges before the required gauge is reached. The usual practice in am ing is to place the metal, loaded on cars, in gas, oil , or electric furnaces and Imat at about 370° C for from 18 to 30 honrs. Finished sheets are inspected by men, who note the weight of metal ac­cepted or rejected, and the reason I'or its rejection. The more common causes for rejection are blisters, slivers, roil marks, scratches, cracks, and sta inn. Proper investigation of the causes oJ' re-


tn suggests preventive measures for eduction of scrap losses.

J . A . H .

The Elastic Development of Steel. By Sidney CorneU. (C. & M. E., Apr i l 14,

0.) s article deals with the government

tcsis to which bayonets and steel parts sapons had to conform during the var. The writer's tests proved that

{])(' L'eatest tensile strength of steel was not obtained at the highest hardness. The English test for flexure, applied by Iicuiiing the bayonet two and a half iuclics from the vertical, resulted i n the

mnation of one mill ion Remington jiaymiets, and investigation into the causi- of the trouble. Tables and gi-aphs

given to show the relation of ?th and Iiardness to the drawing

;iiul hardening temperatures, J . A . H .

Primitive Smelting. By C. A. Grabull. (E. & M. J., Apr i l 17, 1920.) .Ancient methods of smelting have

successfully revived in some parts 3xico on account of the unsettled

condition of the country. High-grade ore ated in a furnace equipped with a

mm man-power bellows. The molten m;ii-s is tapped into a hole in the floor null rhe slag is removed in layers.

J . A . H .

Genesis of Ferrite. By Federico Giolitti. (C. & M. E., April 21, 1920.)

! purpose of the present paper is ove, by microscopic analysis, that

I'cj'rile meshes are discontinuous chains of crystals, and do not outline the orig­inal austenitic grain boundaries, Micro-grai>lis are printed of the appearance of

quenched at different temperatures course of the experiments. Analo­

gous results were obtained by quenching al a definite temperature partially ce-nu'Ti'cd steel with a varying carbon couumt. The conclusion drawn is that l i i r iormation of the mesh-like structure in bypo-enteclaid steels is different from the fiu-mation of cementite in byper-ente-cbiid steels. j . A . H .

Mrinufacture of Carbon Electrodes for Electric Furnace Purposes. By Walter L. Morrison. (C. &. M. E., April 21,

Tliis paper covers the manufacture of ('loci vodes by the "rammed process," whidli consists in pressing tbe material

moid before baking. The raw ma-! used are pitch, coal, co*ke, and ite. The tar and pitch are melted

before being mixed witb ground carbon; the coal and other carbonaceous mate­rials are calcined to lower the volatile content. For this latter operation the best furnace is of the vertical electric-resistance type, using a voltage of 60, with 5 to 10 amperes per square inch of cross-section. The molds are from six to nine feet long either solid or in two pieces of boiler plate, reinforced and bolted. Large electrodes are baked on end, in gas, oi l , or powdered coal fur­naces, controlled by pyrometers. The calcined raw materials are ground and mixed w^th just enough tar and pitch to make them adhere in a ball , ' The mix­ture is then shoveled into the mold and worked down by a ram operating on the principle of tbe stamp mi l l . If pressure is necessary it is applied in three steps: to the bottom only, to the top and bot­tom, and to the hottom only.

J . A . H .

By-Product co*ke-Ovens of the Granby Consolidated Company, at Anyox, B. C. By W. A. Williams. (M. & S. P., April 24, 1920.) The co*king plant of the Granby Con­

solidated Mining, Smelting & Power Com­pany is equipped with thirty ovens hav­ing vertical flues. The gas is conducted through ascension pipes to the collecting main and thence to the by-product build­ing. Here i t is cooled and the remain­ing traces of tar are collected in a 200,000-gallon tank at the rate of eight gallons per ton of coal. After much of the am­monia has been precipitated by passing the gas through a bath of sulphuric acid, the rest is collected by distillation of the mother liquor. Light oils are re­moved by scrubbing the gas with shale oil . Af ter the light oil has passed through the crude oil s t i l l , the crude products are washed in sulphuric acid and sent to the pure oil sti l l , where C. P . benzol, C. P. toluol, and refined solvent naphtha are produced. J . A , H .

Volatilization in Assaying. By Frederic P. Dewey. (C. & M. E., April 28, 1920.) The foremost authorities on assaying

are quoted as believing that the ioss of gold and silver by volatilization in assay­ing is negligible. Records of cupel fumes indicate that high losses of silver are due to dusting or other mechanical causes. Tbe actual volatilization of silver amounts to about 0.015 percent. Various assayers bave attempted to determine the boiling point and the volatilization of gold, but their figures vary so much that tbey are useless. Silver is said to melt at 960 degrees, and to boil at slightly over


2,000 degrees. It unites wit i i oxygen in various proportions, bnt little is known of this. Lead boils at 1,640 degrees, but volatilization begins at 800 degrees. Feathering i n d i c a t e s air conditions rather than temperature conditions. Other metals, such as arsenic, antimony, tellurium, and mercury may be distilled without carrying over appreciable amounts of the gold witb which they may be mixed. The determination of silver by cupellation is unreliable be­cause the absolution by the cupel is so e iTa t i c . J . A . H .

• Relationship Between Dendritic Struc­

ture and Ferrite IVlesh. By Federico Giolitti. (C. & M. E., May 19, 1920.) The experiments described in this arti­

cle were made on samples unaffected by shrinkage. Figures were made by photo­graphing the ferrite exhibited by the ni­tric amylic solution, then photographing the dendritic structure developed by hot sulphuric acid, and making the print f rom the superimposed negatives. Single heat­ing, followed by leisurely cooling, did not suppress or subdivide the dendritic struc­ture. As the temperature increased fer­rite was displaced by austenite, but as the sample cooled ferrite was redepos-ited. Dendritic structure was destroyed by a triple quench after prolonged heat­ing at very high temperatures.- Under mechanical tests the nature of the frac­ture of each sample followed by parallel steps the features of the heat treatment. The cause of the crystalline fracture seemed to be connected very closely with the state of the ferrite mesbwork. Sam­ples containing no ferrite had the largest contraction, as the elements of the large ferrite mesbwork constitute a surface of lesser resistance. It follows, then, that the elimination of the large ferrite crys­tals w i l l elevate the breaking point of tbe steel. J . A . H .


W. C. Phalen.

Location. Though the term "magnesite" is gen­

erally applied to tbe iron-bearing carbon­ate of magnesium, such as is found in Austria and Hungary, by some Austrian magnesite is referred to as bruennerite. The mineral bruennerite has become of commercial importance only in Austria. Tbe important deposits are found in Sty-

* F r o m XT. S. Bureau of Mines W a r M i n ­erals Investigation.

ria, lower Austr ia and northern Hunga: It is of interest to know that' the worlii's largest deposit of spathic iron ore, or iron carbonate (FeCO,), occurs in Bisene Styria, while the world's largest depasit of spathic bruennerite is found at Veitsch in the same province.

The Styrian and lower Austrian dep. its are located much nearer the Adriatic Sea than are the deposits of northt Hungary; and it is from the former that most of the exported magnesite has cor They are located southwest of Vieni and extend west from Semmering through the Murz Valley to Tyrol . The chief • posits reckoning from east to west are those of Semmering, Veitsch, Breitenau, Trieben, Radenthein, and Dienten.

The largest and most important deposit is tbat at Veitsch located near IMittcr-dorf, on the South Austrian Railroad the Murz Valley, Styria. Here the mag­nesite, whicb occurs in the form of a lens, is quarried on the slope of a h i l l In a series of terraces about 50 feet apE The entire work extends through a ver­tical distance of 500 feet. The huge ma,i:-nesite lens is nearly three-quarters o: mile long, and over 1,000 feet in widtli, and prol^ably extends to a considerable depth.

The formation containing the magneshc extends eastward beyond Vienna into Northern Hungary, where magnesite quarried beyond .lolsva and Nyustya in the Gomor district. Tn spite of the re­mote location of these deposits as c( pared with those in Styria, ma.gnef was shipped from them before the war to the port of Mume, a distance of miles, for overseas shipments to other parts of Europe and to America.

Composition. The average analysis showing the com­

position of the Austria-Hungary mine is as follows: Magnesia 38 1o AW,, Lime • 1 Ferrous oxide and a lumina . . . . 2 lo 7% Silica 1 J>% Carbon Dioxide Water

Character of the Sintered Product The magnesite occurs as le

masses in a belt of Carboniferou consisting mainly of metamorphoscrt sbales, sandstones, conglomerate-:, ;iud limestone. It is grayish in color wiicn fresh, and contains suBicieiit ferroun car­bonate to blacken it when calcined. It turns brown owing to the oxidali<ui of the ferrous carbonate when expos.'d to the air. The quantity of carbc iron is variable and different an;ll. • iC3 show that it ranges up to 13 or I


For the most part, only the sintered ar-cle has been imported into the United

states. This material has achieved an iviabie reputation for its uniformity both i to chemical and physical characteris­es. The hom*ogeneity of tbe sintered

A.ustrian magnesite is doubtless due in irt to tbe averaging effect of the differ-

(>ut operations, such as crushing, dress-, tg, sintering, and mixing, an effect which ! not obtainable in mere hand samples. There is comparatively little variabihty

I tbe sintered magnesite as marketed, id five analyses of this sintered magne­to as quoted by Cornuf are as follows:

agnosia (MgO) 85.53 to 90.07% Lime (CaO) 0.96 to 3.52% Ferrous Oxide. . (Fe ,0 , ) . . 7.43 to 9.96% Alumina (ALO,) 0 to 2.22%

anganese Oxide (Mn^OJ 0.51 to 0.76% lilica (SiO) 0.26 to 1.34%

Mining and Preparation. The methods of mining and preparing

magnesite in Austria and Hungary are ,cimilar at most of the different plants. On the outskirts of the village of Veitsch, al)out 56 miles southwest of Vienna, is

mnd one of the largest deposits, and one which bas been worked the longest. Since the methods of mining and preparation licre are fair ly typical, tbey wi l l be out-

led. As stated above, the magnesite quarry

at Veitsch is worked in a series of steps or levels about 50 feet apart vertically. The material is blasted out of the solid by the ordinary methods of rock quarrying. Tt is next broken in pieces which can be handled readily hy one man, and the dolomite and quartz are carefully picked out. Even in the best of the deposit, (iiere is a large quantity of tbis gangue materia], and estimates of the waste rock vary from 50% to 66 2-3%. of all tbe ma­terial quarried. Terrace quarrying and working conditions in general like these at Veitsch are practiced at Breitenau and at Eicbberg, - The coarse quarried material is cobbed to free it as far as possible from impuri­ties like schist, dolomite, and quartz, and the lumps are sorted.

The cleaner portions of the magnesite ire reduced to pieces about the size of a man's head. Less pure portions have to be broken into pieces about tbe size of a man's fist. Tbese dressing operations in-

Ive a considerable loss of magnesite in the form of small fra.gments—too small to be burned in shaft kilns. The raw ma­terial thus obtained in tbe quarries at feitseh is transported by .gravity planes :o the sintering kUns at tbe foot of tbe l i l l .

t F . Cornu; Zeit, f. P rak t . Geol, 1908.

P E R S O N A L S '95,

Lewis B . Skinner has opened offices as Consulting 'Chemical and Metallurgical Engineer, care the Colorado Iron Works Co., Denver, Colorado. The Western Chemicai Mfg . Co. has been sold to the General Chemical Co., and he expects to introduce to a much wider range of usage the Skinner Waster, reverberating vola­tilization process, ore classiflers, mechan­ical muriatic acid and salt co*ke furnace, and other patented features. He also wi l l engage in construction of chemical and metallurgical plants and overhaul those now running.

Robert S. Stockton is superintendent of operation and maintenance, C. P. R. Department Natural Resources, Strath­more, Alberta, Canada.

H . B . Merryman's present address Is 316 B . Colorado Ave., Colorado Springs, Colo,

'96. George B. Mitchell is witb the Foun­

dation Co,, Lima, Peru. '97,

Thos. H . Woods is manager Camp Bird, Ltd., Ouray, Colo.

'00. George W, Nicholson is mine superin­

tendent. United Verde Extension Copper Co., Jerome, Arizona.

'01. Frank E , Lewis is mine engineer of tbe

Cananea Consohdated Copper Co., Ca­nanea, Sonora, Mexico.

'03. Harry J, Wolf, of 42 Broadway, New

York, made examinations recently in A r i ­zona, Nevada and Utah.

Harry G. Palsgrove is general manager of the Cascade Silver Mines & Mil ls Co., Neihart, Montana,

•05. L , L, Middlekamp is located at 1109

Lakeview Boulevard, Seattle^ AVash. P. Jay Lonergan, Jr., is now located at

Leavenworth, Wash, '06,

Max Ba l l is general manager of the Matador Petroleum Co., Cheyenne, Wyo­ming, The Matador Petroleum Co. has been organized to carry on the activities heretofore conducted in the Rocky Moun­tain States by the Roxana Petroleum Co, of Oklahoma, tbe Roxana Petroleum Cor­poration and the Shell Co. of California.

'08, Henry L . Jacques bas moved from Los

Angeles to 718 Brand Boulevard, San Fernando, Calif.


Byron M . Johnson is efheiency engineer for the E l Oro Mining & Railway Co., E l Oro, Estado de Mexico, Mexico.

'09, Ernest J . Ristedt is ventilation engi­

neer for the Old Dominion Co., Globe, Arizona.

'10. Charles E . Dyer is now located at Du­

rango, Colo. '11.

Samuel R. Brown has accepted a posi­tion as mil l superintendent with the Cas­cade Silver Mines & Mills Co., Neihart, Montana.

'12. Franl i B. Saxton is superintendent of

the Mary McKinney Mine, Cripple Creek, Colo.

'13. Herman Dan th's present address is

care Tonopah-Belmont Development Co., Tonopah, Nevada,

Prank A . Downes has been transferred from the Denver office of the Dorr Co. to their New York office.

'14. A . P, Carper is mining engineer for the

Tonopah Mining Co., Tonopah, Nevada. Theo. H . M . Crampton, formerly con­

sulting engineer with J, P . Stocksdale, Phoenix, Arizona, has moved to 1247 Ocean Ave., Santa Monica, Calif., where he has opened offices as consulting engi­neer with Frank A. Crampton.

Mr. and Mrs. A, F . Carper announce the birth of Armistead Pitzgerrell Car­per Jr., on May 15, 1920, Tonopah, Nev.

Mr . Louis F . Clark's address is care Andes Copper Mining Co., Potrerillos, Chile, Casilla 230, via Antofa*gasta, Chile, South America.

Melvin Brugger's address is Caixa 347, Loanda, Angola, West Af r i ca .

'17. Reginald P, Oliveros, formerly with the

Primes Exploration Co,, Empire Colo., is now mining engineer for the Tonopab-Divide Mining Co., Tonopah, Nev.

Sidney S.' Small has changed his ad­dress f rom Lynn Haven, Fla . , to Room 505 Unity Bldg,, 185 Devonshire St., Bos­ton, Mass.

Lee K . Worth is assistant engineer for the Midwest Reflning Co., Sait Creek, Wyoming.

'20. Fred L . Serviss has accepted a position

with the Utah Fuel Co., with headquar­ters at Salt Lake City, Utah.

Herbert K . Linn has gone to Tampico, Mexico.

Antonio H . A lv i r is temporarily em­ployed by the Smuggler Union at Tellu­ride, Colo.

Arthur C. Kinsley has taken a tempo­rary position with the Sunnyside Mini: & Mi l l ing Co., Eureka, Colo. He expec to go to Monterrey, N , L . , Mexico, as soon as conditions better there.

E . B, Bunte expects to leave soon for Anapolis, Maryland, where he has i cepted a position in the engineering i partment of the U , S. Naval Academy.

C. L . Boeke wi l l sail f rom New Yoj'k the latter part of June for Rancagi Chile, S, A. , where he has accepted a po­sition with the Braden Copper Co.


Lyon Smith is Superintendent of tlio ferro-alloy plant of the York Metal and Al loy Co., York, Pa.

Barnaby Conrad is a partner in tho New York flrm of George H , Burr & Co., dealers in commercial paper and bonds. He is located at K o h l Bldg., San Frau-cisco, Calif.

'14. David H . Orr has accepted a position

as shift boss with the Inspiration Cons. Copper Co., Inspiration, Arizona.

'15. H . G. Granting and family are located

in Golden temporarily.

WHERE ARE THESE MENT Samuel W. Laughlin, '10 Max T. Hofius, '17 Wallace Lee, '04 Floyd Weed, '97 E . B. Wood, '09 Frank W . Royer, '99 Edwin H . Piatt, '00 Harlow D. Phelps, '10 Henry W, Kaanta, '15 Harry E . Nelson, '97 Daniel B. Gregg, '13

SCHOOL NEWS. Dr. Victor C. Alderson sailed from N

York for Liverpool the latter part of M After a trip to London, and examinat of the oi l shale plants of Scotland, w i l l return to America about July 15tl

Prof, P. M . Van Tuyl , head of the gfol ogy department, was married to Miss T u-phama Jane Green on May Sth at ( cago. 111.

Electric shovels have come to play important part in the mining of coal (lur­ing recent years. Some of the lar shovels are capable of making a cut ap­proximately 120 feet at the bottom aud 200 feet at tbe top.


Mining Hug'iiieer. 339 Coronacio BIdg., Denver, Colo.

r,UBIiIsrG-AME, W A L T E B E . Chemist and Assayer. 1736-38 Lawrence Street, Denver, Colo.

B U T L E R , Ct. M O H T A G U E Milling and Ci-eo log ical Engineer.

Dean College of Mines ang Engineer­ing, U n i v e r s i t y of Ar izona , Tucson.

Examina t ions and problems i n v o l v i n g persistence, change in character, and loss of ore.

Diamonds and other gems secured f o r Miner s or their f r iends at reduced rates.


Member Harper, Macdonald & Co.,

M i n i n g Engineers, Butte, Mont ,

DUGAIT, W I L I i l A M T. General Agent for Soutiiern Califor­nia. Columbian Nat iona l L i f e Insurance Company. Old L ine , L o w Cost L i f e Insurance, Accident and Hea l th Insurance. 716-718 T r u s t & Savings Bldg . , L o s Angeles, C a l i f o r n i a .

Office and Residence, Cor. 15th and

Ford Streets

DR. P A U L M E Y E R Physician

hone Golden 21 Golden, Colorado

~ PATENTS. Booklet and information free. Highest iferences. Best results. Promptness as-ired. Send drawings or model for pre­

liminary examination.

W A T S O N E . C O L E M A N Patent Lawyer .

624 P Street, Washington, D. C.

T H E I H . L I N D E R H A R D W A R E CO.

Hardware, Plumbing, Heating Golden, Colorado

HAMMOKD, JOHET H A Y S Mining' Engineer. 71 Broadway, New Tork .

M m i K E I T , Wl l i I i lAM B. Mining' Engineer and Metallurgist. 709-10 M i n i n g Exchange BIdg., Denver, Colo,


Cliemist and Assayer. Pl i i l l i p sbu rg , Mont.

H . K. S T R O K C K Consulting Industrial Manager. Problems of Finance, Organizat ion Production, Labor and Account ing . 743 Conway BIdg., Chieago, 111.

T A Y L O R , I-BAHK B. Geologist and Oil Esperfc, Reports and Investigations. B o x 325, Casper, W y o ,


1316 F i r s t Na t iona l Bank B ldg . , Denver, Colo. Phone Champa 5336.

W O L F , H A R R Y J . Mining- Engineer.

43 Broadway, New York,

A U G U S T B E R N I N G H A U S E N , Proprietor


Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing

Golden, Colorado

Office Hours: 9 to 12 a. m,, 1 to 5 p. m. Phone Golden 164W

DR. L E S L I E C. A N D E R S O N Dentist

Rooms 9 and 10, over Rubey Bank Golden, Colorado

Telephone Golden 72

C I T Y M E A T M A R K E T 1118 Washington Ave,

Meats, Fish, Poultry, Vegetables, Butter and Eggs—Oysters in Season '

Demonstrate where it na.vs tn arlvpvtJ'jp. Ttv iripntifuiTiu- irnnvooif o^/i nin










A State institution in which tuition is free to bona-fide residents of Colo­rado. Offers four-year courses in Metal Mining, Coal Mining, Metallurgy and Mining Geology, leading to the degree of Engineer of Mines. Graduates gen­erally in demand by best mining companies; employment secured through Capability Exchange maintained by the Alumni Association.

A well-equipped club and gymnasium provide social diversion and athletic training.

For further Information address


HAVE YOU A SET OF THESE ? A new reprint of the following is ready

for distribution: "Notes on Fire Assaying," by P. W.

Traphagen. A manual of methods of fire assaying for gold, silver, platinum, tin and lead ores. Price $1.00.

"Rapid Methods of Technicai Anaiysis," by Fraud D. Aller , '92. Manual of stand­ard smelter laboratory methods used 1 the Ameriean Smelting & Reflning C • Price $1.00.



Golden, Colorado

L U T H E R H E R T E L Clothier and Furnisher

Sole Agents: Arrow Collars and Shirts " S I N C E R I T Y " C L O T H E S

Golden, Colorado

N . Koenig, Pres. W . H . Boiitho, Sec.


"Washington Ave and 12th St. _ , , Golden 9 Telephones: ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ Colo.

Terms Strictly Cash and 30 Days.

DELICIOUS CANDIES. To develop brain and muscle, we advise

a l l students of the School of Mines to e food bought of The John Tlioinpson Grocery Stores Co. I t can be rel ied on as ben pure, hea l t h fu l and nourishing, and they si the i r goods cheaper than most of the stores i n the State. They manufacture Candy, I Cream, F a n c y Cakes and Bake ry Good", equal to many high-toned caterers, and si at about ha l f the other f e l low ' s prices.

F o r social funct ions , or f o r your be g i r l — t r y their Chocolate E o n Bons, Ice Cream and Bake ry Goods.

A l l the eatables and drinkables f o r a D u t c h Lunch , Cigars , Tobaccos, etc.

Phone Golden 187


staple and Fancy Groceries

1214 Washington Ave.

Demonstrate where i t pays to advertise. B y i d e n t i f y i n g yoursel f and the Mines Magazine

Goodman ge



With fou r wheels driven f r o m a s ingle motor, by a single reduction gearing, to oper­ate by either battery or t rol ley.

E l ec t r i c a l parts a l l accessible f o r inspection, adjustment, removal or renewal, through sido openings, wi thout touching the battery box.

Sp l i t i io ld windings provide two operative speeds without resistance, pe rmi t t ing use of a smal ler rheostat and consuming less current in s ta r t ing a load.

In 12" feet of length are included a battery of 36 k i lowat t -hour capacity, and ample cabs at the ends.

Spr ing bumpers and spr ing moun t ing of the battery box great ly reduce the l i a b i l i t y of m j u r y to the battery in the rough usage of gathering service.

Height , 40 inches above the ra i l s . Other types f o r lower requirements.

G O O D M A N MFG. CO., Chicago, III. NewYork, Cincinnati, Denver, Pittsburg, St. Louis, Seattle,

Charleston, W. Va., Birmingham (go)

Two Stage Classification—80 to 350 Mesh

" / . - 4 ^ /


ENGINEERS New York Denver London Mexico City


Works: Perth Amboy, N. J.







Subscriptions Taken to All Magazines and Periodicals

MaU Orders Promptly Attended To




Rubber Aprons—Scientific Instruments—Chemicals— Glassware—Metallurgical Clay Goods—Filter Paper



nemonRtrate where i t navs to advertise. R v identifvinar voursel f and tlie Mines Masazine.

L I N K - B E L T S I L E N T C H A I N is the idea l d r ive f o r b a l l a n d tube m i l l s , fans , p u m p s , etc., or any place a r o u n d the mine whe re it is i m p o r t a n t to traiTsmit p o w e r w i t h o u t s l ip o r loss. It is thc "Safety-First" d r ive . There is no slippage as \yith belts. There is no necessity for long centers, wasting space. There are no shut-downs due to breaking belts. For, with the Link-Belt Silent Drives, the power f rom the driv­ing motor is chained to the driven machinery. Every revolution of the motor shaft means a like revolution of the machine shaft. Link-Belt Silent Chain Drives are "Flexible as a Belt—Positive as a Gear—More Efficient than Either".

Send for our Book No. 125.—A handbook of Silent Chain practice. It shows how to figure drives and determine prices.

L I N K - B E L T C O M P A N Y Philadelphia Chicago Indianapolis

Denver—Lindrooth-Shubert & Co., Boston Bldg'. WORLD'S LARGEST MANUFACTURERS OF POWER



n p H A T sturdy appearance comes from the A rigid one-piece frame—with broad feet

cast on. Not even a quiver when the strain of heavy belt, gear or chain drive comes against that.

Then—ball bearings—packed with grease— to insure cool, smooth running—current sav­ing—high efficiency—continuous operation.

And—the rotor winding—with end rings cast on—bar ends melted in—one piece—practi­cally indestructible.

That's the Fairbanks-Morse idea of motor quality. And thousands of users are profit­ing by it.

1735-43 Wazee Street Denver, Colorado

'OU business men of the future cannot afford to risk your reputations for good judgment and business stability or incomplete knowledge.

You should understand the advantages and possibilities of high grade malleable castings called "Certified," such as those made by the holders of certificates described in our booklet.

This booklet places at your disposal a store of knowl' edge accumulated through years of research.

Full information as to the development of the Malle­able Industry to its present day efficiency, will be gladly furnished upon request.

Certificate Holders Quarter Ibiou Mal leable I ron Co., A l b i o n , M i c h , .merican Mal leable Co., Owosso. M i c h , lelle C i t y Mal leable Iron Co.. Racine, W i s . hain-Eel t Co., Milwaukee , W i s . liicag-o Mal leable Cast ings Co., Wes t P u l l ­

man, Chieago, 111. hisholm-Moore M f g . Co., Cleveland, O. blumbus Malleable Iron Co,, Columbus, O. lanvil lc Mal leable I ron Co., Danvi l l e , 111. 'iiyton Mal leable Iron Co., Dayton, O. and

Ironton, O. lastern Mal leable Iron Co.

Naugatuck Mal leab le I ron Works , N a u -gatuck, Conn.

B r i d g e p o r t Mal leable Iron W o r k s . Bridgeport , Conn.

Troy Mal leable Iron Works , Troy, N . T . W i l m i n g t o n Malloabie I ron W o r k s ,

Wi lming ton , Del . V u l c a n Iron Works . N e w B r i t a i n . Conn,

!rie Mal leable I ron Co., Er ie , Pa . 'ederal Mal leable Co., Wes t A l l i s , W i s .

Ending Marcli 31, 1920. H a s k e l l & Barke r Car Co., M i c h i g a n Ci ty ,

Ind. I l l ino is Mal leable Iron Co.. Chicago, 111, Iowa Malleable I ron Co., Fa i r f ie ld , l a . Lacon i a Car Co., T.aconia. N . H . M a r i o n Mal leable i r o n Works , Mar lon , Ind. Nat iona l Mal leable Cast ings Co., Cleveland,

O,. Chicago, 111., Indianapolis, Ind., To­ledo, O., E . St. Lou i s . 1)1,

Nor thern Mal leable I ron Co., St. Pau l , M i n n .

Nor thwestern Mal leable I ron Co.. M i l w a u ­kee, W i s .

P i t t sbu rgh Mal leable Iron Co., P i t t sburgh . Pa ,

R o c k f o r d Mal leable I ron Works , Rockford , I l i .

Ross-Meehau Foundries, Chattanooga, Tenn, St. Lou i s Mal leable Cas t ing Co., Si;. Lou is ,

Mo, S towei l Co,, South Milwaukee , W i s . T, H , Symington Co., Rochester, N , Y ,

te of today enters ^ al. 1 the distant waterfalls by the steam turbine, r is transmitted to city or the smallest

rdination of inventive genius andmatiufacturiiigreaources, I'ic Company has fostered and gh state of perfection theso ler applications. , scarcely older than the grad-peara in a practical, well de-n every hanU. ver, study its applications ta and utilise it to the utmost

Demonstrate where it pays to advertise. B y i d e n t i f y i n g yourself and the Mines Mag-azi

MINES MEN TO MINES EMPLOYERS And Preferred Service to iVIines Men and Mines Employers Everywhere

WIRE or WRITE US REGARDING YOUR OPENINGS Stating Requirements of Position and Salary Paid

We Will Report Upon Best Men Available Immediately

• • • • • • • I •••iii l l l l l l i i l iMiM^^

"ThB Waugh Way Wins"

The Touch System in Drill Steel Sharpening npHE SUCCESSFUL mine biack-

smith who sharpens his steel the Waugh Way uses the "Touch System."

T H E F E E L of the control handle tells him just what sort of blow he is going to deliver and without the slightest effort he can, according to his desire, crash down on the steel with a blow of nine tons Or caress it gently with a quarter pound blow.

SOON Y O U . T O O , will sharpen your steel with the Waugh Model 8 Drill Sharpener.

IS Y O U R blacksmith shop equipped with it yet?


J. F. WEDBORN, President J. CHILBERG, Manager of Sales





Track Spikes and Bolta, Wire Nails, Cement-Coated Nails, Plain and Barb Wire, Bale Ties,

Field Pence, Poultry Netting, Cast Iron Pipe and co*ke


Anthracite and Bituminous Coals for Domestic, Steam and Smithing Purposes


Boston Building Denver, Colo.

Demonstrate where it pays to advertise. B y identifying yourself and the Mtnes MagaTliie

O L . X J U L Y , 1920 No.


A S S O C I A T I O N , P U B L I S H E R S , G O L D E N , C O L O .



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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.